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Meet Robert Pastor: Father of the North American Union
Human Events Online ^ | Jul 25, 2006 | Jerome R. Corsi

Posted on 07/26/2006 2:39:27 AM PDT by Trupolitik

Robert Pastor intends to give away U.S. sovereignty to a newly forming North American Union exactly as he gave away the Panama Canal to Panama during Jimmy Carter’s presidency.

As we are taught in grade school, George Washington is the Father of our nation. If the North American Union comes into existence as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) asserts, then we all better get prepared for a new hero. Robert Pastor is the person most likely to be proclaimed the father of the North American Union, a designation consistent with his decades-long history of viewing U.S. national interests through the lens of an extreme leftist almost anti-American political philosophy.

Dr. Pastor’s early professional career involved a working association with the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). Here he participated on the Ad Hoc Working Group on Latin America, which produced a 1977 report, “The Southern Connection: Recommendations for a New Approach to Inter-American Relations,” arguing for the U.S. to abandon our anti-communist allies in Latin America in favor of supporting “ideological pluralism,” a code word for the revolutionary socialist forces taking hold in Latin America, including the communist Sandanistas and other revolutionary terrorist groups that were developing in countries such as El Salvador. Author David Horowitz’s identifies the IPS as “America’s oldest leftwing think tank” that “has long supported Communist and Anti-American causes around the world,” with a place for KGB agents from the Soviet embassy in Washington “to convene and strategize.”

From February 1975 to January 1977, Dr. Pastor was executive director of the Linowitz Commission on U.S./Latin American Relations. The Linowitz Commission supported President Carter’s decision to negotiate a treaty to turn over the Panama Canal to Panama. Pastor left the Linowitz Commission to join become director of the Office of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs in the National Security Council in the Carter White House. There Pastor served as Carter’s “point man” in getting the Senate to narrowly vote for the Carter-Torrijos Treaty on April 18, 1978, despite staunch objections from conservative politicians including Ronald Reagan.

In December 1993, President Bill Clinton nominated Pastor to be U.S. ambassador to Panama. Pastor’s nomination was approved by a 16-3 vote in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and his confirmation looked virtually certain. The nomination failed, however, and was withdrawn by the administration in February 1995, after then-Sen. Jesse Helms (R.-N.C.) swore to prevent a Senate vote on Pastor’s nomination. Helms, who had vehemently opposed the turn-over of the Panama Canal, placed much of the blame squarely on Pastor, declaring when he opposed Pastor’s nomination that Pastor “presided over one of the most disastrous and humiliating periods in the history of U.S. involvement in Latin America.” Helms also claimed that Pastor bore responsibility for what Helms saw as “a Carter administration cover-up of alleged involvement by Nicaragua’s Sandinista government in arms shipments to leftist rebels in El Salvador.”

Dr. Pastor has also co-authored a 1989 book with his long-time friend, Jorge G. Castañeda, who began his career as a member of the Mexican Communist Party. Castañeda, a life-long admirer of the radical left, published in 1998 an admiring biography of the revolutionary “hero” Che Guevara. Castañeda, like Pastor, has sought to work in government positions to implement his theories, not satisfied to be a political scientist who writes books and teaches at universities. Castañeda too has mixed his career as a government employee by alternating time spent as an author of more than a dozen books and a university professor at various times on the faculties of the University of California at Berkeley, Princeton University, and the New York University.

Castañeda was an aggressively pro-illegal immigration foreign minister when he accompanied President Vincente Fox in the U.S. in 2001. Those were the days when Vincente Fox was declaring himself to be the president of 100 million Mexicans at home and 23 million Mexicans in the United States. Castañeda also attended with President Fox on a three-day state visit to pre-9/11 Washington. There in a joint statement on Sept. 6, 2001, the two leaders announced a bilateral “Partnership for Prosperity,” which after 9/11 evolved into the trilateral summit statement of a “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America,” announced in Waco, Tex., on March 23, 2005. Castañeda is probably best remembered for telling in 2001 a group of mostly Latino union workers that Mexico was going to press for “the whole enchilada,” intending to legalize all illegal Mexicans aliens in the U.S.

In his pressing enthusiasm for realizing the NAU, Robert Pastor argued in a 2004 article in CFR’s Foreign Affairs, entitled “North America’s Second Decade,” that the United States would benefit by giving up U.S. national Sovereignty. “Countries are benefited,” he wrote, “when they changed these [national sovereignty] policies, and evidence suggests that North Americans are ready for a new relationship that renders this old definition of sovereignty obsolete.”

Characteristically, Dr. Pastor has seen the U.S. as a North American bully that needs to be restrained, for the good of the region and possibly even for the good of the world. On Oct. 21, 2003, he testified to the House Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere affairs along these lines:

A new approach to the Americas needs to begin with some humility and a willingness to bridge the post-Iraq gap. The United States needs to realize that its power has limits and obligations. U.S. power can compel other governments to take our agenda seriously, but if we brandish it or ignore other views, we unintentionally invite resistance or simply no cooperation. To achieve our goals in the region (and elsewhere), we need to listen more and lecture less.

In 2004, Dr. Pastor declared his support for the presidential campaign of John Kerry. Dr. Pastor’s 19-page curriculum vitae (c.v.) on the website of American University where he is currently a faculty member documents that Dr. Pastor has served as an adviser to every Democratic Party presidential candidate for three decades, since he first supported Jimmy Carter in 1976.

Dr. Pastor was the co-chair of the May 2005 CFR report, “Building a North American Community,” argued that the Security and Prosperity Partnership signed by President Bush with Mexico and Canada on March 23, 2005 should become by 2010 a “North American economic and security community, the boundaries of which would be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter.” According to his published c.v., Dr. Pastor was the “principal editor” of this CFR report as well as the vice chair of the task force that produced it.

The May 2005 CFR task force report made clear that the borders between the U.S. and Mexico and between the U.S. and Canada would be erased, with the only border to be protected to be around North America. As the report stated on page 3, the boundaries of the North American Union “will be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter within which the movement of people, products, and capital will be legal, orderly, and safe.” The “outer security perimeter” referred specifically to the border around Canada, the U.S., and Mexico -- such that the borders between these countries would be virtually erased. Dr. Pastor left no doubt about his view of U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada in his June 2005 testimony to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

Instead of stopping North Americans on the borders, we ought to provide them with a secure, biometric Border Pass that would ease transit across the border like an E-Z pass permits our cars to speed through toll booths.

Note that Dr. Pastor’s reference was to “North Americans,” a term he meant to replace the current designations of “Mexicans,” “Americans,” and “Canadians,” much as he also was arguing for the NAU to replace the USA.

Dr. Pastor himself proclaims that the May 2005 CFR task force report on which he was vice chair and principal editor was a “blueprint” for the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America ( In his June 2005 testimony to the U.S. Senate, Dr. Pastor informed the Foreign Relations Committee of this link:

Entitled “Building a North American Community,” the report offered a blueprint of the goals that the three countries of North America should pursue and the steps needed to achieve these goals.

The CFR report, under Robert Pastor’s direction, recommended expanding the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) into a North American military command, creating a North American Development Fund to help pay for Mexico’s economic development, establishing a North American Union Court to resolve disputes, establishing a North American Advisory Council to serve as the NAU executive branch, and creating a North American Inter-Parliamentary Group to act as NAU lawmaker. These recommendations derive directly from Robert Pastor’s many published books and papers, as well as his extensive professional testimony to Congress and groups such as the Tri-Lateral Commission. His most comprehensive statement of his views on creating the NAU by transforming NAFTA into a political entity were expressed in his 2001 book, "Toward a North American Community", where he also advocated the creation of a common NAU currency, the Amero, as first proposed by Canadian economist Herbert Grubel.

Critics who argue that the NAU is a “conspiracy theory” are well advised to take a hard look at Robert Pastor. With U.S. policy toward Latin America, Dr. Pastor first approached the issue in writing (for the radical IPS, as we have noted), next as a university professor, and finally as a government official. Had John Kerry won the 2004 presidential election, Robert Pastor most likely would have emerged with a government position from which he could have pursued his NAU agenda. Given the re-election of George Bush, Dr. Pastor has surfaced within the CFR, an influential “think-tank” NGO whose history of impacting U.S. policy would suggest the CFR impact on could easily be more than academic.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Canada; Crime/Corruption; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government; Mexico; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: agreement; amero; blackhelicopters; border; bordersecurity; cafta; canada; communist; corridor; corsi; corsisanidiot; cuespookymusic; democrat; garbage; globalistsundermybed; globalization; illegalalien; illegalimmigration; immigration; ips; kook; kookism; latinamerica; linowitzcommission; mexico; morethorzineplease; movetochat; nafta; nationalism; northamericanunion; pastor; prosperity; robertapastor; robertpastor; security; socialist; sovereignty; tinfoil; tollroad; transtexas; tripe
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I didnt find this until today, however this is very interesting history of the man that created the Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement, that AGAIN has not been voted on in Congress.
1 posted on 07/26/2006 2:39:30 AM PDT by Trupolitik
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To: Trupolitik
"Robert Pastor argued in a 2004 article in CFR’s Foreign Affairs, entitled “North America’s Second Decade,” that the United States would benefit by giving up U.S. national Sovereignty. “Countries are benefited,” he wrote, “when they changed these [national sovereignty] policies, and evidence suggests that North Americans are ready for a new relationship that renders this old definition of sovereignty obsolete.”"

Meadow Muffins. They will lie, cheat and break any and all laws to get their way.

2 posted on 07/26/2006 2:45:38 AM PDT by WorkerbeeCitizen (We need a maintenance Crusade)
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To: Trupolitik

More good info from Jerome Corsi

3 posted on 07/26/2006 2:45:45 AM PDT by dennisw (Confucius say man who go through turnstile sideways going to Bangkok)
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To: dennisw

I cant believe the sheer volume of information he keeps putting out on this.

4 posted on 07/26/2006 2:47:05 AM PDT by Trupolitik
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To: dennisw

I would like more background on this Pastor critter. Where he was born. His family. Ethnic extraction. Early education. Where he was raised. This guy is AWFUL!!!!

5 posted on 07/26/2006 2:50:58 AM PDT by dennisw (Confucius say man who go through turnstile sideways going to Bangkok)
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To: dennisw

Well, considering his warm and cozy relationships with Commie Carter and the rest of the Socialist gang is it ANY wonder why he would promote international committees that have power over an entire continent but without any accountability to the voters?

6 posted on 07/26/2006 2:54:38 AM PDT by Trupolitik
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To: Trupolitik
Is our Congress asleep or simply ignoring this for whatever reasons?

Where is Arloon Spectre when we need him?

Why hasn't talk radio picked up on this.

I know the MSM will not report on it but I believe if the public gets wind of this, all hell will break loose.

By the way, I'm waiting to hear from all the Corsi detractors who have pooh-poohed this and insinuated that any of us who even consider this a remote possibility are candidates to be fitted with special tin foil hats.

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To: Trupolitik

I cant believe the sheer volume of information he keeps putting out on this.

Jerome Corsi obviously has the education, writing ability and research skills. And hopefully people supplying him with good information and intel. Maybe even leaking ---->>>

Jerome R. Corsi received a Ph.D. from Harvard University in political science in 1972 and has written many books and articles, including co-authoring with John O'Neill the No. 1 New York Times best-seller, "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry." Dr. Corsi's most recent books include "Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil," which he co-authored with WND columnist Craig. R. Smith, and "Atomic Iran: How the Terrorist Regime Bought the Bomb and American Politicians."

8 posted on 07/26/2006 2:56:02 AM PDT by dennisw (Confucius say man who go through turnstile sideways going to Bangkok)
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To: Trupolitik

Jerome had begun losing me when he took on things like free trade zones, but here, with regard to the one-worlder Bob Pastor, he is dead on the money.

Where bob Pastor's name pops up, patriots go on alert.

9 posted on 07/26/2006 2:56:10 AM PDT by John Valentine
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To: seasoned traditionalist

Rep Tom Tancredo has picked it up. As far as the media, Lou Dobbs is the main guy to do a segment on it so far.


Dr. Corsi said in another doc that he has filed a FOIA request for the documents. I imagine things will heat up then, because I am sure ALOT more facts will be found.

Cant wait!

10 posted on 07/26/2006 3:03:00 AM PDT by Trupolitik
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To: Trupolitik
Well, considering his warm and cozy relationships with Commie Carter and the rest of the Socialist gang is it ANY wonder why he would promote international committees that have power over an entire continent but without any accountability to the voters?

Heh! One of our own (Republican John Cornyn) was caught the other day incorporating some of Pastor's preaching into a US Senate bill

Senator ditches bill tied to 'superstate'
Makes decision after WND points out link to 'North American Union'

The spokesman clarified Cornyn "is adamantly opposed to any 'North American Union' being formed like the EU has been formed in Europe."

Cornyn's office had no explanation, however, for why the legislation was introduced, except to note the senator "continues to believe that if Mexico would adopt free market principles, it would be in the best interest of the United States."

The spokesman further added that Cornyn will continue "to look for ways to encourage the forces of reform within Mexico."

WND showed Cornyn's office Friday that a content analysis of the bill demonstrated its similarity to some of Pastor's writings. The correlation was so strong, WND told the senator's staff, a conclusion could be reliably drawn that the person drafting and proposing the legislation drew from Pastor's writings and intended to advance his political agenda to create a "North American Union."

Pastor's extensive writings repeatedly have called for the creation of a North American Investment Fund, to develop Mexico, as a key step on a road map to a new regional government.



11 posted on 07/26/2006 3:03:14 AM PDT by dennisw (Confucius say man who go through turnstile sideways going to Bangkok)
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To: Trupolitik

Why the Amero and the North American Union? The United States should not copy Europe. How about the United States dollar and Canada and Mexico becoming a part of the United States?

12 posted on 07/26/2006 3:04:01 AM PDT by Jedi Master Pikachu (
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To: Trupolitik

Democrat; can we spell Communist?

13 posted on 07/26/2006 3:06:05 AM PDT by Lion Den Dan
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To: Trupolitik

Lesson learned: Keep the Pastors out of politics.

14 posted on 07/26/2006 3:06:53 AM PDT by gotribe (It's not a religion.)
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To: John Valentine
Jerome had begun losing me when he took on things like free trade zones, but here, with regard to the one-worlder Bob Pastor, he is dead on the money. Where bob Pastor's name pops up, patriots go on alert. . Indeed buddy. Of course in the article Pastor is quoted in a selWhere bob Pastor's name pops up, patriots go on alert. . Indeed buddy. Of course in the article Pastor is quoted in a self engrandizing statement that the was built on his CFR study "Building a North American Union". Maybe its just self flagellation, maybe its true. Maybe its both. But there is a big similarity in both the word usage, and operational goals. ALSO, you cant deny that regionalization is going on whether it the EU, African Union, Middle east Islamic Caliphate, or ASEAN. Why WOULDNT someone want to TRY it here? They wont suceed because there are too many people watching for that. You know, Freepers. ;-) f engrandizing statement that the was built on his CFR study "Building a North American Union". Maybe its just self flagellation, maybe its true. Maybe its both. But there is a big similarity in both the word usage, and operational goals. ALSO, you cant deny that regionalization is going on whether it the EU, African Union, Middle east Islamic Caliphate, or ASEAN. Why WOULDNT someone want to TRY it here? They wont suceed because there are too many people watching for that. You know, Freepers. ;-) the heck do I create a space between the quote and my reply? ugghh...
15 posted on 07/26/2006 3:10:03 AM PDT by Trupolitik
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To: dennisw

I want to take Sen. Cornyn at his word. He is my Senator, and was a former member of the Texas Supreme Court. I have read several of his opinions and he seems like a truly good guy. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt SINCE he did promise to drop the bill. Excellent article by the way. I must have missed that one!!!

16 posted on 07/26/2006 3:12:33 AM PDT by Trupolitik
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To: Jedi Master Pikachu
How about the United States dollar and Canada and Mexico becoming a part of the United States? . Because it would mean more democrats and more people living off the welfare state. No thankyou! ;-)
17 posted on 07/26/2006 3:14:29 AM PDT by Trupolitik
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To: Trupolitik

The real tin foil hat wearers are the Freepers and others who are in denial about this major loss of US sovereignty. Promoted by the hacks in DC, this loss takes a two pronged approach. Leaving America wide open to illegal aliens from Mexico and points south. And saddling America with this North American co-prosperity sphere

NAFTA started the ball rolling and this Robert Pastor states in his writing that NAFTA itself promoted more illegal immigration. As the Maquiladora factories sprang up near the the USA-Mex border they attracted Mexicans from all over Mexico. A gross movement northward. When things didn't pan out at the Maquiladora the next step was crossing into the United States of America

18 posted on 07/26/2006 3:19:33 AM PDT by dennisw (Confucius say man who go through turnstile sideways going to Bangkok)
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To: Trupolitik

Never trusted him ...... but that's me.

19 posted on 07/26/2006 3:21:05 AM PDT by dennisw (Confucius say man who go through turnstile sideways going to Bangkok)
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To: seasoned traditionalist
Why hasn't talk radio picked up on this.

On Friday, a call slipped through on Rush- the lady was from Texas, and exposed a Senate bill that Cornyn was quietly pushing about the NA Union. Rush was taken off guard, it was obviously a mistake to let her through, but it was hilarious!!

Monday, I think, Cornyn pulled the bill.

20 posted on 07/26/2006 3:27:08 AM PDT by ovrtaxt (We gotta watch out for the Hellbazoo and the Hamas...)
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