1 posted on
11/28/2005 5:15:28 PM PST by
To: 2LT Radix jr; 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub; 80 Square Miles; A Ruckus of Dogs; acad1228; AirForceMom; ..
Our guys continue to do GOOD WORK!!!
2 posted on
11/28/2005 5:15:52 PM PST by
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: SandRat
Adopting character of a whiny liberal:
"They don't fit the definition of WMDs though!" Idiots. I'll never understand liberals.
3 posted on
11/28/2005 5:23:00 PM PST by
To: SandRat
4 posted on
11/28/2005 5:23:58 PM PST by
(member of the vast right wing conspiracy)
To: ducks1944; Ragtime Cowgirl; Alamo-Girl; TrueBeliever9; maestro; TEXOKIE; My back yard; djreece; ...
A routine patrol yielded significant results Nov. 27 when Task Force Baghdad soldiers discovered terrorists' weapons and bomb-making materials and detained four suspects in the Abu Ghraib district of western Baghdad, military officials reported. Soldiers from B Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, were traveling through an area known for attacks with improvised explosive devices when they saw something suspicious in a chicken coop behind a farmhouse.
9 posted on
11/28/2005 9:20:45 PM PST by
To: nw_arizona_granny
>>>Soldiers from B Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, were traveling through an area known for attacks with improvised explosive devices when they saw something suspicious in a chicken coop behind a farmhouse.
Chicken wire?
10 posted on
11/28/2005 9:21:40 PM PST by
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