Posted on 11/29/2005 12:49:34 AM PST by dervish
Tribute to Oriana Fallaci.
Thank you, dervish for an excellent reporting.
This ping list is not author-specific for articles I'd like to share. Some for the perfect moral clarity, some for provocative thoughts; or simply interesting articles I'd hate to miss myself. (I don't have to agree with the author all 100% to feel the need to share an article.) I will try not to abuse the ping list and not to annoy you too much, but on some days there is more of the good stuff that is worthy of attention. You can see the list of articles I pinged to lately on my page.
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'They attack the soul of freedom.'
Thank you for posting this. I love and admire Oriana Falacci.
Oriana Fallaci is one of the great voices of the West and she will be sorely missed. Wish I could have been there. I wonder if C-SPAN will broadcast this at some point?
Thanks, Dervish, for the topic and the ping.
A most pingworthy article! Dervish, great reporting.
I've hear from it...
really interesting!
to oriana, go girl!!!
I for one cheer every time a liberal sees the light. The same goes for Ed Koch, Zell Miller, etc.
I wish I could have been there.
I'm still stewing over the fact that I won't be able to get a copy of her new book until the end of January.
Est 200 people attended, and about fifty/fifty men and women.
CSPAN will not carry it. Ms Fallaci would not permit audio, video or pictures due to her ill health. Also Fallaci is using the talk in her final book which she is she is writing now. Of this book she said "I hope this book helps me die a little less."
The audience was enthralled and stayed mainly quiet not interrupting very often with applause. I think they feared for her health. I know I did.
I've read R&P. Basically a Fallaci rant, which is always fun. Her better books are Inshallah (brilliant) and Interview with History.
She's not only an atheist, but was also a vocal critic of the Vietnam War as well as Afghan assistance during the 1980s. She's probably the only journalist who spoke out against Vietnam, Kissinger, Nixon and Jane Fonda in the same paragraph. Her interview with Kissinger is a classic Fallaci hatchet job. On the other hand, she also despised (detested) Arafat. She also, for reasons I can't remember, also disliked the Pope.
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