1 posted on
12/14/2005 6:08:30 PM PST by
To: 2LT Radix jr; 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub; 80 Square Miles; A Ruckus of Dogs; acad1228; AirForceMom; ..
Iraqi's are making it happen
2 posted on
12/14/2005 6:10:05 PM PST by
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: SandRat
But, said the general through an interpreter, if they persist, he says: "Call your mother and vote for who she says to."
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
4 posted on
12/14/2005 6:16:15 PM PST by
(Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just... Thomas Jefferson)
To: SandRat
But, said the general through an interpreter, if they persist, he says: "Call your mother and vote for who she says to." LOL!!
Proving we aren't so different in many respects.
5 posted on
12/14/2005 6:20:04 PM PST by
Soul Seeker
(Mr. President: It is now time to turn over the money changers' tables.)
To: SandRat
As the Marine on Laura Ingraham said the other day... "Santa is real and he's wearing desert camos and delivering freedom in Iraq."
6 posted on
12/14/2005 9:22:25 PM PST by
(Old Sarge is my hero...doing it right in Iraq! Vaya con Dios, Sarge.)
To: SandRat
Ridiculous. Chaotic, disordered, unruly, messy...
Smells like victory.
To: ducks1944; Ragtime Cowgirl; Alamo-Girl; TrueBeliever9; maestro; TEXOKIE; My back yard; djreece; ...
There is no history of a secret ballot in Iraq, military officials here said. Saddam Hussein held regular mandatory elections and everyone was given one choice: Vote for him. The idea of having a choice and a voice in running the country is something new. But aspects of Iraq are still very hierarchical, and many young people are asking those they respect whom to vote for.
8 posted on
12/14/2005 9:47:21 PM PST by
To: SandRat
12 posted on
12/16/2005 6:21:56 PM PST by
(The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts. - Edmund Burke)
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