To: MeekOneGOP; onyx; My2Cents; JohnHuang2; Dog Gone; Dog; isthisnickcool; OKSooner; VOA; mhking; ...
FYI! If you want on or off this ping list for the 2006 election, please let me know. BTW, BC'04 ping list is morphing into Election 2006 ping list!
2 posted on
10/03/2005 7:53:37 AM PDT by
(AOII Mom -- Allen in 2008)
To: PhiKapMom
Keep me on the ping list, please.
3 posted on
10/03/2005 8:02:31 AM PDT by
(Bless our troops and pray for our nation.)
To: PhiKapMom
5 posted on
10/03/2005 8:04:38 AM PDT by
To: PhiKapMom
Thanks for the link, and it'd be great if you could add me to that pinglist.
6 posted on
10/03/2005 8:05:58 AM PDT by
(Hillary Clinton IS the Great Satan.)
To: PhiKapMom
8 posted on
10/03/2005 8:08:31 AM PDT by
Grampa Dave
(Jamie Gorelick is responsible for more dead Americans(9-11) than those killed in Iraq.)
To: PhiKapMom
Democrat corruption ~ Bump!
17 posted on
10/03/2005 8:43:44 AM PDT by
(Be Well~Be Armed~Be Safe~Molon Labe!)
To: PhiKapMom
I'm staying and ready for the fight. Our naysayers are out in force today, but of course, "without them" we never HA!
18 posted on
10/03/2005 8:47:19 AM PDT by
((Vicksburg, MS) North is a direction. South is a way of life.)
To: PhiKapMom
I'm on and I want to stay on :)
19 posted on
10/03/2005 8:50:39 AM PDT by
(Call Chuckie Schumer @ 202-224-6542 for your FREE credit report)heh-heh!)
To: PhiKapMom
PKM: Please keep me on for '06. Thanks! :)
27 posted on
10/10/2005 7:45:20 PM PDT by
Boomer Geezer
(Sgt. Wanda Dabbs, 22, of the 230th, called out, "That's my president, hooah!" and there were cheers.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson