New Guests Checked in at CLUB GITMO!
I'm so glad they arrived in good condition, with the least amount of discomfort during processing. Any of them, needing braces for their teeth?
I've said it before and I'll say it in a lot of other threads in the future, I'm sure, but as a person who is predominantly liberal, this is one of those things that get me all confused about the rest of the libs. The whole outcry over the secret detention facilities and whatnot that these guys had been in...I've always assumed that was SOP for the CIA and other intelligence agencies. Big deal. Do what needs to be done there. I'm sure we did it throughout the Cold War, and I'm sure we'll keep doing it. Frankly, I'm surprised these guys are still alive if it's true that we've gotten all that we can from them, and the fact that they are shows we're playing fair.
Dang, and I missed it by 6 months!