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Premature Iraq Pullout ‘Would Be A Huge Mistake,’ Bush Says
American Forces Press Service ^
| Gerry Gilmore
Posted on 08/21/2006 5:47:10 PM PDT by SandRat
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21, 2006 Amid national debate about whether or not to stay the course in Iraq, President Bush today firmly placed himself in the stay category.
Its imperative America continues to support the new Iraqi government in its struggle against an insurgency that seeks to divide and topple it, Bush told White House reporters here.
A failed Iraq would make America less secure, Bush declared. The end of democracy in Iraq, he said, would provide a haven for terrorists and extremists in the heart of the Middle East.
Bush acknowledged that some Americans are saying its time for U.S. forces to leave Iraq. However, a premature troop withdrawal before the job is completed would prove disastrous, he said.
It would be a huge mistake for this country, Bush said. And, things would only get worse in Iraq, he added, if U.S. troops depart before the Iraqi government, its armed forces and police are firmly established.
Bush said Iraqi government leaders are determined to thwart the efforts of the extremists and the radicals and al Qaeda.
Additionally, Iraqis want a unified country, Bush pointed out, downplaying talk of civil war precipitated by sectarian strife.
The U.S. strategy includes assisting the Iraqis to establish democracy, Bush said, and to help them defeat extremists in their country.
Were not going to leave before the mission is complete, the president said.
U.S. commanders have changed tactics, Bush said, since sectarian violence erupted across Iraq after the bombing of a holy mosque in Samarra on Feb. 22, noting more U.S. forces have flowed into Baghdad to confront the escalating violence there.
Bush predicted the Iraqis would succeed in establishing a free society and defeating the extremists.
And, our job is to help them succeed, Bush concluded.
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: bush; bush43; huge; iraq; mistake; premature; prematureevacuation; president; pullout; staythecourse
posted on
08/21/2006 5:47:12 PM PDT
To: 91B; HiJinx; Spiff; MJY1288; xzins; Calpernia; clintonh8r; TEXOKIE; windchime; Grampa Dave; ...
Well,...that explains the DNC's problem, premature.... OOPS! < / Shecky Green Shtick
posted on
08/21/2006 5:49:56 PM PDT
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: SandRat
There are always "severe penalties for early withdrawal..."
posted on
08/21/2006 5:52:20 PM PDT
(Press to Test, Release to Detonate)
To: SandRat
he also said, "...seersucker's coming back!" which I thought was absolutely hilarious.
They may write that they hate him, but I think they love him.
To: SandRat
Premature Pullout Would Be A Huge Mistake, Bush Says"I wish I someone had told me this in 1995"-Bill Clinton
posted on
08/21/2006 6:05:23 PM PDT
(February 6, 1911)
To: SandRat
This writer hit a home-run by managing to position "Premature," "Pullout," "Huge," and "Bush" all in the same headline. </dirty old man>
posted on
08/21/2006 6:05:27 PM PDT
(I gotta give the Helen Thomas obsession a rest.)
To: SandRat
Premature .....Pullout Would Be A Huge Mistake, ............ wouldn't have been such a bad idea for Mr. Rodham of Park Ridge back around '47.
posted on
08/21/2006 6:06:51 PM PDT
beyond the sea
(Is it August 22nd anywhere yet???)
To: SandRat
If we aren't going to do the early withdrawal, we will have to time the actual withdrawal very carefully to avoid a pregnant peace.
posted on
08/21/2006 6:08:28 PM PDT
To: SandRat; P-Marlowe; blue-duncan
Given the status quo, the president is right that a premature pullout would be disastrous.
Personally, though, I prefer we invade Iran and knock off its government. We would need the troops currently in Iraq, and without this Iranian government in place, the situation in Iraq would ease up. We probably wouldn't have to return.
So, in exchange for about a 4 week foray into Persia, we get rid of Iranian president Ahmamadjihadist, and we get out of Iraq.
Then we can go kick King Fraud's A$$ in Saudi.
posted on
08/21/2006 6:38:27 PM PDT
(Retired Army Chaplain and proud of it! Supporting our troops means praying for them to WIN!)
To: SandRat
A friend of mine has a shirt with a picture of Bush Sr. and a caption that says "I should've pulled out".
I don't agree with the politics but I thought it was clever. lol
posted on
08/21/2006 7:02:17 PM PDT
(I no longer fear death. I only fear the day when the DUmmies take over.)
To: jdm
Best damn laugh I've had in a long time!!!
To: SandRat
Well,...that explains the DNC's problem, premature.... OOPS! 
These San Francisco DNC members are seen having a heated discussion about premature withdrawal.
posted on
08/21/2006 7:51:59 PM PDT
(That light at the end of the tunnel might be a muzzle flash.)
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