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Don't believe anti-gun statistics
Lexington Herald-Leader ^
| Mar. 13, 2006
| Robert L. Pruden
Posted on 03/13/2006 12:52:30 PM PST by neverdem
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posted on
03/13/2006 12:52:34 PM PST
To: neverdem
"well respected, non-profit, gun control advocacy group"
Well, thats an oxymoron if I ever heard one!
posted on
03/13/2006 12:54:47 PM PST
(Liberalism - The 'Culture of Ignorance'.)
To: neverdem
I'm saving this post along with some others as ammunition for the next gun-grabber I get in a discussion with.
posted on
03/13/2006 12:59:45 PM PST
capt. norm
(Error: Keyboard not attached. Press F1 to continue)
To: proud_yank
I like this quote about the
Violence Policy Center:
"(The VPC is) a small anti-gun think-tank supported by grants from liberal-left foundations and wealthy benefactors who can afford their own armed bodyguards, but prefer a disarmed peasantry".
Source: Dr. Michael S. Brown, a member of Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws
To: Travis McGee; El Gato; Joe Brower; Squantos; archy; Shooter 2.5; OXENinFLA; ExSoldier
posted on
03/13/2006 1:09:36 PM PST
(May you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows that you're dead.)
To: neverdem
The VPC is a particularly virulent propaganda organ and nothing more. Remember these guys the next BJ Billy Clinton smirks at the camera and says condescendingly "Nobody's talking about taking guns away from anybody." He knows better.
To: capt. norm
I'm saving this post along with some others as ammunition for the next gun-grabber I get in a discussion with.
Won't do any good at all.
I was in a discussion a few years back and the comment was made :"We have got to do something...the rate of children being killed in the home by accidentally getting their hand on a gun is skyrocketing".
I grabbed my handy world almanac (it was the 1992 one - this must have been in 93 or 94), look up accidental deaths - in the home - by firearms - by age.
(Now all this is from memory) the records began being kept somewhere in the mid 50's, say 1957. That number was like 950 deaths nationwide.
I then looked at 1990. The number was around 220 or so. She had already stated that the number of guns had increased as well as the population; so not only was the "rate" not skyrocketing, it was going through the floor.
She looked at the numbers and calmly said "That's not what that means".
I just closed the book and went back to work. That is when I finally realized that reality has no meaning to the Gun-grabbers.
To: andy58-in-nh
That sums up our 'intellectual and moral superiors' and the rest of the left quite well. They can use firearms for protection, yet the rest of us can't.
but prefer a disarmed peasantry
A totalitarian socialist state is much easier to maintain if the masses are unarmed.
posted on
03/13/2006 1:12:43 PM PST
(Liberalism - The 'Culture of Ignorance'.)
To: neverdem
"Don't believe anti-gun statistics"
I don't.
But I still don't care. Suppose a study said that freedom speech or religion was dangerous - would these people have us ban those freedoms too?
OK, they probably would but that's all the more reason for them to p*ss off.
posted on
03/13/2006 1:23:58 PM PST
(Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's.)
To: neverdem
GF is starting to get into shooting. Any suggestions on a good pistol for a small female?
Also, stick with the 9MM or go for a 10MM?
posted on
03/13/2006 1:25:21 PM PST
(Samsanov traded to Edmonton. See ya Sergei!)
To: GrandEagle
I have a little bit better deal with my gun-grabbers in that they are computer programmers and not devoid of logic like just about all liberals.
They quickly back down when faced with hard data and are able to accept new concepts (otherwise they'd still be writing COBOL source code by the mile.)
posted on
03/13/2006 1:25:45 PM PST
capt. norm
(Error: Keyboard not attached. Press F1 to continue)
To: Holicheese
Give her the 9mm and upgrade to the 10mm. But only if you reload. 10mm ammo off the shelf is, for the most part, hard to find and underpowered. You can get fullhouse loads off the Net, but you'll pay a premium.
If you are looking for more power, a .41 Magnum won't punish you as much as a .44 or a .454 will. The .460 XVR or the .500 S&W are recoil junkies wetdreams. For a carry piece, Springfield XD in .45 ACP or a Sig P220. 1911's these days are too finiky about what they eat and how they are maintained.
posted on
03/13/2006 1:32:23 PM PST
Dead Corpse
(I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time.)
To: Dead Corpse
9mm are labeled useless because the military and LE are limited to FMJ rounds. JHP and HP rounds in 9mm will tear a chunk out of anyone and do real damage to the human body.
posted on
03/13/2006 1:43:55 PM PST
(`+Great powers never let minor allies dictate who, where and when they must fight.)
To: Fee
A 9mm 147gr Gold Dot@1135fps against a 10mm 180gr XTP@1400fps? Which would you rather have backing you up?
posted on
03/13/2006 1:50:31 PM PST
Dead Corpse
(I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time.)
To: capt. norm
otherwise they'd still be writing COBOL source code by the mile
LOL! She WAS a COBOL programmer!
Now that's funny I don't care WHO you are!
To: GrandEagle
LOL! She WAS a COBOL programmerThat leads me to belive that she never got beyond COBOL.
Not that there is anything wrong with's just that in writing COBOL source, you know that at some point you will be printing out a listing that weighs more than your youngest child.
It is such a verbose language and so boring that, if you're like me, you start getting a little creative with your variable names....and file names. I mean really creative. Now, suddenly it's fun to go to work and actually enjoy it. But I'm digressing here and the "COBOL Capers" is a whole 'nuther phase of my life.
If she is still stuck in "COBOL Land" that would explain everything.
posted on
03/13/2006 2:01:39 PM PST
capt. norm
(Error: Keyboard not attached. Press F1 to continue)
To: capt. norm
To be fair, it was about 12 or so years ago. I just thought It was funny that you picked that particular analogy.
I can't say much, I programmed FORTRAN - with punch cards!
Not for long though. That was long ago. I do quite a bit of "configuration" on control systems, and even a bit of VB from time to time for a cheap operator interface when the project is small.
Other than that, I don't do much real programming anymore.
To: Holicheese
I'd suggest a .22 revolver--a K-frame Smith & Wesson, or a Ruger single-action. Ammo is cheap, the gun will be easy to shoot (espeically if you can find a Smith with a good trigger), and she'll get good with it pretty quickly. When she's very comfortable with the .22, move her up to a .38 Smith target revolver.
The revolvers are easy to clean, too.
posted on
03/13/2006 3:08:59 PM PST
(If Gene Tracy was the entertainment at your senior prom, YOU might be a redneck...)
To: Billthedrill
The VPC is a particularly virulent propaganda organ and nothing more...And they are liars with closed minds on top of that. A couple years ago they issued a "press release" in which they stated that U.S. gun manufacturers were making handguns for kids and cited as their source a well-known U.S. gun magazine.
I happened to subscribe to that magazine, so I contacted its editorial staff and told them of what I had read. They went ballistic and wanted a copy of the VPC's "news release" which I fax'd to them. They also told me that they had published nothing of the sort.
I wrote a letter to the VPC, pointing out that there was no such thing as a handgun specifically sized down for tiny hands and marketed to children. Of course, I got no reply, but I'll bet they got an earful from the gun magazine's editor.
To: All
"You [Minutemen] are placed by Providence in the post of honor, because it is the post of danger. The eyes not only of North America and the whole British Empire, but of all Europe, are upon you. Let us be, therefore, altogether solicitous that no disorderly behavior, nothing unbecoming our characters as Americans, as citizens and Christians, be justly chargeable to us." - Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, Charge to The Minutemen, 1774.
The Second Amendment - Commentaries
posted on
03/13/2006 4:23:15 PM PST
(The commonwealth is theirs who hold the arms.... - Aristotle.)
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