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To: Grendel9
From Der Spiegel:

"Muhammad Ismael, a 40-year-old Iraqi taxi driver, was standing outside his home in the tiny village of Hibhib on Wednesday evening when something unusual caught his eye.

Three GMC trucks, each with blackened windows, rumbled past his home and toward the little house in a nearby grove of date palms that for more than three years had stood abandoned.

Of the three GMC trucks that had pulled up to the house in the date palm grove, only two stayed. One of them drove away and never came back.

Mr. Ismael, the taxi driver, said American soldiers began swarming the town, seemingly coming from nowhere, with some soldiers sliding down ropes dropped from Black Hawk helicopters.

As the American commandos took up positions, Mr. Ismael said, someone from inside the house in the date grove began shooting. The Americans returned fire, Mr. Ismael said, but the firefight did not last long."

That is when two F-16C's paid a visit....

The departing GMC likely carried the informant who gave up Zarqawi and his entire network for $10k, per my previous post.

Zarqawi was likely outside the house trying to escape in one of the GMC's during the encirclement. Seeing this, the Delta Force observers likely called for an air strike, not willing to wait for a capture attempt and possible escape.

Remember we had eyes on him a year ago February and he got away.

7 posted on 06/10/2006 10:34:54 AM PDT by gandalftb
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To: gandalftb; Allegra

Our Troops are still at it, taking advantage of the Big Mo! Thank God for them and for you...doing whatever you are doing to make sure things are running as smoothly as can be expected in a war zone.

Thanks and stay safe

8 posted on 06/10/2006 10:56:01 AM PDT by Chgogal (The US Military fights for Freedom of the Press while the NYT lies about the Military and cowers...)
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