The Hunt Continues for COLD-BLOODED KILLERS!
They have blood on their hands.
That's what I was hoping to hear. Someone has to pay for this atrocity and then they will stop. God Bless our soldiers and get those bastards.
Nothing would make me feel better than to hear that Iraqis tracked down these monsters. Capture would be my preference, but a whoopsie that let them find out the truth about the 72 virgins sooner wouldn't bother me.
I look for news about this. I'm so sick of "abu Ghraib"! (I have NO idea to spell it and I don't care!) That subject was in my "I don't give a da*n" category anyway, but now I think of how much press was given to that subject as compared to the beatings, torture and brutal murder of two of our finest! Have the democrats and the msm no shame? They just drool with compassion for the "poor wittle prisoners" in abu ghraib who had to suffer with panties on their heads and other such HORRIBLE humilitations! On NO! How AWEFUL!!!
The democraps, and the msm, had better keep their mouths shut about abu ghraib. I don't want to hear about it again. If they don't feel the righteous anger that the rest of us do about the brutal murder of our boys, then they are even more of a worthless lot than I thought! I hope these boys' fellow soldiers find the scum and make them suffer as much. I don't want to hear about it, I just want it to happen.
They can 'have at' the killers with my blessing. Oh, and the poster who said he had a blow torch definitely has the right idea!
(trying to calm down right now) >:-(