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To: MNJohnnie
(Mountainside, NJ) – U.S. Senate candidate Tom Kean, Jr. released the following statement today regarding recent remarks made by Rush Limbaugh:

“I categorically denounce the inappropriate and outrageous claims made by Rush Limbaugh on his radio show today. Parkinson’s is a horrible disease that ravages the human body, and to belittle someone suffering with the disease has no place in politics.

I believe the science of stem cell research holds immeasurable potential that might one day provide a cure for such a horrible disease. The promise of stem cell research is great, and I strongly believe the federal government should fund stem cell research, with a system of comprehensive ethical oversight.”

26 posted on 10/25/2006 8:36:40 AM PDT by MarkLevinFan
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To: MarkLevinFan

Kean is a POS.

30 posted on 10/25/2006 8:38:09 AM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
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To: MarkLevinFan; kristinn; oldglory; MinuteGal; mcmuffin; JulieRNR21; gonzo; sheikdetailfeather; ...

"..U.S. Senate candidate Tom Kean, Jr. ..: “I categorically denounce the inappropriate and outrageous claims made by Rush Limbaugh on his radio show today. ..I believe the science of stem cell research holds immeasurable potential that might one day provide a cure for such a horrible disease.."

His handlers are making him look like an idiot. Here is what they allowed him to call "inappropriate and outrageous claims":

RUSH: "Ladies and gentlemen, just one more thing on the controversy involving the Michael J. Fox commercial running in Missouri for the Democrat candidate, Claire McCaskill, and in Maryland, for the Democrat candidate Benjamin Cardin.

The ad is misleading in countless ways, primarily in the most fundamental of ways. Remember that the Amendment 2 in Missouri is simply a cloning amendment that would legalize cloning in the state of Missouri. It is called the stem cell research and cures initiative and has nothing to do with stem cell research. The Michael J. Fox ad says that Jim Talent and Michael Steele want to criminalize stem cell research. They don't. Stem cell research is legal in both states, and it is ongoing at universities in both states. ..." Inside Edition Preparing Rush/Fox Hit Piece? October 24, 2006

RUSH: "..The debate we're having is almost always about governmental funding or radical measures like the one currently on the ballot in Missouri, which is Amendment 2, which would write a right to cloning into the state constitution of Missouri, and it's one of these cleverly worded things that makes you: if you vote yes, you're voting no, and vice-versa. [ ]

Let me explain to you, ladies and gentlemen, what's going on in my home state that has made this whole stem cell debate so controversial there, and it is typical of the Democrats in this country and the left who can only succeed by misleading.

Here's the history in Missouri. For four years, legislators in Missouri have tried to pass a simple ban on human cloning, something that neighboring states to Missouri have done. It's a one-page piece of legislation, a one-page bill. It has never passed. It says that "somatic cell nuclear transfer," that's cloning, "will be a crime in Missouri. Somatic cell nuclear transfer is the scientific term for cloning, the same method used to clone Dolly the sheep.

"The other side makes hysterical claims that this bill would criminalize embryonic stem cell research and put patients in jail, and both claims are utterly false. Today in Missouri, there is a constitutional amendment called Amendment 2, and it calls itself the 'Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative.' McCaskill favors it. Senator Talent opposes it. Amendment 2 is misleading in that it appears to put stem cell research in the Constitution and to ban human cloning, but the fine print creates a right to do somatic cell nuclear transfer, cloning, which is the scientific term for cloning, the same method used to clone Dolly the sheep." Now, The Amendment 2 proponents are using Michael J. Fox and trotting out other people with sick relatives to try to convince Missourians that there will be no cures for their diseases without Amendment 2, which is a cloning amendment that has nothing to do with stem cell research.

The truth is, all stem cell research is legal today in Missouri. Jim Talent does not seek to criminalize it, as Michael J. Fox asserts in his television commercial. Stem cell research is legal today in Missouri, it is happening at universities across the state. The truth is Amendment 2 would put human cloning in the Constitution. Now, the Michael J. Fox ad says that Talent wants to criminalize research, and this is false. It is already legal and it's already happening. Senator Talent and other opponents of Amendment 2 are not touching stem cell research in any way. What they want to do is stop human cloning from becoming a new right in the Missouri Constitution, and so they have named the pro-cloning bill the stem cell research and cures initiative so that people will go to the polls on November the 7th and think they're voting for stem cell research, which is already legal.

[] Michael J. Fox is participating in this disinformation campaign. Folks, I don't care what anybody says, it is unseemly, it is exploitative, and it is downright mean to mislead people who suffer from incurable diseases at the moment or horrible diseases, that there is a cure around the corner if only, if only Republicans could be defeated. There has been a tradition in this country of bipartisan efforts to cure all of these diseases or to come up with vaccinations for them, but never mind that, we're in the process here now of damaging what has traditionally been this bipartisan effort in addressing and curing illnesses by politicizing them. We're now politicizing diseases and illnesses. .." Michael J. Fox Is Not Infallible; He's Just the Latest Victim Used by the Democrat ---- October 24, 2006

My Note: This is a perfect example of exactly how DemocRATS fool people who have said no to what they want to do in the past. Here are specific excerpts I took from the ballot measure in Missouri which ILLUSTRATES exactly how deceptively it is worded. The very first statement is a lie. Statements 2, 5, and 13 use the technical words and techniques that MEAN CLONING. See below:

Missouri 2006 Ballot Measure Constitutional Amendment 2 Stem Cell Initiative Submitted October 11, 2005

(1) No person may clone or attempt to clone a human being.

(2) No human blastocyst may be produced by fertilization solely for the purpose of stem cell research.

(5) “Human embryonic stem cell research,” also referred to as “early stem cell research,” means any scientific or medical research involving human stem cells derived from in vitro fertilization blastocysts or from somatic cell nuclear transfer. For purposes of this section, human embryonic stem cell research does not include stem cell clinical trials.

(13) “Stem cell” means a cell that can divide multiple times and give rise to specialized cells in the body, and includes but is not limited to the stem cells generally referred to as (i) adult stem cells that are found in some body tissues (including but not limited to adult stem cells derived from adult body tissues and from discarded umbilical cords and placentas), and (ii) embryonic stem cells (including but not limited to stem cells derived from in vitro fertilization blastocysts and from cell reprogramming techniques such as somatic cell nuclear transfer).

Limbaugh Says Actor Fox Exaggerates Effects of Disease in Ads (WaPo Hit Piece)
The Washington Post ^ | Tuesday, October 24, 2006 | Daniela Deane
Posted on 10/24/2006 6:42:45 PM EDT by kristinn
Edited on 10/24/2006 9:49:35 PM EDT by Admin Moderator. [history]

****New Info***
To: Matchett-PI; All
The Washington Post has replaced the original article at the source link and almost completely rewritten their hit piece with a new author:

By David Montgomery
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 25, 2006; C01
120 posted on 10/24/2006 8:24:16 PM CDT by kristinn

Below is an excerpt of the Original article before the Washington Post rewrote it.

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh today attacked actor Michael J. Fox for inserting his halting voice into the U.S. Senate campaign in Missouri, suggesting Fox was "acting" in a commercial where he's shown shaking while endorsing the importance of stem cell research.

"He is exaggerating the effects of the disease," Limbaugh told listeners today, encouraging them to go online to watch Fox's commercial, which first aired Oct. 21 in St. Louis during a World Series game. "He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act."

In the commercial, Fox throws his support behind Democratic Missouri Senate candidate Claire McCaskill, who supports stem cell research, against Republican James M. Talent. Fox also taped similar ads for other Democratic candidates, including Benjamin L. Cardin in his Senate race against Republican Michael S. Steele in Maryland and Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle (D), who is seeking reelection.


"What you do in Missouri matters to millions of Americans, Americans like me," Fox said in the television spot, which will continue airing throughout Missouri this week.

"This is the only time I've ever seen Michael J. Fox portray any of the symptoms of the disease he has," Limbaugh said. "He can barely control himself."

Limbaugh said Fox could "control himself enough to stay in the frame of the picture" and to keep "his eyes right on the . . . teleprompter. But his head and shoulders are moving all over the place."

"He is acting like his disease is deteriorating because Jim Talent opposes research that would help him get cured," Limbaugh said, adding that Talent only opposes "fetal stem cell research, but not adult."

"This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox," Limbaugh said. "Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting."

"Fox has my sympathies, but this is exactly what Ann Coulter describes in Godless where the Democrats trot out a victim and use them as a shield to ward off debate on their political beliefs." ~ Kristinn

My reply: "Exactly:

"For years liberals have relied on a strategy of faking out the American public in order to win elections. Instead of accurately articulating their beliefs and engaging in an honest debate, they scour the nation for the perfect patsy. A hysterical mother who is willing to go on national television and call the President a "furor" and "evil maniac" is akin to seeing the stigmata. Liberals' ecstasy over Cindy Sheehan, Max Cleland, and the widows who made a spectacle of themselves in the midst of the 9/11 Commission epitomizes their secret weapon for winning back America -- a doctrine of infallibility in which victory goes to the most hysterical.

As Coulter writes:

Finally, the Democrats hit on an ingenious strategy: They would choose only messengers whom we're not allowed to reply to. That’s why all Democratic spokesmen these days are sobbing, hysterical women. You can't respond to them because that would be questioning the authenticity of their suffering. Liberals haven't changed the message, just the messenger. All the most prominent liberal spokesmen are people with "absolute moral authority" -- Democrats with a dead husband, a dead child, a wife who works at the CIA, a war record, terminal illness, or as a last resort, being on a first-name basis with Nelson Mandela. Like Oprah during Sweeps Week, liberals have come to rely exclusively on people with sad stories... [snip]

To continue:

105 posted on 10/24/2006 8:51:07 PM EDT by Matchett-PI (To have no voice in the Party that always sides with America's enemies is a badge of honor.)

From Rush's web site tonight [10/24/06] --- Click link below to access the hot links to the audio and transcripts:

Michael J. Fox Is Not Infallible; He's Just the Latest Victim Used by the Democrats

Democrats have long used infallible spokesmen to peddle their dishonest attacks, but we're not going to accept it anymore...

"All stem cell research is legal today in Missouri. Jim Talent does not seek to criminalize it, as Michael J. Fox asserts in his television commercial. The truth is that Amendment 2 would put human cloning in the Missouri Constitution. Michael J. Fox is participating in this disinformation campaign." More Quotes at link below.

Michael J. Fox: October Surprise The Fox flap follows Foley. What's gonna hit next?

Ben Cardin Voted Against Stem Cell Research [Yet Fox backs Cardin] - Truth never stopped a Democrat...

Was Fox Duped? He may have been tricked...

Yesterday's Story: Democrats Exploit Michael J. Fox's Illness

Click here to read the hot links above and listen to the audio of today's show. Get it "first hand" instead of filtered by the half-wits you appear to esteem:

107 posted on 10/24/2006 8:56:52 PM EDT by Matchett-PI (To have no voice in the Party that always sides with America's enemies is a badge of honor.)

There was NO media outrage when Al Gore referred to conservatives as "the extra chromosome wing" of the Republican Party...

there was NO media outrage when the senior-most Senator of the Democrat party used the "n word" TWICE on a televised interview...

there was NO media outrage or hubbub when Farrakhan talked about space ships carrying him around showing him the future...

there was NO media outrage when Jesse Jackson called NYC "hymie town"...

yet when M.J. Fox puts his pitiable behavior on display in a political statement, he's not ripe for criticism??? Horsecrap.

128 posted on 10/24/2006 10:19:50 PM EDT by Recovering_Democrat (I am SO glad to no longer be associated with the party of "dependence on government"!)

To: WhiteGuy
What is unreal about my post?

I'll tell you what is unreal about your post.

You are swallowing the bait of the libs...hook, line, and sinker. You have been distracted from the real issue, which is exactly where the libs want you.

The issue is not about MJ Fox, if he was on his meds or off his meds or acting or not.

The issue is about the facts of this Amendment#2 in Missouri.

*Stem cell research is currently legal and being done in Missouri and many other states.
*Amendment 2 is named 'Stem Cell Research' although it has nothing to do with stem cell research, but everything to do with LEGALIZING CLONING.
*Embryonic stem cell research has not produced any results for even potential cures for Parkinson's or any other disease, whereas adult stem cell and umbilical blood have produced results.
*Embryonic stem cell research is the left's attempt to insure legalized abortion forever. You can't do embryonic research without embryos. The potential scenarios of horror if this is legalized are too disgusting to detail.
*There are other methods of research for cures for Parkinson's that have produced results outside of the area of stem cells...including a virus injection that MJ Fox Foundation recently invested $1.7 MILLION.
*This is all about abortion.

Nothing less, nothing more. Fox is being used as a sad pawn to perpetuate the murder of millions of innocent unborn children.

Getting caught up in the trivial nonsense of what someone may or may not have said about MJ Fox is like complaining that Thomas Jefferson may have misspelled a word in the Declaration of Independence.

141 posted on 10/24/2006 11:53:52 PM EDT by NewLand (Always Remember September 11, 2001)

"..But when Fox goes on air and promotes Cardin, someone that voted against Fox's cause .."

That needs to be in bold.

150 posted on 10/25/2006 6:58:50 AM EDT by commonguymd

58 posted on 10/25/2006 8:58:37 AM PDT by Matchett-PI (To have no voice in the Party that always sides with America's enemies is a badge of honor.)
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