Have any bonds been sold? It is one thing for voters to pass a bond measure, another for spenders to dream up ways of spending, but quite another to sell Junk Bonds.
California Bond Ratings are not very good. Billions in debt, a democrat governor, assembly and state...most career spenders and politicians.
I wouldn't lend money to this state.
As he prepares for his second term, the governor said projects to store and move water must be a priority in the state's next set of public-works bonds.Schwarzenegger hailed voters' passage last month of $42 billion in bonds to rebuild roads, schools and other public facilities. He told the Farm Bureau gathering that he will insist that water facilities be a priority in future bond measures.
"Even though I want more infrastructure and to have more bonds approved, it would never happen unless above-the-ground water storage is part of this package and unless we also have conveyance," Schwarzenegger said.
The governor said he will work to continue a spirit of bipartisan cooperation in Sacramento after what he called one of the most successful legislative years in decades.
"In the Capitol there is a great mood with Democrats and Republicans," he said. "I think we will do a good job of following through and continuing this kind of bipartisan cooperation and getting things done."
OF COURSE the money will be wasted, ya friggin moron.
California needs a new spending plan like Kennedy needed a hole in his head in 1963.
"On one side, enviornmental groups are urging...They also would like the state to give local governments incentive to prohibit new development behind fragile levees."
If left up to the enviornmentalists..We would all be living in tents, eating berries and reading by candelight. Enviornmentalists very seldom promote development.
The "long term plan" should be the peripheral canal. The reason there is too much water behind the levees is that it is surplus and should be diverted to So Cal. Kill two birds with one stone
The only way man can control mother nature is to avoid development in risky environments. Live on the beach in Florida, and you will eventually see your home destroyed by a hurricane. Live on the San Andreas Fault (or other active faults), and your home will eventually be destroyed by an earthquake. Live in a floodplain, and your home will eventually be flooded. No amount of government funding can stop nature (global warming included).
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." -Manuel II Paleologus