Keeping the Homefront Safe
This is easy to see for anyone with a brain.
Maybe that's why the far left doesn't get it?
Currently Americans sacrifice their lives at 1/20 the rate of our last three major wars. Such diminutive cost for the major conflict facing this generation should not continue, if dissenters achieve their objectives to soothe this nation into complacency, and to abandon Iraqs sacrificing for representative government as the major force to defeat Wahhabi jihadism.
Americans in Iraq predicate the primary purpose of the U.N. by enforcing historic relevance for Article 1, which enjoins the U.N. to maintain international peace and security through collective measures to remove threats and suppress aggression. The Coalition executed resolution 678 to expel Hussein from Kuwait. When Hussein refused to renounce international terrorism and account for his WMDs, the Coalition executed resolutions 687 and 1441 to remove his regime. Next David Kay discovered a gathering threat for terrorism and WMDs. The NY times reported Mahdi Obeid, head of Iraqs nuclear centrifuge program, said the nuclear weapons program could be restarted whenever Hussein desired.
Americans in Iraq serve vital national interests by prosecuting president Clintons Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 to remove Hussein and promote emergence of a democratic government in Iraq. Iraqis have now achieved an interim government, elected government, and constitutional referendum on schedule. Over 200,000 Iraqi volunteers serve in security and defense units.
Americans in Iraq serve on the central battlefield against al Qaida and terrorism according to Ayman al Zawahiri. His victory begins with Iraq to impose the Wahhabi/Salafi heresy through dictatorial tribal elites on all Muslim countries. Then the tragedy of 9/11 would be dwarfed by the catastrophes possible from supportive national environments.