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Nagin: Mistakes were made at all levels
The Times-Picayune ^
| 11 September 2005
| Gordon Russell, Staff Writer
Posted on 09/11/2005 9:45:43 AM PDT by Colonial Warrior
"Analyze my ass, analyze everyone's ass, man. Let's put the facts on the table and talk turkey. Why was there a breakdown at the federal and state level only in Louisiana? This didn't happen in Mississippi. That's the question. That's the question of the day."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Extended News; News/Current Events; US: Louisiana
KEYWORDS: blamegame; katrina; nagin
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Deep in the Heart of TEXAS...Mayor Nagin talks about what went wrong...
To: Colonial Warrior
He might want to look in the mirror and look at the first problem. A good leader would have made due with what he had until reinforcements had made it in....
To: Colonial Warrior
must find his house in dallas.
for those who know the area, bet he did not move into Oak Cliff.
mayor, stop with the cursing.
posted on
09/11/2005 9:48:30 AM PDT
To: Colonial Warrior
"This didn't happen in Mississippi. That's the question. That's the question of the day."And the answer is Mississippi's state government has it's sh!t together.
posted on
09/11/2005 9:49:00 AM PDT
(If all I want is a warm feeling, I should just wet my pants.)
To: Colonial Warrior
He's goin down the tubes.
To: Colonial Warrior
Could it be the people of Mississippi made a better decision in choosing their leader than did Louisiana???
posted on
09/11/2005 9:49:27 AM PDT
(Luvya Dubya)
To: Colonial Warrior
Deep in the heart of Texas where Wednesday of this week he is going to meet with 40 of the mover and shakers of NO to divide up the city he forcibly evacuated. The press will trumpet the meeting as NO "coming back". In reality it is a huge land seizure.
posted on
09/11/2005 9:49:31 AM PDT
("This is the best election night in history." --DNC chair Terry McAuliffe Nov. 2,2004 8p.m.)
To: Colonial Warrior
"plenty of blame to go around"
"Mistakes were made at all levels"
Democrats seeking to dilute the blame that is rightfully theirs.
posted on
09/11/2005 9:50:07 AM PDT
(Dead terrorists smell like victory)
To: Colonial Warrior
Why was there a breakdown at the federal and state level only in Louisiana? This didn't happen in Mississippi. That's the question. That's the question of the dayWrong question. There was a breakdown at the state and LOCAL level only in Louisiana, which didn't happen in Mississippi. And why was that? Because of the mayor and the Governor.
To: Colonial Warrior
I suppose this is something of an admission of sins both of omission and commission...
"But look, EVERYBODY was doing it, Ma!"
"And I suppose, if everybody was jumping off a cliff, you would too?"
"Well, DUH, Ma. Hafta look cool, doncha know?"
posted on
09/11/2005 9:50:28 AM PDT
("Master of the painfully obvious.....")
To: rineaux
Wonder how many of the evacuees are in Oak Cliff?
Real class, all that cussing.
posted on
09/11/2005 9:50:57 AM PDT
To: Nov3
Ah . . . a combination of hip hop and political personality. Not pretty. In fact, it is downright disgraceful. Someone needs to wash this man's mouth out with soap.
posted on
09/11/2005 9:51:54 AM PDT
To: Colonial Warrior
New Orleans elected a gang-banging High School freshman for Mayor?
posted on
09/11/2005 9:51:57 AM PDT
(Every evil which liberals imagine Judaism and Christianity to be, islam is.)
To: All
Would someone please tell me one of the following:
Either, 1) what did FEMA/the Feds NOT do they were supposed to do or do they weren't supposed to do, OR
2) whether true or not, what is the argument liberals and other anti-Bush personnel are making in regards to 1) above.
posted on
09/11/2005 9:52:22 AM PDT
To: Colonial Warrior
Why does an elected official of a large city think he has to do the "potty-mouth" lingo? Weak officials, like our do-nothing mayor in Baltimore, think this talk makes them sound tough and cool - the more-righteous-than-thou lingo. All it does is just enforce the fact that they are incompetent. Talk the talk, but sure don't walk the walk.
posted on
09/11/2005 9:52:25 AM PDT
(Prayers for our southern neighbors during this time of tragedy)
To: Colonial Warrior
>> This didn't happen in Mississippi
The Governor in Mississippi is not a retard.
posted on
09/11/2005 9:52:42 AM PDT
(the summoner knocks at the widows gate)
To: Colonial Warrior
Analyze your own ass, Mayor (which you appear to be determined to wear as a hat). You're overlooking the conspicuous failure of your own administration right on the front lines.
posted on
09/11/2005 9:53:25 AM PDT
(Replies should be as pedantic as possible. I love that so much.)
To: Colonial Warrior
You gotta admit; the guy does have a way with words!
To: Colonial Warrior
Most of the mistakes made at the federal level would not have been made at all if the local and state levels had done their jobs.
To: Nov3
posted on
09/11/2005 9:54:27 AM PDT
Colonial Warrior
("Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive.")
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