To: billorites
She had a child but miscarried. Oriana Fallaci was the greatest journalist of the last century.
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." -Manuel II Paleologus
2 posted on
09/17/2006 4:35:34 AM PDT by
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
To: billorites
That was a beautiful testament to a woman with a brave heart and the skills to put that brain, heart, and soul in synchrony. She is with the Lord now, brought to one of the finest rooms in His mansion.
3 posted on
09/17/2006 4:50:11 AM PDT by
To: billorites
But she is incorrect: The West will not fail. The Third Awakening is here and now. I've read many of her works. She "feared" that the West would fail, and she focused upon the ways that US domestic traitors (not traders) have failed.
The West will not fail. The West shall prevail and win.
4 posted on
09/17/2006 4:55:26 AM PDT by
To: billorites
RIP Oriana.
Rest in peace, Oriana. The world is a much poorer place without you.
A restless Cassandra to the blind men of the west.
To: Nightshift
6 posted on
09/17/2006 5:04:13 AM PDT by
(Baptist ping list-freepmail to get on or off)
To: billorites
when the president calls Islam a "religion of peace." "Do you know what I do each time he says it on TV? I'm there alone, and I watch it and say, Shut up! Shut up, Bush!' But he doesn't listen to me."LOL. I have tried this too. Some day perhaps he will hear. (I think the President is not fooled. I just hope he no longer feels the need to ever say that again.)
7 posted on
09/17/2006 5:44:57 AM PDT by
(Shalit, Goldwasser and Regev, we are praying for you)
Since I've already posted comments on her in another thread I'll just leave a yellow rose for Oriana. Her name means Golden Dawn.
9 posted on
09/18/2006 2:06:50 PM PDT by
(Oriana's pen was like Thor's Hammer re pointing out islamofascism.)
To: billorites
She had more cajones than most men, certainly more than all of them in Washington DC.
10 posted on
09/18/2006 2:09:26 PM PDT by
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