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DRUDGE Exclusive: Teddy's Last Gasp On Alito
Drudge ^

Posted on 01/20/2006 10:41:38 AM PST by Pimpmygop

THE DRUDGE REPORT has learned Sen. Ted Kennedy's (D-MA) office is behind a last ditch effort to stop Judge Samuel A. AlitoÕs confirmation before next week's vote using a 2004 recusal request.

THE DRUDGE REPORT has obtained a complaint filed by H. Gerard Heimbecker of Upper Darby, PA accusing Alito of not properly listing the Heimbecker v. 555 Associates case in his Senate questionnaire.

Kennedy legal aide James Flug is behind the efforts to push this latest attack. The veteran aide has been criticized for Sen. Kennedy's misfires during the Alito hearing last week. Flug was reportedly behind the attacks Kennedy used against Alito related to the Concerned Alumni of Princeton (CAP) and Vanguard recusal case.

In the 2004 case, Heimbecker not only filed a request for Alito to recuse himself but also the entire Third Circuit as well.

One Capital Aide aware the situation challenged Heimbecker's credibility. "The individual who filed this complaint is clearly a serial litigant. It will be interesting to see how far the Democrats will push this and what the mainstream media will make of it."


TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Extended News; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 109th; alito; alitovote; kennedy; obstructionistdems; scotus; teddy; tedkennedy
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To: Common Tator

There will be a fillibuster, no doubt about it. The dems have no other choice but to satisfy their base. I just hope the Republicans have the stomach to shoot it down. In one way, a dem fillibuster would be a good thing. It would make McCain look like a total and complete fool. McCain will look like a fool for ever having tried to compromise with the dems. If he opposes the Constitutional Option, his 2008 chances are deader than Elvis. Moreover, the Gang of Seven have all stated that this is not an extraordinary circumstance.

41 posted on 01/20/2006 11:31:47 AM PST by FlipWilson
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To: FlipWilson
Sorry to ruin the fun but I don't think this will happen. They will get nuked if they try this. Graham, DeWine, and Warner have already said a filibuster will not stand. This is not a fight the Dems can afford to lose.

Ted is just raising money (for Republicans) and being the champion for the far left. It is all about him, nothing more.

They will kick, scream, and make all kinds of dire predictions, but they will stop short of a filibuster.

Also, they don't have the votes to sustain one. There are several red state Dems that may vote against confirmation, but will not be willing to put their future on the line for a losing effort.

42 posted on 01/20/2006 11:34:00 AM PST by Clump
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To: Common Tator
I agree! Ever since I heard the pubs gave the DAMN dirty rats one more week, I smelled trouble...big time!! In order to destroy your enemies you have to act quickly and decisive, instead the pubs threw a life line to sinking boat! Many folk here kept saying that Alito was a shoe in after the hearings, but I knew that the RATS weren't going to go away that easily! REMEMBER folks what's at stake here. Alito's confirmation could be the death blow to the RAT party! They'll fight tooth and nail to stop the pubs haven't won yet UNTIL the fat lady sings and Alito is wearing black!! FOR ONCE I would love to see our party KICK some smelly RAT butt...for once!!
43 posted on 01/20/2006 11:36:37 AM PST by RoseofTexas
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To: Pimpmygop
May The Cape Cod Orca, much like Sen. Joseph McCarthy long ago, be hoist on his own Jack Daniels BottlePetard.
44 posted on 01/20/2006 11:37:40 AM PST by sono (Ted Kennedy's naming his dog Splash is like Jack Abramoff naming his dog Bribe.)
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To: HEY4QDEMS; p23185
Find a picture on the web. If one is not there, you can upload to sites like Photobucket (a free site), and use the html tricks from Webmonkey (see graphics). Good FReeping.
45 posted on 01/20/2006 11:38:21 AM PST by pageonetoo (If you can't make FReeps Ahoy, FReepmail me for bargain cruises! Bonded Agency.)
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To: Clump

I hope you are right, but I doubt it. I put nothing past the dems at this point. They truly believe that no matter how outrageous their behavior or actions, the MSM will provide them with complete cover. There are enough votes to sustain a fillibuster and, thanks to Sen. McCain, the dems believe that the Republicans will NEVER pull the trigger on the Constitutional Option. Sixty votes are needed and even with 55 Republicans you still need five dems. I can only think of 2 or 3 who would cross the line.

46 posted on 01/20/2006 11:38:54 AM PST by FlipWilson
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To: HEY4QDEMS; p23185

...and don't forget to close your lines...

47 posted on 01/20/2006 11:40:00 AM PST by pageonetoo (If you can't make FReeps Ahoy, FReepmail me for bargain cruises! Bonded Agency.)
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To: p23185

No excuses now. Try this on for size...

48 posted on 01/20/2006 11:40:44 AM PST by printhead
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To: Pimpmygop
In the 2004 case, Heimbecker not only filed a request for Alito to recuse himself but also the entire Third Circuit as well.

ROTFL! No credibility problem there, no sir.

49 posted on 01/20/2006 11:42:28 AM PST by Cboldt
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To: pageonetoo

I already know how to post an image, I just have a nagging stupidity to link to geocities from time to time.

50 posted on 01/20/2006 11:46:46 AM PST by HEY4QDEMS (Learn from the past, don't live in it.)
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To: Congressman Billybob

The Judge's mother still lives in Hamilton Township, New Jersey and not Roseland. It's possible you meant the judge's mother-in law and not his mother?

51 posted on 01/20/2006 11:50:48 AM PST by Spaghetti Man (NJ politics suck (and apparently so do some of the politicians!))
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To: Cboldt

I read the first part of Drudge's headline "Ted Kennedy's last gasp..." and got my hopes up. How did this slob survive 74 years on a diet of cheeze whiz and Cutty Sark.

52 posted on 01/20/2006 11:51:55 AM PST by Callahan
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To: Pimpmygop
Racing Jesse Jackson to the bottom.

53 posted on 01/20/2006 11:58:29 AM PST by jslade (Liberalism ALWAYS accomplishes the exact opposite of it's stated intent!)
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To: Clump
The reason for this is so they can pretend that there is a reason for delay. They will thump their chests and the NY Times will run it all, front page. It's good for a week or two, but will not effect the eventual outcome.

Teddy is sellng out his last bit of dignity in order to delay Alioto for two weeks. Who beside Soros has enough juice to make ol' Teddy do that?

54 posted on 01/20/2006 12:03:25 PM PST by gridlock (It's not really a circus until Teddy Kennedy steps out of the clown car...)
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To: FlipWilson
Dems will not filibuster they dont have the balls. Difi is against it, Nelson is voteing for Alito. I bet we will find 3-4 Rats to vote for him, there will be no filibuster.
55 posted on 01/20/2006 12:12:01 PM PST by Pimpmygop (The right way is not always the nice way!)
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To: p23185
wish I knew how to post a picture

It's pretty simple. Hope this helps.

First you need to know a little bit about HTML tags. They are enclosed by the < and > symbols. However, to actually use them here in a demo would cause the text/photo to post and the HTML to not appear. So I will substitute [ and ] in the following. Just be sure to use < instead of [ and > instead of ] in your real HTML code.

Begin by copying the URL to the photo you want to post.

Go to where you want the photo to appear and type an HTML paragraph tag [p]

Next type [img src="

Then paste the image's URL immediately after the quote.

Close the HTML tag by typing "]

The entire sequence would resemble the following (substituting [ and ] for < and > so it shows up here):

[p][img src=""]

The above is the HTML and URL for the following photo:

You obtain the URL for any image or photo by placing your mouse cursor over the image, clicking the right mouse button, and clicking PROPERTIES. That opens a small dialog box, in the middle of which you will see Address (URL):

Place your mouse cursor in front of the first character in the URL, press and hold the left button and drag the mouse to highlight the entire URL. Make sure to get the whole URL -- it will scroll to let you get all the lines.

Once the entire URL is highlighted, release the left button and move your mouse pointer anywhere over the highlighted area. Click your right mouse button and click COPY.

Go to where you want to paste the URL, click your right mouse button and choose PASTE.

If you follow these instructions once carefully, you'll be able to post any image, anywhere on the internet.

56 posted on 01/20/2006 12:12:12 PM PST by Wolfstar ("We must...all hang together or...we shall all hang separately." Benjamin Franklin)
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To: RetroSexual

yup - its a beauty

57 posted on 01/20/2006 12:17:23 PM PST by p23185 (Why isn't attempting to take down a sitting Pres & his Admin considered Sedition?)
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To: FlipWilson

They want to, but I don't think they will. They are scared that Pres. Bush could have a third nomination to make before he leaves office and they want to leave the filibuster option open for THAT one. I hope that Pres. Bush DOES get that opportunity and that he nominates Janice Rodgers Brown.

58 posted on 01/20/2006 12:31:28 PM PST by twigs
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To: Clint N. Suhks

Beautiful!! But I think the picture flatters him.

59 posted on 01/20/2006 12:43:07 PM PST by conservative blonde (Conservative Blonde)
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To: Congressman Billybob
Kennedy may be slime, but at least he's shameless.

Did you see the National Enquirer thread about Teddy's love child, now turned 21? And the following day (Wednesday, I think) the thread on the Boston Herald's gossip column, basically repeating the entire story? (Howie Carr on WRKO in Boston was lappin' it up with a spoon -- he thinks it's likely true.)

Thursday, the Herald ran an op ed by Teddy on Alito's (!) lack of integrity, finishing with a quote about justice prevailing in the end. (Not much of a summary, but I couldn't bring myself to do more than glance it.)

60 posted on 01/20/2006 12:48:40 PM PST by maryz
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