I'd like to know specifically in what respect the food provided by U. S. government or its contractors is "unacceptable." I survived quite well on what the U. S. NAVY fed me aboard a small amphibious ship in the vicinity of Okinawa and Japan in 1945-46. What food do these Marines require (no, I didn't say "desire") that is not being provided?
I think this is more about getting the troops in Iraq some of the comforts of home.
"What food do these Marines require (no, I didn't say "desire") that is not being provided?"
I think everything is being provided, though America has the means today that we didn't have in WW2. America has loved everyone that has worn Her uniforms since 1775. Today we have the means to send care packages and emails to communicate. I have emailed a Soldier in Afganistan, sent two letters and a care package to a Marine in Iraq, and also emailed my son on two U. S. Navy ships. You were cared about just like the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and Coasties of today though the means to do what is being done today was not there then. HHHHOOOOOORRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHHH.