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The Dangerous Consequences of Cutting and Running in Iraq
The Heritage Foundation ^ | October 5, 2006 | James Jay Carafano, Ph.D., and James Phillips

Posted on 10/09/2006 4:11:55 PM PDT by Conservative Coulter Fan

The premature withdrawal of American troops from Iraq would have disastrous consequences for Iraq, for the Middle East, and for American foreign policy and would lead to a full-scale humanitarian disaster. Congress should reject outright calls for America to cut and run and in­stead should insist that the Bush Administration finish the job of training Iraqi security forces that are capable of supporting the gov­ernment, dealing with sectarian violence, and providing for the safety of the civilian population.

Failure as an Option. There are at least five likely consequences that would flow from abruptly abandoning the people of Iraq. Such a shortsighted U.S. policy would be a severe blow to the Iraqi security situation, Iraqi oil exports, U.S. allies in the region, the global war against terrorism, and the future of all Iraqis.

Consequence #1: An Army Up for Grabs. A sudden U.S. withdrawal would raise the risks of full-fledged civil war and disintegration of the army into hostile factions. The defection of soldiers to various militias, taking with them their heavy equipment, would bolster the militias’ firepower and capacity to seize and hold terrain. The result would be a bloody and protracted civil war such as the conflict in Bosnia following the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

Consequence #2: Energy Uncertainty. Growing anarchy in Iraq and the possible breakup of the country into autonomous regions would severely affect Iraq’s oil exports. In 2005, Iraq produced about 1.9 million barrels per day (MBD) of oil and exported about 1.4 MBD. By June 2006, Iraqi oil production had risen to 2.5 MBD, and the govern­ment hopes to increase produc­tion to 2.7 MBD by the end of the year. A U.S. withdrawal would undermine the security of oil pipelines and other facilities and increase the vulnerability of Iraqi oil production to sabotage. The resulting drop in Iraqi oil exports would increase the upward pressure on world oil prices in an already tight oil market. Energy uncer­tainty would be increased further if Iraq splintered and Iran gained domination over a Shia-dominated rump state in the oil-rich south.

Consequence #3: Allies in Jeopardy. The chief bene­ficiary of a rapid U.S. pullout would be Iran, which has considerable influence over the dominant Shiite political parties, which represent most Iraqi Shiites: about 60–65 percent of the population. If Iraq imploded, Iran quickly could gain dominance over an emerging “Shiastan” rump state endowed with the bulk of Iraq’s oil reserves. This would give Iran additional resources and a staging area to escalate subversive efforts targeted at the Shiite majority in Bahrain and Shiite minorities in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. These and other countries look to the United States to serve as a guarantor against an aggressive Iran. If the United States fails to follow through on its commitment to establish a stable government in Iraq, it will severely undermine its credibility. Abandon­ing Iraqi allies would erode the confidence of other allies in U.S. leadership and further fuel conspiracy theories about American plots to carve up Iraq to keep Arabs weak and divided.

Consequence #4: Al-Qaeda Triumphant. Osama bin Laden would trumpet an abrupt U.S. withdrawal as a victory for al-Qaeda and proof that America is a “paper tiger,” just as he claimed after the U.S. with­drawal from Somalia in 1994. An unstable, failed state in Iraq would also provide al-Qaeda and other radical groups with a sanctuary for recruiting a new generation of suicide bombers and a strategically located staging area for deploying terrorists for attacks on Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and elsewhere around the world. The recently declassi­fied “key judgments” of the April 2006 National Intelligence Estimate, “Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States,” pointed out that a perceived victory for jihadists in Iraq would boost their strength and ability to threaten Americans.

Consequence #5: A Humanitarian Catastrophe. Iraq is a mosaic of ethnic, sectarian, and tribal sub­groups. Baghdad and other major cities include sig­nificant intermingling of Sunni and Shiite Arabs, Kurds, Turcomans, Assyrians, Chaldeans, and other Christians. Instability and civil war would put many of these people to flight, creating a vast human­itarian crisis that would dwarf those seen in Bosnia and Kosovo and rival the scenes of horror and pri­vation witnessed in Cambodia, Congo, Rwanda, and Sudan. Not only would Iraqis be put at risk of disease, starvation, and violence, but with the gov­ernment unable to meet their basic needs, the Iraqi refugees would fall under the control of the sectar­ian militias, turning Iraq into Lebanon on steroids.

An Alternative to Failure. A continued U.S. mil­itary presence cannot ensure success in Iraq unless Iraqis cooperate in building an effective govern­ment, but a precipitous withdrawal of U.S. support would unquestionably guarantee failure, with disas­trous results for Iraq, its neighbors, and U.S. national interests. The only winners would be an expan­sionist Iran and an increasingly lethal al-Qaeda.

The alternative is to insist that the Bush Admin­istration finish the job it started by completing the training of Iraqi security forces, supporting Iraq’s new democratic government, beginning the disci­plined reduction of American forces, and turning the future of Iraq over to the only people who can ensure the nation’s long-term success—the Iraqis.

James Jay Carafano, Ph.D., is Senior Research Fellow for National Security and Homeland Security, and James Phillips is Research Fellow in Middle East­ern Studies in the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies, a division of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies at The Heritage Foundation.

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; War on Terror

1 posted on 10/09/2006 4:11:56 PM PDT by Conservative Coulter Fan
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To: Conservative Coulter Fan; 91B; HiJinx; Spiff; MJY1288; xzins; Calpernia; clintonh8r; TEXOKIE; ...


2 posted on 10/09/2006 4:18:29 PM PDT by SandRat (Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
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To: Conservative Coulter Fan

Consequences of all of the above would be that Dubya lost and the DNC could regain power. The ONLY concern the dem's tote in this day of worldly concern via terrorism.

3 posted on 10/09/2006 4:25:06 PM PDT by EGPWS (Lord help me be the conservative liberals fear I am.)
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To: EGPWS; All


Democrats' doing the 'Cut & Run' after gaining control of Congress in the 21st Century =

Democrats's doing the 'Cut & Run' after gaining control of Congress in the 20th Century =

Pictures of a vietnamese Re-Education Camp

...Only this time around it's our own Freedom that's directly at stake right here at home..!!!


4 posted on 10/09/2006 4:42:50 PM PDT by ALOHA RONNIE ("ALOHA RONNIE" Guyer/Veteran-"WE WERE SOLDIERS" Battle of IA DRANG-1965
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To: Conservative Coulter Fan
I believe everything James Jay Carafano, Ph.D., and James Phillips say.

After the Russian Afghan war, the CIA told the Mujahadeen that they would help them set up a government. Some of the Mujahadeen were for it, but some were not. Most who were not were foreign fighters who banded with some Afghani's and formed the Taliban. Civil war started to break and the CIA pulled out. Didn't want blood on their hands. As we know, the Taliban took power and we had to go dig terrorist camps out of Afghanistan after 911. I guess I didn't have to tell you that last part, but this is exactly what we will have to do, if we pull out before we set up a stable government.

5 posted on 10/09/2006 7:50:28 PM PDT by do the dhue (If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.)
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To: Conservative Coulter Fan
Actions speak louder than words. Here's some of what the dems have done in the past.

On April 29, 1975, hundreds of Americans and South Vietnamese were evacuated from Saigon (now known as Ho Chi Minh City), Vietnam, by helicopter. The following day the city was captured by the North Vietnamese, signaling the end of the Vietnam War.

While working as a journalist in Vietnam, Nayan Chanda took this photo of a Communist tank entering the presidential palace in Saigon on April 30, 1975. Chanda, now editor of YaleGlobal Online, will speak about his experiences there at a panel marking the 30th anniversary of the event.

An anti-American demonstration in Tehran after Iranian students stormed the US Embassy in November 1979.

The scorched wreckage of an American C-130 Cargo aircraft involved in the failed August 1980 attempt to rescue the hostages.

Blindfolded and with his hands bound, an American hostage is led by young militants to a mob in front of the US Embassy in Tehran, Iran in November 1979.
6 posted on 10/09/2006 10:23:18 PM PDT by neverdem (May you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows that you're dead.)
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