I've been hearing more and more this idea that "Securing Baghdad secures Iraq". At first it seemed somewhat... shortsighted. But the more I consider it the more I think it might be dead on.
A pacified Baghdad, flourishing, turns anything else happening in the hinterlands into just some "localized" trouble and it qualifies as a "finished" job.
Thanks for responding. I disagree with you on this, because of this point. Would it be acceptable to be attacked only in , let's say the state of Virginia in America by homocide bombers and call the situation a "finished job"? Would we as Americans accept such an alternative as this?
From the way I view it, saying there is peace in Baghdad is acceptable while the murderous islamonazis wage mayhem outside of Iraq is ok? We are indeed stuck between "Iraq and a hard place". The solution, I don't know, I don't like to see our soldiers being homocide beltbomb fodder in a religious clash, that we as Americans do not understand, NOR CAN WE STOP. Best to you and family.
Jeff Davis