To: Pikamax
Hey, I've knocked Anderson Cooper pretty hard. But this is by far the most balanced report to come out of the MSM (Fox not included) that I have seen.
Kudos to Mr. Cooper.
3 posted on
12/14/2005 5:12:51 PM PST by
To: pissant
Well, there is this statement that I'm sure will be picked up by the libs:
I'm always incredibly impressed by the U.S. service members I meet here. They are not all as optimistic and supportive of the mission as the captain I spent time with today, but they are all dedicated to their units, devoted to their fellow troops.
6 posted on
12/14/2005 5:16:33 PM PST by
To: pissant
I've knocked Anderson Cooper pretty hard. But this is by far the
most balanced report to come out of the MSM (Fox not included)
that I have seen.
Somebody high up at CNN must be scared.
They've seen the falling numbers at NY Times, Chicago Trib, LA Times, etc.
And decided to do something really radical so they don't join
the dinosaurs in the journalistic tar-pits.
Radical like...telling the truth.
(This first dawned on me a few days ago when one thread noted
that CNN was actually speaking the truth about Gov. Blanco's incompetence.)
18 posted on
12/14/2005 5:48:38 PM PST by
To: pissant
Andersen Cooper said a few weeks ago "Every soldier that I spoke to over in Iraq said that training of the Iraqi troops was not going well at all". "EVERY SOLDIER"??? How many did he talk to??? So much BS. He is not a reporter at all but goes with the flow. A few weeks ago the herd was anti Bush and now that he is fighting back they want to be on that bandwagon. What do you wanna bet the next polls look better than the last??? They already know it!!!
25 posted on
12/14/2005 6:12:52 PM PST by
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