Posted on 08/19/2006 2:54:04 PM PDT by leadpenny
My former neighbor, now deceased, was one. He caught the tail end of WWII, and a leg wound, in the Navy. When they called him for Korea he told them he'd done his time and they educated him otherwise.
His leg wound was a permanent disability that sometimes had him limping and sometimes not. The VA made him come in each year to prove his disability. He said to me, "What was I supposed to do if I wasn't limping for the physical? Fake it?" He stopped going for the physicals and forfeited the benefit. Probably a lot of guys did the same.
Some are still there.
That puts my little deployment in proper perspective.
I would not relish another deployment or recall from retirement, but that doesn't enter in to it.
It is up to the service chiefs and the executive branch to consider the benifits and costs of deploying IRR and retired service members. My job would be to shut up and go if called.
"Like we could get a lib to defend this country today by forcing him?"
News Flash: There are libs in the military. There just isn't any politics in a foxhole
As far as the draft goes, Vietnam gave it a bad name. Prior to that, even with the corruption of local draft boards, it worked pretty well since before WWII. Quite frankly, Elvis was not atypical of the draftee during the inter-war years. He gave them two years, did his job, and went home.
I agree with those who say a draft is not going to happen now, especially in the current political climate. But, had W asked for authority to draft in Sep 01, he'd have had a bill on his desk to sign before the end of the month.
I have six more years till 60 and retired four years ago. I read this article with interest obviously. My only concern is leaving a new business that just cost me a bundle. Other than that I would leave tomorrow without any regret.
It's 8 now.At least it was in the early 80's when I went in.
Inactive reserves don't get paid. Your military contract has 3 components: active duty, active reserve, and inactive reserve. You get paid for active duty, paid for drills when in the active reserve, and paid nothing when in the inactive reserves.
Good points and thank you for your service. How many service members do you think are signing up just for the perks nowadays? I have read and talked to many who signed up just for the "free" college or the "bonuses".
One couple I know has a 22 year old son serving in Iraq. They were livid that he re-enlisted without talking to them first. Turns out he took his re-enlistment bonus and bought a brand new 4x4 truck and had it customised. The truck is in Florida and he won't see it for a year atleast.
IRR status is a non-pay, non-training assignment. Thus, there'd be no checks to cash.
Every commissioned officer at retirement is assigned to the 'Retired Reserve' not discharged. Thus, even at at advanced ages officers with special skills, such as being able to fog a mirror, are subject to be recalled to active duty. Example, a psychologist from Melbourne, Fla., age 69, was recalled and, as far as I'm aware is in Iraq still. The Bush/Rumsfeld military is a classic FUBAR and it's only gonna get worse. The leadership at DOD is non-existent and the current policy stupid beyond all description.
Or you can volunteer as a Department of the Army Civilian to go to Afghanistan for a few weeks to work as a historian. Getting to draw civilian pay, retired pay and a chance to get shot at (well not to good of a chance of that in Kabul).
I guess it's news to the media that some people honor their oaths and contracts, I'm sure it's a foreign concept to most liberals.
My father was a Marine during WW2 and was seriously wounded.When the Korean war started,he was called back up.He only made it through half the war,as his old injurys caught up with him.He has never recieved a purple heart,and many other medals he was entitled to.To this day,he will never talk about anything war related.He has no interest in getting any medals due him or any recognition whatsoever.I have seen his discharge papers,and am very proud of him.He was a great soldier.
IRR is "Individual Ready Reserve." Of course, the subtle change to "inactive" makes the story so much better...
IRR is non pay
Ooops. The 69 year old retired 0-6 recalled is a dentist not a psychologist. Just got so advised by a colleague at the MOAA chapter.
Right you are.
Cost effective and they know the score.
If you want to see a great movie on said subject look for The Bridges At Toko-Ri. starring William holden,Mickey roony. Very sad but great Flick
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