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Papers Show 'Gloomy' State of Insurgency(We're winning the WOT!)
The Washington Times ^
| Jun 15, 2006
Posted on 06/15/2006 10:54:22 AM PDT by kellynla
click here to read article
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posted on
06/15/2006 10:54:24 AM PDT
To: kellynla
The White House needs to trumpet this loud and frequently, otherwise it will be ignored by the leftwing drive-by media as it does not fit their lose-at-any-price agenda. Note that the article appeared in the Washington Times. Any note of it in the Compost?
posted on
06/15/2006 10:59:01 AM PDT
(New Dem values: integrity, civility, accountability. Dem examples: Jefferson, McKinney and Kennedy)
To: kellynla
I wonder how often they used a phrase like that when they reported the Hyditha thing...
To: kellynla
Of course we're winning.
The media narrative on the war has always been a stupidity. It still is.
posted on
06/15/2006 10:59:52 AM PDT
(The Barking of the Native Moonbat is the Sound of Moral Nitwittery)
To: kellynla
Do you know what REALLY annoys the holy pie outta me?
It's the America haters who are really rooting for America to fail in Iraq. Their "good" news is a setback for America.
Horay for Bush and our soldiers! The WOT may never be won, like the war on poverty, drugs, crime, etc., but the particular a-holes in Afghanistan and Iraq CAN be...are are.
posted on
06/15/2006 10:59:53 AM PDT
( Socrates: It's never right to do wrong.)
To: conservativehusker
"...There was no way to independently confirm the authenticity of the information attributed to al-Qaida. .."
It would probably help if I included the actual phrase???
To: starfish923
It's a civil war, you know. They want America to fail because it fits their world view and they think they will return to power on it's back.
posted on
06/15/2006 11:02:01 AM PDT
Knitting A Conundrum
(Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
To: kellynla
I think this should be a clear statement that the Haditha story was largely fabricated and our media and Murtha swallowed it hook line and sinker.
posted on
06/15/2006 11:03:24 AM PDT
To: kellynla
Nice post. As many of us are aware, there is a far greater amount of counter insurgency operations now bearing fruit then any source gets wind of. Which of course is GOOD.
Suffice it that we get trickels such as this on occasions as TF77/145, US/Brit Army, US Marines, SOCOM as oversea of TF77/145 etc., keep drilling down through the levels and map everything to the tee and interface with growing numbers of realiable Iraqi units.
And if the IG is broadcasting some partial truths, so be it.
They are starting to finally take control of the situation, and that is what we have been after all along.
posted on
06/15/2006 11:07:08 AM PDT
(Honor must be earned)
To: nikos1121
Within 2 hrs. the AP was running stories suggesting this document was forged...Rush was reading on the air.
To: Buckeye McFrog
To: Buckeye McFrog
"Within 2 hrs. the AP was running stories suggesting this document was forged...Rush was reading on the air."
On the other hand, if true that would be good, too as it indicates our counter espionage tactic are working. Keep making more stuff like this up and name name, (eg Murtha)
To: Buckeye McFrog
"Within 2 hrs. the AP was running stories suggesting this document was forged..."
Oh. Of course. Anything that goes against the patently idiotic libnut "narrative" on the war has to be, you know, part of a grand conspiracy.
posted on
06/15/2006 11:11:48 AM PDT
(The Barking of the Native Moonbat is the Sound of Moral Nitwittery)
To: kellynla
posted on
06/15/2006 11:13:35 AM PDT
Kenny Bunkport
(Left's reaction to "GODLESS": "They haven't hated a book this much since the Bible." (pissant))
To: kellynla
The document said the insurgency was being hurt by, among other things, the U.S. military's program to train Iraqi security forces, by massive arrests and seizures of weapons, by tightening the militants' financial outlets, and by creating divisions within its ranks. "Generally speaking and despite the gloomy present situation, we find that the best solution in order to get out of this crisis is to involve the U.S. forces in waging a war against another country or any hostile groups," the document said, as quoted by al-Maliki's office.
According to the summary, insurgents were being weakened by operations against them and by their failure to attract recruits. To give new impetus to the insurgency, they would have to change tactics, it added.
TRANSLATION: The Americans are kicking our @ss. I hope they find someone else to kick @ss on so we can get a breather...
posted on
06/15/2006 11:15:35 AM PDT
(My common ground with terrorists - They want to die for Islam, and we want to kill them.)
To: CedarDave
My thoughts you will not see any Repub, much less Bush speaking on this....This needs to be the top news item tonight....wonder if Tony Snow will speak on it...
To: 2banana
"TRANSLATION: The Americans are kicking our @ss. I hope they find someone else to kick @ss on so we can get a breather..."
I agree. Although I think we'll be in Iraq ad infinitum...
Look how long we've been in Korea, Japan & Germany.
posted on
06/15/2006 11:32:44 AM PDT
(Freedom of speech makes it easier to spot the idiots! Semper Fi!)
To: kellynla
Iraq's a roller coaster ride. I hope we're not just going up another hill.
posted on
06/15/2006 11:40:39 AM PDT
To: bkepley
Oh, I'm sure there will be highs and lows for as long as we live.
The only way to completely rid ourselves of this would be a 21st century Crusade.
posted on
06/15/2006 11:44:34 AM PDT
(Freedom of speech makes it easier to spot the idiots! Semper Fi!)
To: kellynla
posted on
06/15/2006 11:46:02 AM PDT
Patriot Hooligan
("God have mercy on my enemies because I won't." General George S. Patton)
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