We have been paying huge taxes on gas that was specifically to go toward freeways and improvements. It didn't.
We do not need anothere bond. We simply allocate the tax dollars to what is was said it was going to do.
It's now up to $14 billion.And it leaks.
So,using the same multiples,this one should come in at about 140 billion.But at that price,it probably won't leak.
GOP state Board of Equalization member Bill Leonard is telling people to vote against Proposition 1B, because . . . while the measure promises to improve congestion, "25.1 percent of the bond funds are explicitly dedicated to public transit systems that are used by approximately 1.4 percent of the state's population."
State Sen. Tom McClintock . . . opposes Proposition 1B because a number of items on its list -- for example, $200 million for school buses -- won't be around in 30 years, when the bonds are supposed to be paid off. The $20 billion "ought to be used for projects that are going to be there for our kids 30 years from now" . . .
There is only one thing to say about Prop 1B: VOTE NO!