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Excellent article.
1 posted on 06/30/2006 11:35:11 PM PDT by FairOpinion
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To: FairOpinion

It is interesting to me that so many Democrats and leftists say that the war on terror has failed. How can a war which has only just begun be deemed a failure?

2 posted on 06/30/2006 11:53:49 PM PDT by sageb1 (This is the Final Crusade. There are only 2 sides. Pick one.)
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To: FairOpinion
[Article] As Osama bin Laden noted in 1998, Muslims have an obligation to kill Americans, albeit most Muslims do not accept his argument. "The ruling to kill all Americans and their allies -- civilian and military -- is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it." In addition, there is the belief among radical Islamists that the infidels, namely Christians and Jews, must be forced to submit to Islam or die. "Our struggle is not about land or water," the late Ayatollah Khomeini said in 1980, "it is about bringing by force if necessary, the whole of mankind onto the right path."

I have a problem with arguments that give any countenance to the Islamofascists at all, or any statements such as "(all) Islam is violent, anti-Christian, a religion of rapists," et cetera -- and with comments about Mohammed. We don't need commentary like that -- it's like the barber shop rule, just don't start any religious arguments if you can avoid them.

Rather than conceding, as the quoted passage above seems to do, that Osama and his fellow Wahhabists represent some "true face of Islam," which actually corroborates Bin Laden's propaganda, it should be a punctilious observance for every person engaging Islamofascism to point out that Wahhabists are a tiny minority, and that their inerrantist, literalist interpretations of the Koran are no more authoritative than those of any other Moslem -- that is one of the fundamental precepts of Islam, that there is no priesthood and no person endowed with the right to say what is canon and what is heresy. For a final authority, there is only the Koran (enlarged by some sideworks and commentaries), and its guidance is various. Indonesia was proselytized by Moslems through personal example and personal contact; it was carried forward by Moslem merchants, not warriors, and it was a moderate a peaceful strain of Islam that was propagated through the hitherto mostly Buddhist Indies.

The example of the various Moslem slayers who waged holy war incessantly on the Hindus is by no means incontestably "orthodox" Islam, and we shouldn't be encouraging people to think that it was, or that the Bin Ladens and Abu Aymans, who slaughter men and women, including Moslems, indiscriminately, are somehow the "true heirs" of Mohammed. They aren't, and there are a lot, just a hell of a lot, of Moslems who, if we'd shut up a minute, might be willing to stand up and say so.

Remember that the Mahdi was killed after Omdurman by his own troops, who decided, after that great defeat, that the Mahdi was a false prophet, and shown to be one by the successes of the British against him and them; and that, as a false prophet, he was guilty of shirk, the greatest haraam (wrong, sin) in all of Islam.

5 posted on 07/01/2006 12:19:46 AM PDT by lentulusgracchus ("Whatever." -- sinkspur)
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To: FairOpinion

Just find 'em...kill 'em....

6 posted on 07/01/2006 2:56:28 AM PDT by AngelesCrestHighway
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To: FairOpinion
What interesting to note is the Democrats have not changed their tune. They were dragged kicking and screaming into the WOT. If you review the reaction by Democrats and their Junk Media allies, they were TRYING to use 9-11 for political ends at first. It was only after the overwhelming rage of the American people because clear in the days following 9-11, that Democrats changed their tune. Even then they were screaming "We have to understand why they hate us" and "We aren't going to give the President a blank check".

The Democrats have finally come out of the closet and are doing NOW, what they wanted to do all along. Due to the screaming of their lunatic fringe, they REALLY think this country has forgotten 9-11-01.

We shall see in Nov if they are correct.

7 posted on 07/01/2006 3:53:24 AM PDT by MNJohnnie (Fire Murtha Now! Spread the word. Support Diana Irey.
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To: FairOpinion
In radical Islam religion is "flesh and blood"

Therein lies the crux of the problem: islam foresees a time when there will be heaven on earth, and in that sense it's a completely irrational theology. Heaven will never be on earth and to try to make it so will only enslave earth to an evil construct of insanity, namely islam.

8 posted on 07/01/2006 3:59:39 AM PDT by gotribe (It's not a religion.)
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