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To: RFT1
As other posters have tried to explain to you, not everything comes down to economics.

Never said it did, and I will thank you to stop putting words in my mouth. But in the case of illegal immigration, you really can't understand the issue without looking at the economics of it. And it's not just a matter of "showing no mercy" to employers who hire illegals: they do so for economic reasons, and it might be a good idea to figure out what those reasons are, and actually address those aspects of the problem.

saw first hand the extreme negative impact of illegal, and even in many cases, large amounts of legal immigration did to so many formerly middle/working class neighborhoods.

The emphasized portion suggest that the problem you're talking about has its roots in something other than immigration status. Perhaps you're bothered by their place of origin?

130 posted on 08/30/2006 2:13:37 PM PDT by r9etb
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To: r9etb

It isint place of orgin, where I grew up in the SF Bay Area, there were a large number of 3rd, 4th and 5th generation Mexican Americans that were sick of the insanity also, and were sick of how their long established, formerly working class neighborhoods have been trashed in the last 25 years. Just go to places such as East San Jose, many parts of Newark CA, Hayward CA and so on to see what has taken place. But hey, if you like increased crime, and increased urban problems so your precious employers can continue to have access to cheap labor, then do not cry when the politics of areas that have been severely impacted shifts to the left, as we have seen happen to California.

Again, employers who hire illegals do not deserve to be in business, and to me, they are no better than "independent businessmen" who sell illegal drugs. Your arguements do not wash.

148 posted on 08/30/2006 2:43:47 PM PDT by RFT1
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