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Operation Elephant Takeover (How to Steal an Election)
Republicans & Conservatives ^
| January 24, 2006
| Jack
Posted on 01/25/2006 8:01:36 PM PST by John Lenin
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The RATS literally stole Wisconsin and got away with it.
To: John Lenin
posted on
01/25/2006 8:04:43 PM PST
(Or a niftier Mr.)
To: John Lenin
It was the same thing in 2000, when Gore's margin in Wisconsin was less than 6,000 votes, and there were lots of reports of voter fraud.
To: John Lenin
posted on
01/25/2006 8:11:54 PM PST
("It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into"--Jonathan Swift)
To: Verginius Rufus
All this guff about making sure they have 300% more ballots than they need for every registered voter is ludicrous. Just read the words of the democratic 'activist' Rashad Younger, protesting for more ballots, when he says he and his friends 'might' mess up their ballots and need to 'revote'. Sure Rashad, that explains why the election system in Wisconsin is in utter chaos and ruin, and more ballots are needed to 'fix it'.
To: John Lenin
Democrats: If we can't trick the people into voting for us, we will steal it.
To: John Lenin
posted on
01/25/2006 8:22:22 PM PST
( "'s better to be hated for who you are than loved for someone you're not!")
To: John Lenin; Diana in Wisconsin
posted on
01/25/2006 8:36:26 PM PST
To: John Lenin
The RATS literally stole Wisconsin and got away with it. Yes, It appears that way for the last 2 presidential elections.
posted on
01/25/2006 8:37:07 PM PST
To: John Lenin
"The RATS literally stole Wisconsin and got away with it."
After years of practice in Wisconsin, Illinois, Florida, Georgia, et. al., they are virtuosos, like the lead violinist in the band.
posted on
01/25/2006 8:41:27 PM PST
(We would have won Viet Nam w/o Dim interference.)
To: Echo Talon
Let's talk about who stole the last governor's race here in Washington state.
posted on
01/25/2006 8:43:13 PM PST
(only two months till spring training starts.)
To: Rembrandt
I really think California would make this look like child's play. I think it's time to look into the League of Women Voters (Big-time Lefties) who run the elections.
To: beelzepug
To: John Lenin
Dimpled chads and spoiled ballots are to be expected when trying to punch through a whole wad of cards with such a little stylus.
posted on
01/25/2006 9:02:25 PM PST
To: John Lenin
Great article by Eric (as always is the case with his writings).
posted on
01/25/2006 9:03:55 PM PST
(An "Earth First" kinda guy ( when we finish logging here, we'll start on the other planets.)
To: John Lenin
EXCELLENT post. Very nice summary of events over the past few years.
I have been working on some of these issues here in Milwaukee for the past year or so with the Election Commission. Much progess has been made, but we shall see how it works in November.
My prediction has been they will steal the Governor's mansion. But yesterday's indictment might shade that somewhat.
Please ping me to similar articles. Many thanks for the post.
Bush won WI.
posted on
01/25/2006 9:05:21 PM PST
the crow
(I'm from the government. I'm here to help.)
To: lepton
bump to prove to my co-worker later
posted on
01/25/2006 9:09:07 PM PST
(Just so you know, I am ashamed the Dixie Chicks make records in Nashville.)
To: beelzepug
"Let's talk about who stole the last governor's race here in Washington state."
There have also been reports that Slade Gorton got his Senate seat stolen the same way by Maria-Can't Do Well. Based on what I read from the last election and how long it's been going on, I think it's a possibility (and probably more).
posted on
01/25/2006 9:22:47 PM PST
Seattle Conservative
(God bless and protect our troops and their CIC. (Seahawks are going to the Superbowl!!))
To: John Lenin; potlatch; devolve; PhilDragoo; bitt
Excellent article that you won't see anywhere in the MSM.
posted on
01/25/2006 11:03:22 PM PST
To: ntnychik
Lets hope someone in talk radio picks up on this story because it's a lot deeper than just a couple of RAT thugs who slashed tires.
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