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In Defense of Christian Conservatives [Answer to ADL Abe Foxman]
Toward Tradition ^ | Nov. 9, 2005 | Daniel Lapin

Posted on 11/09/2005 3:39:25 PM PST by Alouette

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1 posted on 11/09/2005 3:39:27 PM PST by Alouette
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To: 1st-P-In-The-Pod; A Jovial Cad; A_Conservative_in_Cambridge; adam_az; af_vet_rr; agrace; ahayes; ...
FRmail me to be added or removed from this Judaic/pro-Israel/Russian Jewry ping list.

Warning! This is a high-volume ping list.

2 posted on 11/09/2005 3:40:02 PM PST by Alouette (Gaza: Too small to be a country, too large to be an insane asylum (thanx: Pettigru).)
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To: Alouette


3 posted on 11/09/2005 3:48:23 PM PST by TSchmereL ("Rust but terrify.")
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To: Alouette

Thank you, my Jewish FRiend.

No, Mr. Foxman, not you--you're not a real Jew, you are one of the wolvesmen/foxmen in Jewish clothing. I was speaking to Alouette--and Mr. Lapin.

4 posted on 11/09/2005 3:53:04 PM PST by The Spirit Of Allegiance (SAVE THE BRAINFOREST! Boycott the RED Dead Tree Media & NUKE the DNC Class Action Temper Tantrum!)
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To: Alouette

Wow! Parts of this brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for posting it, Alouette.

5 posted on 11/09/2005 4:01:51 PM PST by sageb1 (This is the Final Crusade. There are only 2 sides. Pick one.)
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To: Alouette

So much truth and beauty in this defense.

This is a Rabbi who can speak for me as a Jew. I know who the real friends of my people are. And I would rather have one true evangelical Christian at my side than ten liberals at my back. I know what's right and wrong. I know who's been crying wolf (Mr. Foxman, I'm looking your way), and I know to judge people by their actions and not their words.

Someone needs to ping the Christian supporters of Israel list.

6 posted on 11/09/2005 4:07:37 PM PST by Alexander Rubin (Octavius - You make my heart glad building thus, as if Rome is to be eternal.)
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To: Alouette
If Foxman lives to see God and Christians removed from American life he will be the first into the ovens of the Leftist Regime and New World Order. What's up with American Jews? Maybe like Paul they need the scales removed from their eyes.
7 posted on 11/09/2005 4:10:50 PM PST by fish hawk (I am only one, but I am not the only one.)
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To: Alouette

Some time ago I saw a study which showed that Pentecostal Christians (I no longer recall which denominations were included) were highly pro Jews and pro Israel. However, they exhibited at least some bias against Roman Catholics and more against Muslims.

8 posted on 11/09/2005 4:17:39 PM PST by Jane Austen
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To: Alouette; SJackson; yonif; Simcha7; American in Israel; Slings and Arrows; judicial meanz; ...
Thanks for posting this, ma'am.

Of course, most at Free Republic know perfectly well Foxman speaks for a radical minority that has nothing to do with true Jewish life. Still, any Christian worth their salt has, and will continue to do so, unconditionally support the Jewish nation, no matter the slurs and slander, because G-d's gracious heart is for the nation of Israel.

May He continue to bless America and Israel, that we may serve Him without distraction, as He reaches out through us to a lost and dying world.

Be advised: At Free Republic, we BLESS THE NATION OF ISRAEL!

If you'd like to be on or off this
Christian Supporters of Israel ping list,
please FR mail me ~
  -  -
MikeFromFR ~
There failed not ought of any good thing which the LORD had
spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass. (Joshua 21:45)

Letter To The President In Support Of Israel ~
'Final Solution,' Phase 2 ~
Warnings ~

The future of Arab controlled Gaza.

"Palestine is the wrong name for their State. It should be called Anarchy."—FReeper sgtbono2002
"Then let's wait and see what the Arabs do after they take Gaza. There's nothing like Arab reality to break up a Jewish fantasy."—FReeper Noachian
A student told his professor he was going to "Palestine" to "fight for freedom, peace and justice,"—Orwellian leftist code words that mean "murder Jews."
The Nature Of Bruce ~

9 posted on 11/09/2005 4:24:03 PM PST by Salem (FREE REPUBLIC - Fighting to win within the Arena of the War of Ideas! So get in the fight!)
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To: Alexander Rubin; Alouette
"Someone needs to ping the Christian supporters of Israel list."

Thanks, got it. I usually keep an eye on Alouette and what she has going.  !

10 posted on 11/09/2005 4:27:09 PM PST by Salem (FREE REPUBLIC - Fighting to win within the Arena of the War of Ideas! So get in the fight!)
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To: Salem

Thank you for this post. I am one of those silly Christians who believes that God's promises are eternal and when He said "He who touches you touches the apple of God's eye" I am inclined to treat this apple as the treasure that it is in the eyes of the Almighty.

11 posted on 11/09/2005 4:29:13 PM PST by DustyWestTexas
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To: fish hawk

Sometimes, I think you're right. But more and more, they are seeing the light. Slowly, they see who their true friends are. And more are making a choice now. You can't be a true Jew and secularist at the same time. It's one or the other.

12 posted on 11/09/2005 4:33:58 PM PST by Alexander Rubin (Octavius - You make my heart glad building thus, as if Rome is to be eternal.)
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To: fish hawk; Alouette
"What's up with American Jews?"

It's not "American Jews" as much as the liberals in their midst—as any other demographic. The American Jewish community are top notch, as revealed in this article, as well as excellently represented in the Conservative Jewish community here at Free Republic.

13 posted on 11/09/2005 4:34:31 PM PST by Salem (FREE REPUBLIC - Fighting to win within the Arena of the War of Ideas! So get in the fight!)
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To: DustyWestTexas

And I'm one of those silly Jews who believes that whosoever is righteous, he shall be beloved of the Lord. Judge a man by his actions, not what you think is in his heart.

It's no wonder Christian and Jewish conservatives get along, eh?

14 posted on 11/09/2005 4:35:17 PM PST by Alexander Rubin (Octavius - You make my heart glad building thus, as if Rome is to be eternal.)
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To: Alouette
"He demonized Christians and assured his audience that “they intend to Christianize all aspects of American life…their vision of America is far different from ours.” (Just imagine what would happen to a Christian leader talking thus about Jews!)"

15 posted on 11/09/2005 4:37:31 PM PST by Texas_Jarhead
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To: Jane Austen

First, let me state that Rabbi Lapin in this post has totally smoked the Left, with deep craters and major secondary explosions (I'm a Vietnam pilot and about to fly again in Iraq, so bear with me).

The deepest antisemitism is (are you ready for this?) among Muslims. As Gomer Pyle would say, surprise, surprise! You've guessed by now I'm not sympathetic toward the murdering fanatical Mohammedans.

Are there evangelicals who are anti-Catholic? Sure, doesn't bother this mackerel-snapper one bit since I know they aren't out to kill me for being Catholic (and they say some really laughable things).

But if evangelicals are likely to be anti-Muslim while being pro-Jewish and pro-Israel, then I say,


16 posted on 11/09/2005 4:41:26 PM PST by elcid1970
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To: Alouette

IMHO one of the reasons the USA became a super power was because it was in God's plan for the USA to be the protector of the Jews and Israel.

17 posted on 11/09/2005 4:43:42 PM PST by Mogollon
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To: Alouette
Indeed, thank G-d for Rabbi Lapin and TT, Rabbi Spero, Don Feder, Rabbi Shafran, Rabbi Wein, Rabbi Rudomin, Rabbi Schiller, and all the pious souls of Israel who still send out the beacon of Truth in a time of darkness and who keep the world going.

The supreme irony of the ADL's attack is that, believe it or not (and would that it weren't so), there are chr*stian and "conservative" forces who are not friendly to Israel or the Jewish People. Yet Foxman and every other liberal Jewish spokesman completely ignores those people and chooses to focus exclusively on the one element of chr*stendom that supports the Jewish People--the so-called "Bible-believing chr*stians" (Fundamentalist, Evangelical, and Pentecostal Protestants). There are plenty of "conservative" and chr*stian web sites that savage Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, John Ashcroft, and their co-religionists precisely because they are pro-Jewish. Has anyone heard of Robert Sungenis? He was a man I once respected for his resistance to Biblical criticism, evolution, and Copernicanism. Now he has become an unmitigated anti-Semitic nutjob, attacking the "chr*stian Zionist base" of the Republican party and all the people Foxman so fears as Judaizing traitors to chr*stianity. Perhaps Mr. Foxman and Mr. Sungenis should get together sometime?

Sungenis is far from the only one. The ultra-right Roman Catholic movement, much as I share its beliefs about the Divine inspiration and inerrancy of the "old testament" (as they choose to call it) are nevertheless loaded with rabid, foaming Jew-haters. Does Foxman ever pay any attention to them? The only time he has done so was with Gibson's film last year, and that was probably only because it attracted an audience of "Bible-believers."

Even among Protestants there is considerable coolness towards Jews and Israel from both liberal and traditional wings, as well as among Black churches (which for some reason are not counted as chr*stian at all by liberals who seem to have no problem with exclusive salvific doctrines and literal creations when held by those more richly blessed with melanin). Then there are those groups like Chuck Carlson's and the "identity" nudniks. Also, the section of the Protestant Right made up by the "dominionists" and reconstructionists" is notorious for its anti-Zionism and anti-Judaism (see Rousas Rushdoony and his son-in-law Gary North, whose anti-Zionist theology is the quasi-official theology of the Birch Society and the Constitution Party). How often do the Foxmans of the world turn their gaze to these vermin? Very seldom. They object far more to the pro-Jewish Fundamentalists because they are ashamed of the Jewish association with the Bible that exists in the Fundamentalist Protestant worldview.

Leaving aside Catholicism and Protestantism, America contains representatives of all the ancient liturgical churches, though they spend most of their time in their ethnic hidey-holes and refuse to take part in trying to hold back the collapse of civilization. And while these churches are not (at least in America) going to trumpet an anti-Semitic or even anti-Zionist theology too loudly (indeed, they are experts at escaping notice of any kind) there is no doubt that their true views are (to say the least) far from sympathetic to Israel or Jews. Does the ADL know about these churches at all, or their theology, which (unlike Protestantism and Catholicism) has never been modernized or even requested to modernize? Well, that's putting it a little too generally; these churches are as in love with evolution and higher criticism as they are unchanging in their hostility to Israel.

Rabbi Lapin has always meant the very best, the the fact is (and I am sorry to hurt the feelings of some of my friends here) that it is not chr*stianity per se that is the source of America's unique philo-Semitism but rather America's unique Biblicism. Only among American Fundamentalists and those under their influence does one find this unafraid, unashamed, and resolutely unbending love of the Jewish People and its Land. This is the influence of the Bible pure and simple, and as any traditional (non-Fundamentalist) chr*stian will tell you, real chr*stianity isn't based on the Bible at all.

Dear Fundamentalist Biblicist friends of Israel: please remain strong, despite all the attacks on you coming from every possible quarter (Jewish liberals, chr*stian anti-Semites, and even Orthodox Jews who are totally ignorant about you). Be strong, and may HaShem lead you ever further into the fulness of His Truth. May you, the people ridiculed and scorned by the proud churches (who laugh at you while ignoring their own illiterate bumpkins) be rewarded greatly when the Kingdom of G-d is realized on earth. 'Amen, selah.

18 posted on 11/09/2005 4:44:08 PM PST by Zionist Conspirator (Vehe'emin BeHaShem, vayachsheveha lo tzedaqah.)
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To: Alouette
Which is it? A debate could help expose the true answer. C’mon Mr. Foxman, let’s do it.

I do believe I'd pay cash money to see that. :) Thanks for posting this, Alouette.

19 posted on 11/09/2005 4:45:54 PM PST by agrace (Where were you when I founded the earth? Tell me if you know so much. Job 38:4)
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To: Alouette

Good article. Thanks for posting.

20 posted on 11/09/2005 4:49:14 PM PST by Texas_Jarhead
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