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The Conspiracy That Cares

Corrupting the World's Youth Since 1859

February 28, 2006

The CrevoSci Archive

Since June 25, 1999

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Box Scores
(All values subject to change)

Year Threads Daily Avg.
1999 42 0.12
2000 120 0.33
2001 256 0.70
2002 442 1.21
2003 542 1.48
2004 520 1.42
2005 1395 3.82
2006 311 5.36
Totals 3628 1.49

Lost Threads

44 1.21

Participants Banned %
1121 122 10.88

Freepdays for February

  1. [02/18/2001] Aarchaeus
  2. [02/14/2003] adam_az
  3. [02/22/2001] Ahban
  4. [02/25/2003] akdonn
  5. [02/24/2001] AlaskaErik
  6. [02/29/2000] AnalogReigns
  7. [02/14/1999] Bob Z.
  8. [02/27/1998] Bonaparte
  9. [02/07/2004] Brooklyn Kid
  10. [02/25/2004] Cedar
  11. [02/10/2001] cgk
  12. [02/01/1998] Cicero
  13. [02/07/2004] conservative_crusader
  14. [02/19/1999] cornelis
  15. [02/22/2005] Crackingham
  16. [02/20/2000] DittoJed2
  17. [02/21/2001] doc30
  18. [02/04/1998] donh
  19. [02/01/2005] dougp59
  20. [02/23/2006] EarnestWorm
  21. [02/28/1998] editor-surveyor
  22. [02/20/2003] El Conservador
  23. [02/08/2001] exmarine
  24. [02/26/2004] ezfindit
  25. [02/15/2003] GarySpFc
  26. [02/22/2003] gomaaa
  27. [02/23/2003] Hadean
  28. [02/20/1999] Hellmouth
  29. [02/10/2002] I_dmc
  30. [02/11/2004] Ignatius J Reilly
  31. [02/14/2005] infocats
  32. [02/16/2005] Just Kimberly
  33. [02/11/1999] kattracks
  34. [02/27/2004] lightman
  35. [02/17/2003] "Lindykim Lindykim Lindykim
  36. [02/14/2002] Lorianne
  37. [02/18/2005] Loud Mime
  38. [02/02/2005] LW McMurray
  39. [02/19/2005] Markjwyatt
  40. [02/29/2000] Mean Maryjean
  41. [02/08/2004] Mike Bates
  42. [02/22/2004] Mogollon
  43. [02/07/1999] NewLand
  44. [02/22/2000] nika
  45. [02/03/2000] nikola
  46. [02/06/2001] NormsRevenge
  47. [02/07/2005] Para-Ord.45
  48. [02/09/2005] planetesimal
  49. [02/28/2000] Politically Correct
  50. [02/19/2003] Pro-Bush
  51. [02/08/2005] Quark2005
  52. [02/11/2003] Quick1
  53. [02/10/1998] Rightwing Conspiratr1
  54. [02/18/2000] RnMomof7
  55. [02/13/2005] sageb1
  56. [02/02/2002] Saturnalia
  57. [02/03/2002] scripter
  58. [02/01/2004] slowhand520
  59. [02/24/2000] Starmaker
  60. [02/22/1998] SteveH
  61. [02/20/2005] strategofr
  62. [02/17/2000] streetpreacher
  63. [02/28/1999] tang-soo
  64. [02/24/2005] Teófilo
  65. [02/24/2004] TheDotte
  66. [02/20/2005] TheTruthess
  67. [02/03/2005] Tolkien
  68. [02/07/2006] ToryHeartland
  69. [02/05/2000] truthandlife
  70. [02/24/1999] Uriel1975
  71. [02/04/2001] ValerieUSA
  72. [02/18/2000] Vaquero
  73. [02/18/2006] vincenteblackshadow
  74. [02/10/2002] William Creel
  75. [02/25/2001] wolfpat
  76. [02/27/1999] xsysmgr

CrevoSci Threads for the Past Week

  1. 02/28/2006 Utah House kills evolution bill
  2. 02/27/2006 Judge Jones discusses his opinion in Kitzmiller v. Dover
  3. 02/27/2006 Pond life: the future of energy ~ imagine huge desert algae farms supplying the world with energy.
  4. 02/27/2006 'Shari'a Law of Darwin' (Is the True Faith of The State)
  5. 02/27/2006 Why cavemen preferred blondes
  6. 02/26/2006 A Good Neanderthal Was Hard to Find
  7. 02/26/2006 Dr. Henry Morris has died
  8. 02/26/2006 The Official Death of the Theory of Evolution – 2/25/2006
  9. 02/26/2006 What I Believe - Science and the Power of Humanity
  10. 02/25/2006 Study: Modern Humans Killed Off Neanderthals Quickly
  11. 02/25/2006 The Great DNA Hunt (Genetic archaeology)
  12. 02/25/2006 This is It: Evolutionist or Creationist (Or something else?) (VANITY)
  13. 02/24/2006 Medicine Needs Evolution
  14. 02/24/2006 New Analysis of Chinese Fossil Provides Clearer Picture of Pleistocene Humans
  15. 02/24/2006 New evidence that natural selection is a general driving force behind the origin of species
  16. 02/24/2006 Pieces falling into place (Kennewick Man)
  17. 02/24/2006 Report: Kennewick Man Deliberately Buried
  18. 02/24/2006 The 'teach the controversy' party's over [Intelligent Design]
  19. 02/23/2006 A Billion Stars Hiding in Milky Way
  20. 02/23/2006 Darwin’s Jews
  21. 02/23/2006 Fossil Overturns Ideas of Jurassic Mammals
  22. 02/23/2006 Global Warming Fuels Speedy Evolution
  23. 02/23/2006 Humans vs. Neanderthals: Game Over Earlier
  24. 02/23/2006 Modern humans 'blitzed Europe'(Radiocarbon Dating Development)
  25. 02/23/2006 Modern humans took over Europe in just 5,000 years
  26. 02/23/2006 Over 500 Scientists Sign Statement Skeptical of Evolution
  27. 02/23/2006 Surprise: Chickens Can Grow Teeth
  28. 02/23/2006 Tree of Life project grows more leaves and branches
  29. 02/22/2006 1 Million Settlement Dover Lawsuit(Most to ACLU, Americans United,not lawyers)
  30. 02/22/2006 A Phony Science Gap?
  31. 02/22/2006 Darwin’s Cathedral
  32. 02/22/2006 DNA 'could predict your surname'
  33. 02/22/2006 Dover ID bill: $1M (ACLU windfall)
  34. 02/22/2006 Mutant Chicken Grows Alligatorlike Teeth
  35. 02/22/2006 Scientists releasing Kennewick Man research
  36. 02/22/2006 Surprise: Chickens Can Grow Teeth
  37. 02/22/2006 Why Sex?

This week in CrevoSci History

  1. 02/28/2005 Fishing For Truth
  2. 02/28/2005 'The Klan of Nabal-oney' or ('Grand Wizards Spring to Action')
  3. 02/27/2005 Can the Monist View Account for 'What Is Life?'
  4. 02/26/2005 Chromosomal Disharmony Leads to the Formation of a New Species
  5. 02/26/2005 HUMAN ORIGINS: Battle Erupts Over the 'Hobbit' Bones
  6. 02/26/2005 South American Dinosaur Find Modifies Theories
  7. 02/26/2005 Stephen C. Meyer Article: The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories
  8. 02/25/2005 Clutch Enables Your Motors to Achieve 100% Efficiency(Intelligent Design)
  9. 02/24/2005 ACLU to the rescue (satire)
  10. 02/24/2005 Ancient Crocodile Found in Australia
  11. 02/24/2005 Does Science Point to God? Part II: The Christian Critics
  12. 02/24/2005 HUMANS EVOLVED FROM PIGS - not from monkeys, new theory states!
  13. 02/24/2005 Rat Research Hints at God's Creation
  14. 02/24/2005 State of the Cosmos Address Offered
  15. 02/23/2005 Is Science Religiously Neutral?
  16. 02/23/2005 Science's New Heresy Trial: (Persecution of Scientific Thought)
  17. 02/22/2005 IN THE BEGINNING.....
  18. 02/22/2005 Intelligent Denials: Bush's science adviser defends evolution!
  19. 02/22/2005 Scientists breed cute tame foxes
  20. 02/21/2005 GENESIS VS. EVOLUTION
  21. 02/21/2005 History of modern man unravels as German scholar is exposed as fraud
  22. 02/21/2005 Intelligent Design, described by Pat Robertson
  23. 02/21/2005 Introns Engineered for Genetic Repair
  24. 02/21/2005 Molecular machine may lead to new drugs to combat human diseases
  25. 02/21/2005 'Science, Theories, and Man'
  26. 02/21/2005 The Fossil Fallacy: Creationists' demand for 'missing links'
  27. 02/21/2005 Thermodynamics, Evolution, and Behavior
  28. 02/21/2005 Unintelligent Design
  29. 02/27/2004 Antarctic Lost Worlds - 2 New Dinosaurs Species Found
  30. 02/27/2004 Bill requiring evolution disclaimer clears House
  31. 02/27/2004 Darwinism to Face Scrutiny in Ohio and Minnesota
  32. 02/27/2004 Evolving Artificial DNA [Closer to making 'life-in-the-lab']
  33. 02/25/2004 Dinosaur egg found in India
  34. 02/24/2004 Enzymes stitch together non-natural DNA [Getting closer to lab-made life]
  35. 02/24/2004 Invasion of the Kennewick Men
  36. 02/24/2004 Ohio Academy of Sciences Criticized for Scare Tactics on Evolution
  37. 02/24/2004 The big question: how long is a piece of string theory? (can we ever understand the universe?)
  38. 02/23/2004 Special Creation Update Webcast this Friday
  39. 02/22/2004 DNA Study Traces Ancient Ancestry Of Europeans
  40. 02/22/2004 The True Extent of Evolution's Corruption
  41. 02/21/2004 The origins of language: Signs of success
  42. 02/28/2003 An Introduction to Zero-Point Energy
  43. 02/28/2003 Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists
  44. 02/28/2003 Faster Than the Speed of Light: E = mc², Except When It Doesn't
  45. 02/28/2003 Javanese Fossil Skull Provides New Insights into Ancient Humans
  47. 02/28/2003 New Java Man as Controversial as Old Java Man
  48. 02/26/2003 Fossil Records Show Methane In Seafloor Sediments (Global Warming)
  49. 02/25/2003 2002 Crevo Threads
  50. 02/25/2003 Pioneer 10 spacecraft falls silent after nearly 31 years
  51. 02/25/2003 The Ultimate Creation vs. Evolution Resource [21st Revision]
  52. 02/24/2003 Anti-Creationists Backed Into a Corner?
  53. 02/24/2003 Anti-Creationists Backed Into a Corner?
  54. 02/24/2003 Breaking Down Time
  55. 02/22/2003 Case For Massive Black Hole Strengthened
  56. 02/22/2003 Vintage Skulls
  57. 02/21/2003 Humankind’s family tree reshaped
  58. 02/28/2002 I’m tired of these atheists’ knocking on my door holding the Book of Darwin
  59. 02/27/2002 Genesis Text: Response or Documentary? Allegory or Narrative?
  60. 02/27/2002 Human and fly studies . . . stress ongoing role of natural selection
  61. 02/27/2002 New Out-Of-Africa Theory Unveiled
  62. 02/27/2002 Scientists: T-Rex couldn't move fast
  63. 02/26/2002 Debate Is Fueled on When Humans Became Human
  64. 02/26/2002 Dinosaur discoveries wow Boston (Wishbone discovery for older theropods)
  65. 02/23/2002 US schools ban Darwin from class
  66. 02/28/2001 Evolution vs. Creation (Prediction 8)
  67. 02/27/2001 How scientific is evolution? (Thread 2)
  68. 02/26/2001 Dawkins Leads Atheist Revolt Against 'Evil' Church Schools.
  69. 02/26/2001 Our Biotech Future
  70. 02/23/2001 How scientific is evolution?
  71. 02/22/2001 CREVO & Politics: Dark Bedfellows - Postmoderns & Traditionalists Unite Against The Enlightenment
  72. 02/22/2001 'Darwin vindicated!' - Cracking of human genome confirms theory of evolution
  73. 02/22/2001 The Case Against Darwin (Thread III)
  74. 02/21/2001 The Case Against Darwin
  75. 02/23/2000 Dinosaur Pictures: NOT A HOAX

Deleted, Locked, or Pulled Threads

  1. 01/07/2006 Did Jesus Exist? Italian Court to Decide [Locked]
  2. 11/15/2005 'Perception' gene tracked humanity's evolution, scientists say [Locked]
  3. 04/27/2004 Stop Teaching Our Kids this Evolution Claptrap! [Pulled]
  4. 10/29/2003 The Mystery of the Missing Links (Intelligent Design vs. Evolution) [Pulled]
  5. 10/27/2003 Physics Nobelist Takes Stand on Evolution [Pulled]
  6. 10/23/2003 Gene Found for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder [Pulled]
  7. 10/21/2003 Artificial Proteins Assembled from Scratch [Pulled]
  8. 09/23/2003 Solar System Formation Questions [Pulled]
  9. 09/17/2003 Agreement of the Willing - Free Republic Science Threads [Pulled]
  10. 08/20/2003 Lice offer clues to origin of clothing [Locked]
  11. 07/19/2003 Darwin in a Box [Pulled]
  12. 07/18/2003 Unlikely Group May Revive Darwin Debate [Evolution v. Creationism] [Pulled]
  13. 07/02/2003 Unlocking the Mystery of 'Unlocking the Mystery of Life' [Pulled]
  14. 06/26/2003 Darwin Faces a New Rival [Pulled]
  15. 06/06/2003 Amazing Creatures [Pulled]
  17. 09/14/2002 Geological Theory Explains Origin of Ocean, Continents [Pulled]
  18. 09/13/2002 Oldest Known Penis Is 100 Million Years Old [Pulled]
  19. 04/13/2002 To Creationists: Is There a Global Conspiracy to Promote Evolution? [Pulled]
  20. 04/10/2002 (Creationists) CRSC Correction [Pulled]
  21. 04/04/2002 Evolution: What is it? (long article) [Locked]
  22. 03/22/2002 Evolution is designed for science classes [Pulled]
  23. 03/05/2002 Life found 'on margin of existence' [Pulled]
  24. 11/10/2001 Alabama to continue biology textbook warning sticker [Pulled]
  25. 11/06/2001 Warming makes mosquito evolve, University of Oregon scientists find [Pulled]
  27. 08/29/2001 How Not to Defend Evolution [Deleted]
  28. 08/28/2001 The Ultimate Creation vs. Evolution Resource [6th Revision] [Deleted]
  29. 08/27/2001 Top Ten Problems with the Big Bang [Deleted]
  30. 08/26/2001 A Scientific Account of the Origin of Life on Earth [Thread I] [Deleted]
  31. 08/24/2001 Satellites Search for Noah’s Ark [Deleted]
  32. 07/19/2001 Evolution is Religion — Not Science [Deleted]
  33. 07/19/2001 The Scientific Case Against Evolution: A Summary Part I [Deleted]
  34. 07/19/2001 The Scientific Case Against Evolution: A Summary Part II [Deleted]
  35. 07/19/2001 The Effect of Darwinism on Morality and Christianity [Deleted]
  36. 07/07/2001 Evolution Fraud in Current Biology Textbooks [Deleted]
  37. 03/31/2001 Enlisting Science to Find the Fingerprints of a Creator [No Such File]
  38. 01/13/2001 A Christian Understanding of Intelligent Design [Deleted]
  39. 11/15/2000 Evolutionism Receives Another Hard Blow [Deleted]
  40. 10/10/2000 Another Lost Generation? [Deleted]
  41. 10/02/2000 God and the Academy [Deleted]
  42. 09/18/2000 The World of Design [Deleted]
  43. 08/30/2000 Evil-Ution [Deleted]
  44. 11/14/1999 Creationism's Success Past 5 Years: (Gallup: 1 in 10 hold secular evolutionist perspective) [No Such File]

The Wall
"In death, all men are equal"

  1. 1LongTimeLurker
  2. 2Trievers
  3. Ada Coddington
  4. Ahab Brigade
  5. Ahriman
  6. akdonn
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  9. angelo
  10. Area Freeper
  11. Aric2000
  12. Askel5
  13. AskStPhilomena
  14. Asphalt
  15. biblewonk
  16. bluepistolero
  17. Boot Hill
  18. broberts
  19. churchillbuff
  20. claptrap
  21. Clinton's a liar
  22. codebreaker
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  25. dbbeebs
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  32. Exnihilo
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  47. Ignatius J Reilly
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  53. JFK_Lib
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  94. RickyJ
  95. RJCogburn
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  100. Shubi
  101. spazzedgadfly
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  104. Stingy Dog
  105. StupidQuestions
  106. That Subliminal Kid
  107. The Loan Arranger
  108. the lone rider
  109. Tomax
  110. tpaine
  111. Truth666
  112. Turan
  113. twittle
  114. Unalienable
  115. USA2000
  116. vincentblackshadow
  117. vincenteblackshadow
  118. WaveThatFlag
  119. What about Bob?
  120. winner45
  121. xm177e2
  122. zide56

322 posted on 02/28/2006 11:33:21 AM PST by Junior (Identical fecal matter, alternate diurnal period)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies ]

To: Junior
Big Time!

Big Time!

328 posted on 02/28/2006 11:37:42 AM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going....)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 322 | View Replies ]

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