Multiple photos at source
1 posted on
11/12/2005 5:42:20 PM PST by
To: 2LT Radix jr; 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub; 80 Square Miles; A Ruckus of Dogs; acad1228; AirForceMom; ..
2 posted on
11/12/2005 5:42:47 PM PST by
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: SandRat
Glad Al can support the troops while opposing the mission they are striving and dying for.
3 posted on
11/12/2005 5:56:10 PM PST by
(Near the belly of the beast in San Diego)
To: SandRat
Not all artists are left wing airheads.
6 posted on
11/12/2005 6:22:04 PM PST by
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