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Science's Stem Cell Scam
Townhall ^
| July 19, 2006
| Michael Fumento
Posted on 07/20/2006 4:55:28 AM PDT by 13Sisters76
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To: 13Sisters76
Ive written repeatedly of how Science has made itself a propaganda sheet for ESC research, as well as other political causes. ****************
Impossible! Scientists are above that kind of thing.
posted on
07/20/2006 5:00:58 AM PDT
(Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
To: 13Sisters76
posted on
07/20/2006 5:07:05 AM PDT
("...but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." Lincoln)
To: trisham
Science is a journal, and is written by journalists now, not by scientists.
There certainly are scientists who indulge in propaganda, especially when they are not writing about their own field, but this formerly well respected journal is becoming no better than a blog with respect to some fields.
posted on
07/20/2006 5:16:16 AM PDT
((.Praying for President Bush, our troops, their families, and all my American neighbors..))
To: AFPhys
posted on
07/20/2006 5:17:58 AM PDT
(Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
To: 13Sisters76
Well! One answer to that is that its nine more than can be claimed for ESCs. Further, there are 1175 clinical trials for ASCs, including those no longer recruiting patients, with zero for ESCsRegardless of where one stands on the issue, this statement is ridiculusly illogical. If the research isn't funded, then there never will be applications for ESC. So to compare it with ASC is like comparing apples to oranges, but before the oranges have grown. I wish these writers would not abuse science and simply say ESC research is immoral rather than misusing science as propaganda.
posted on
07/20/2006 5:40:22 AM PDT
(Democrats are to morals what and Etch-A-Sketch is to Art.)
To: trisham
About 4 years ago, I took a Freshman biology course at a local college. When we got to the discussion on DNA, stem cell therapy, etc. I wrote the following on a test regarding their potential - We can make the desert bloom, heal the sick, and raise the dead - just send money.
Their "research" was an appeal for funds, so we could do these wonderful things for you.IMHO
To: 13Sisters76
Was this on Rush yesterday?
To: AmericaUnite
posted on
07/20/2006 5:48:33 AM PDT
( "History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid." -- Dwight Eisenhower)
To: AmericaUnite
Here's a link to the main page in case my direct link (as a "member" of 24/7) to the transcript doesn't work:
posted on
07/20/2006 6:03:31 AM PDT
( "History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid." -- Dwight Eisenhower)
To: doc30
With all due respect, your comment is ridiculusly and illogical. Are you suggesting that the 1175 ASC trials were possible only through government funding? I think not...
Hundreds of thousands of clinical trials are underway for various treatments at any one time, and only a small percentage have government funding. Public funding is only needed when potential profit is doubtful.
In this case it is ass-backwards from what you suggest. There is much more potential profit incentive in ESC than ASC. ASC is much less likely to turn into a treatment that can be mass produced and marketed since it often uses the patients own cells. (Which is exactly why there is such interest in ESC...)
As always, follow the money.
posted on
07/20/2006 6:12:41 AM PDT
To: 13Sisters76
The goal is NOT science or cures of any sort. The goal is establishing government paying for and then government directing the killing and use of some human beings for the benefit of others. This goes right along with selective abortion and culling of misfits. This is the liberals desiring ultimate total control of human beings and racial human purification. The Liberals are determined to be Morlocks to the rest of us Eloi.
posted on
07/20/2006 6:21:41 AM PDT
(It is better to fight them OVER THERE than here.)
To: doc30
You seem to assume that lack of Federal funds means NO funds. That is ridiculous. Many millions are spent by companies and states on ESC research, as was done with ASC too. The push for Federal ESC research is ideological, not funding driven.
posted on
07/20/2006 6:33:44 AM PDT
To: arthurus
I agree. The liberals continue to devalue human life. If the liberals get the people to accept ESC research, it will be much easier to get them to accept partial-birth abortion, full-term abortions, euthanasia, assisted suicide, etc.
I really think that acceptance of this practice has very dangerous implications.
Comment #15 Removed by Moderator
To: 13Sisters76
Thanks much for the post. I came to FreeRepublic hoping to find links that expose the truth behind the ESC issue -- it is being abused as a political toy. Conservatives use it to push anti-abortion agenda; liberals use it as a means to say people are being denied treatment (which doesn't even exist). It is mostly an election-time game.
Now, this article is editorial in nature, but it has encouraged me to further pursue the science that I've read in the past but have forgotten the details.
Already, I have received an e-mail from a health-related organization blasting the veto and making false claims about how this stops research. (Of course, it's the same one that wants the entire small business association healthcare plan to be obliterated...rather than thinking logically about its benefits and encouraging discussion about amendments.) Its liberal bent has shown through its e-mails from it "news" section in the past.
What's all this mean? Wake up, find the facts, don't jump onto an issue based simply on who champions it, think for yourself, and don't get sucked in by agenda-driven organizations. It's taken less than 24 hours for the propaganda to begin.
posted on
07/20/2006 9:38:47 AM PDT
(The liberal media are as sheep clearing the path along which they will be lead to the slaughter.)
To: Pirate21
liberals use it as a means to say people are being denied treatment...
Let me re-word that -- they are using it to advance their socialist agenda (put the money in the hands of the government; create an entitlement class -- in this case researchers who want money that frankly is available otherwise from private investors).
posted on
07/20/2006 9:41:53 AM PDT
(The liberal media are as sheep clearing the path along which they will be lead to the slaughter.)
To: babygene
Hundreds of thousands of clinical trials are underway for various treatments at any one time, and only a small percentage have government funding. Public funding is only needed when potential profit is doubtful. Correction. Public funding is used for basic research. Treatments entering clinical trials are the result of applied research where profits can easily be foreseen. What worries me is that there is no basic research being done on ESC and the limited work being done is locked away in the private sector. And if it is money driven, then ESC could be a cost savings because treatements would not have to be customized for each patient. Also, basic research would better contrast the two avenues and would provide cross-functional information. In other words, spin offs of ESC could make ASC work better.
posted on
07/20/2006 12:04:04 PM PDT
(Democrats are to morals what and Etch-A-Sketch is to Art.)
To: Pirate21
Let me re-word that -- they are using it to advance their socialist agenda (put the money in the hands of the government; create an entitlement class -- in this case researchers who want money that frankly is available otherwise from private investors).The money is not available in the private sector for basic research. very few, if any, companies actually engage in basic research. there's no profit agenda behind it. I'm arguing research in general, not just the ESC issue. Most of the technological acheivements we have are derived from basic research. Sure, there is lots of development and some key findings from the private sector, but the foundation all came from tax dollars.
posted on
07/20/2006 12:07:36 PM PDT
(Democrats are to morals what and Etch-A-Sketch is to Art.)
To: doc30
You do realize that the Bush Administration has provided over $90 million for ESC research.
And that is $90 million more than every prior administration combined.
And are you aware that the ESC lines supported by Bush has resulted in over 85% of all published ESC research?
"locked away in the private sector" indeed.
posted on
07/20/2006 9:37:00 PM PDT
(Cursed be he who perverts the justice)
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