The most apt and succinct summary of this thus far.
Has the man never heard of a fence? And if he was not allowed to put up a fence, I noticed he had a row of cedars. He could have put cedars around his property. Kids will be kids. I don't think this was a bad kid. Kids don't think about stuff like that. He walked across a lawn, to him it was just a lawn, and no big deal. A lawn is hardly anything that someone should get murdered over.
And yes, I know kids are different today, than they were in most of our days. That is no reason, or excuse, to murder them. I'm sure this straight A student would have matured into a productive adult. No doubt in my mind. Patience seems to be sorely lacking in our society these days. I find it sorely lacking in myself these days. These seem to be extremely trying times we are living in. People need to get a grip, and not respond with violence.