Our local talk show host Gunny Bob Newman also has an effort underway to take care of the Marines in Ramadi -
Operation "Feed The Marines" A Big Hit

Here are some pics of your Ramadi Marines, usually based in Aurora, enjoying the non-perishable food items you have been mailing them.
Keep the chow flowing! These leathernecks eat lots of chow every day. If we stop sending chow, they might starve!
God bless and thank you all for getting involved with Operation "Feed The Marines."
An Email From Gunny Matt To Gunny Bob

You weren�t kidding brother, the postal service is going to be hating to see my name pretty soon. We are starting to get packages from all over the country. For most of my Devil Dogs, this is their first deployment and as you know, a couple of months in the young guys start to get the blues. No more! These Marines know that there are Americans from Boulder to Phoenix that know who they are and what they have given up in order to protect our shores. I am trying to personally address thank you notes to every person who has sent something to us but that may very soon become impossible. For those that I can�t get to for a while, please let all of your audience know that the Colorado Marines here in Ramadi are forever grateful to the people who listen to your show (Let your boss know that if she wants to measure the popularity of your show based on a �Pounds of Food Sent to Iraq� scale, you may have everyone out there beat!). Ramadan is over, and we are getting ready to start our own holiday season. We will start with the Marine Corps Birthday in a couple of weeks and move on from there.
Semper Fi,
Gy Knight
Ramadi Warriors Need Good Chow
 Marine Gunnery Sergeant Matthew Knight in the province governor's office. He would sure love it of you sent his Marines some non-perishable food items. |
Gang, once again your Marines have asked for fire support from you, the audience of the Gunny Bob Show.
As you know, Delta Company, which you adopted and supported so very well for many months as Delta fought pitched battles in Iraq, has come home.
Today I received from my brother Marine, Gunnery Sergeant Matthew Knight, a request for support for his Marines stationed in Ramadi.
The Gunny runs a team of Marines out of Aurora who are attached to the 4th Civil Affairs Group. The Gunny tells me that although his unit has a stove and a microwave, the chow they have to eat is unacceptable. He has asked me to ask you to adopt his unit in a very simple way.

I need you to go to the grocery store and buy
non-perishable food items for your Marines in Ramadi. Buy stuff that can be eaten right out of the package (snacks and meal items), cooked on a stove or in a microwave. And I want you to please spend as much as you can afford. I want you to package it up well and then mail it to:
Gunnery Sergeant Matthew A. Knight
4th CAG, Det 4
Unit 43559
FPO AP 96426-3559

Send your Marines of the 4th CAG in Ramadi, Iraq (not a pleasant place, gang), as much
great non-perishable chow as you can! And do it today. And send a package every week if you can, or whenever you can afford it. They will be eternally grateful. I can assure you that having some decent chow to eat will raise their morale and motivate them to do their very difficult and challenging job all the better. I want so much chow sent to these Marines that Gunny Matt will have to put them all on weight control.
Gang, I thank you for again for stepping up to the plate and supporting your Marines in Iraq. They will never forget you for coming to their aid.
Semper Fi!