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Fort soldiers wear uniforms home for holidays (that's Christmas and Chanukhua!)
Sierra Vista Herald, Sierra Vista Arizona ^
| Dec 19, 2005
| Bill Hess
Posted on 12/19/2005 4:23:15 PM PST by SandRat
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posted on
12/19/2005 4:23:16 PM PST
To: 2LT Radix jr; 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub; 80 Square Miles; A Ruckus of Dogs; acad1228; AirForceMom; ..
Make way Troops going Home for Christmas and Chanukah
posted on
12/19/2005 4:24:33 PM PST
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: SandRat
What a great piece. I really wish I was not (only barely) overage to join our finest. It would be as purposeful a calling as anything else I could think of in life.
posted on
12/19/2005 4:34:39 PM PST
(Evil? I have many words for it. We are as dust, to them. - v v putin)
To: SandRat
posted on
12/19/2005 4:41:30 PM PST
(Merry Christmas)
To: InsureAmerica
posted on
12/19/2005 4:41:47 PM PST
(Democracy can withstand almost anything, except Democrats!)
To: InsureAmerica
They wont let me back in either.
God bless them and keep them safe in their travels.
And I hope every idiot that decides it is a good idea to spit on them, gets the hell beat out of themselves by my fellow civilian citizens.
Done thoroughly but discretely, of course.
posted on
12/19/2005 4:49:06 PM PST
To: conservativeharleyguy
listen CHG - I still get carded when I buy a sixpack - so lets keep our secret among friends, yes?????
posted on
12/19/2005 4:51:11 PM PST
(Evil? I have many words for it. We are as dust, to them. - v v putin)
To: sarasmom
you have a wonderful way of expressing yourself!!! God Bless YOU!!!
posted on
12/19/2005 4:52:25 PM PST
(Evil? I have many words for it. We are as dust, to them. - v v putin)
To: SandRat
How times change. In MY war (Vietnam), we were being told NOT to wear our uniforms due to the number of attacks on servicemen and women by "civilians".
posted on
12/19/2005 5:02:50 PM PST
(FloriDUH - proud inventors of pregnant/hanging chads and judicide!!)
To: SandRat
God Bless my MI Brothers
Merry Christmas
To: SandRat
Is it just me?
Every time I see a female soldier or obviously incapable skinny pimply faced 18 year old wearing the unearned Black Beret of the Rangers ---- I feel ill.
Semper Fi
posted on
12/19/2005 6:09:28 PM PST
river rat
(You may turn the other cheek, but I prefer to look into my enemy's vacant dead eyes.)
To: DustyMoment
Doesn't it make you feel good? I think we all have helped turn that around but the work isn't done. We must make sure that the things that were done to us NEVER happens to our younger brothers and sisters in uniform now.
posted on
12/19/2005 6:26:30 PM PST
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: SandRat
I haven't flown much in recent years except for pheasant hunting trips to Kansas with the last being 3 years ago. That being the case, I have made it my directive that if and when I check into any airport ticket desk I will ask if there are any military personnel who are waiting on stand-by. If so, I will inform them that I will be willing to give up my seat to the soldier and assume his stand-by status.
I posed this request to my sister who travels a lot 2 years ago but I suspect it went in one ear and out another. For people who have never been in the military it is impossible to convey to them what it is like to have to survive on military pay and have to book last minute flights for personal leaves granted at the last minute.
posted on
12/19/2005 6:47:36 PM PST
Hot Tabasco
(It must suck being an Islamofascist.......I don't bring them Christmas presents)
To: SandRat
I was so proud to wear my uniform home on leave. And so disappointed when, for security reasons, we were told not to wear them any more.
posted on
12/19/2005 7:58:43 PM PST
(Beware the secularization of America)
To: LiteKeeper
I know. It feels so right, to be able to walk down the street, be at the park, at the airport, and see service members proudly wearing their uniforms in public again and appreciated by the folks around them.
posted on
12/19/2005 8:02:22 PM PST
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: SandRat
posted on
12/20/2005 3:07:41 AM PST
To: Hot Tabasco
God Bless You for your thoughfulness.
I know the family struggles each time the 'boys' try to come home. This year, for the first time in 3 years, we'll get all 3 boys home for Christmas. One will be driving up from South Carolina, the other two caught flights back to the mainland and are having to Greyhound for the last leg of the journey home. The flights were just too expensive when not traveling to a major hub. They'll have to take Greyhound back to the major hub and flyout too. We lose two days with them, but we're grateful to be able to celebrate this Christmas with them.
We're really looking forward to having pictures done with all 3 in their dress blues. ;-)
posted on
12/20/2005 4:01:04 AM PST
(Never give-up, Never give-in, and Never Forget)
To: river rat
It's just you. The Rangers wear a different color beret now. I find it funny the Army wears berets... but I went in in the green suited, baseball cap era.
posted on
12/20/2005 7:30:21 AM PST
(being dragged, kicking and screaming, into the Kingdom of Heaven....)
I was stationed in the Panama Canal Zone from 11/69 till 1/72 and took my only leave home to Detroit in July 71, almost 2 years away from home. I booked a flight on stand-by on my departure day and arrived at the airport that morning. I was systematically bumped from every single outgoing flight till approx. 5:00 p.m. that night when I said to heck with it and called the airlines ticket office in Panama City from a payphone to book a reserved seat on the next avail. flight which wasn't till the next day. The additional cost cut into my cash reserve considerably but what made it all the more frustrating was the fact that another guy I had been waiting around with ended up on my same flight without changing his stand-by ticket.........
In my opinion, any military personnel awaiting flights should be given first priority over any other individual flying but since I'm not in charge of the world it is unlikely anything is going to change.
Wow, all the boys home in their Blues, good for you! Merry Christmas and God bless all of you......
posted on
12/20/2005 3:14:02 PM PST
Hot Tabasco
(It must suck being an Islamofascist.......I don't bring them Christmas presents)
To: SandRat
I was lucky. I went home for Christmas twice during my 4 yrs active duty.
posted on
12/20/2005 3:23:18 PM PST
M Kehoe
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