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The frightening truth of why Iran wants a bomb
The Sunday Telegraph (UK) ^
| April 16, 2006
| By Amir Taheri
Posted on 04/15/2006 6:36:40 PM PDT by aculeus
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posted on
04/15/2006 6:36:43 PM PDT
To: aculeus
Well for openers,..... they're good little NAZIs and want finish the final solution from AH's twisted mind and movement 65 years ago.
posted on
04/15/2006 6:40:54 PM PDT
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: aculeus
Iran's "delivery system" will likely be to smuggle it piece-by-piece into major US and Israeli cities, then reasseble the bombs, unnoticed, in an office in a tall building and timed to detonate simultaneously.
To: aculeus
I would not worry, because we are going to one day blow their carpet-weaving-asses up.
posted on
04/15/2006 6:43:55 PM PDT
Pukin Dog
(Sans Reproache, so if mere words can anger you, it means you can be controlled with little effort.)
To: SandRat
And like 65 years ago, it will take a catastrophe to wake civilization into meaningful action.
To: aculeus
Scary stuff! For some obscure reason, the term, "Antichrist" kept flickering into my conciousness as I read this...
posted on
04/15/2006 6:46:18 PM PDT
("Allah" = Shaitan's most successful disguise)
To: aculeus
We created nukes to not use them? That time may be up.
I like your tag line, but allah was merely mohammad's sock puppet.
To: aculeus
Muslim "ghazis" (holy raiders) are keen to become martyrs And our boys are keen to help them in that endeavor.
posted on
04/15/2006 6:47:55 PM PDT
To: aculeus
This is ridiculous. You have the choice: you can give up everything the West has worked for in the last thousand years, or you can flatten Tehran. I know which one I'd pick.
To: aculeus
"...the US, the only infidel power still capable of fighting..."Well, not quite, but you gotta admit Ahmadinejad's got a point.
"President George W Bush is an aberration, an exception to a rule under which all American presidents since Truman, when faced with serious setbacks abroad, have 'run away'. Iran's current strategy, therefore, is to wait Bush out."
Well, not quite, but you gotta admit Ahmadinejad's got another point.
You gotta admit one other thing: Ahmadinejad's a lot smarter than the Western Leftists.
posted on
04/15/2006 6:54:24 PM PDT
Savage Beast
(The Spirit of Flight 93 is the Spirit of America.)
To: aculeus
The President of a country with nuclear capacity who hears voices. Oy vey.
To: SandRat
The Democrats will never believe in the concept of destroying the enemy before he destroys us.
They will be aided and abetted by the usual supsects (such as the ACLU, CAIR, Code Pink and the Treasonous Six) in their efforts to stop us from eliminating a deadly threat such as Iran.
posted on
04/15/2006 6:55:45 PM PDT
Emmet Fitzhume
(Oh senseless death and destruction, thy name is Islam!)
To: popdonnelly
What the hell are we waiting for? Why isn't Iran a smoldering ash heap right now?
To: Pukin Dog
"..we are going to one day blow their carpet-weaving-asses up."
Yup, but I still wonder what the eff we are waiting for.
Positive poll numbers?
posted on
04/15/2006 6:56:29 PM PDT
(If you don't like my opinion, go get your own.)
To: Alamo-Girl; betty boop
Hmmm.. interesting if true.. even if kinda true..
posted on
04/15/2006 6:57:32 PM PDT
(CAUTION: This propaganda is laced with hyperbole..)
To: Radix
Bush doesn't care about polls. He cares about military readiness. This is not the time. Iraq needs to stabilize.
posted on
04/15/2006 7:02:37 PM PDT
Pukin Dog
(Sans Reproache, so if mere words can anger you, it means you can be controlled with little effort.)
To: aculeus
posted on
04/15/2006 7:09:48 PM PDT
(O beautiful for patriot dream - that sees beyond the years)
To: Savage Beast gotta admit Ahmadinejad's got a point...Yeah, but I bet it's hard for him to find a hat to fit it.
posted on
04/15/2006 7:10:18 PM PDT
(I was FReepin' when FReepin' wasn't cool.)
To: Pukin Dog
Well then, it better be done before President Bush leaves office because the Iranians are right about one thing...the next president, Dem or Repub won't be as strong as George Bush and the whole world will be in big trouble if Iran has atomic weapons!
posted on
04/15/2006 7:10:58 PM PDT
("We have met the enemy and it's the U.S. press (and the democrats and some Republicans)!")
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