To: 2LT Radix jr; 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub; 80 Square Miles; A Ruckus of Dogs; acad1228; AirForceMom; ..
Iraqi's are making it happen
2 posted on
12/14/2005 6:10:05 PM PST by
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: SandRat; Chieftain
"Mother knows best!"
A salute to ur troops for their valiant sacrifices!
Let freedom ring!
To: SandRat
How exciting it must be for them!
Purple Fingers Rule!
9 posted on
12/14/2005 9:50:46 PM PST by
(Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege)
To: SandRat
11 posted on
12/15/2005 3:04:44 AM PST by
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