Jeez... Have some wine with your cheese.
Hey Mikey! Put a sock in it and sit down, yer blockin' the TV!
I believe I read that there may be some link between ADD and televsiion in the early years. Has something to do with brain delevopment and the frequency of stimulus from tv images and sound.
My TV was on from the time I got up in the morning until I went to bed at night. My kids would fall asleep in front of the tv and then I would carry them to bed at night. We watched all types of programs, news, sports kids shows MTV ( before it sucked).
I guess I was a rotten Mother. Oh by the way my kids are 1) an architech, 2) aetro space engineer, 3)works for the gov at Pearl Harbor, 3) Captain in the Army. I feel like such a failure as a Mother..NOT!
TV offers all kinds of opportunties for learning....After all, it is in English. Just listening to words is learning.
Somehow, people think that we spent hours playing with our kids before TV. Well, we didn't have throw away diapers. I didn't even have a dryer and yes, we IRONED....and cooked every day. There wasn't time!!
Todays parents have different "schedules" and live differently and I think it's tough for them. In fact, I think they're pretty amazing in a very demanding world.
Things change. Get over it. TV, especially up north where we freeze our butts for 6 months is just another way of passing time.
How ironic I should see this article today! Just yesterday I happen to see my son's kindergarten teacher. While I didn't get to speak with her, it did bring back memories. My son is now almost 30 but she was NOT happy with me when my son had her. His problem? He didn't know the Sesame Street characters! First of all, we live in a very rural area and at that time, didn't even get any decent signal for tv. Second, my son spent the vast majority of his time outside. He played in the dirt with his cars, built forts and basically just had fun.
I think everyone should raise their children their own way but it does seem to me that tv has become the babysitter.