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A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day....09-02 thru 09-05-05....Labor Day 2005
| September 2, 2005
| DollyCali
Posted on 09/02/2005 10:57:44 AM PDT by DollyCali
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posted on
09/02/2005 10:57:45 AM PDT
To: Billie; dutchess; Mama_Bear; Aquamarine; JustAmy; LadyX; WVNan
Well, it's late morning SOMEWHERE in the world!
posted on
09/02/2005 10:58:48 AM PDT
(Don't tell GOD how big your storm is -- Tell the storm how B-I-G your s God is!)
To: nicollo; ST.LOUIE1; Aquamarine; Billie; DollyCali; dutchess; Mama_Bear; The Mayor; deadhead; ...
posted on
09/02/2005 11:03:04 AM PDT
(Don't tell GOD how big your storm is -- Tell the storm how B-I-G your s God is!)
To: DollyCali
Howdy Dolly.
Get on your bike and enjoy the sun shine this weekend.
The weather is for-casted to be BEUTIFUL
posted on
09/02/2005 11:19:11 AM PDT
(Ignorance of the law is no excuse, ignorance of your rights can be fatal.)
To: DollyCali
Thanks for the invite! Trying to get all my yard work done today so my only labor Monday will be cooking out.
posted on
09/02/2005 11:20:20 AM PDT
(United We Stand. Divided We Fall.)
To: DollyCali
One of the things that always irked me was the media's claim that they were the people's watch dog. They claim to be the force in our society that stops government from doing things it shouldn't and causes government to do things it should. The media does this, it says, by informing and influencing the public.
Yet the history of media tends to show it publishes the sensational to meet the goal of attracting audience. In short, if it bleeds .. it leads. That goal has little to do with preventing the bad and encouraging the good.
The media's watch dog claims got me thinking about the media's roll in the disaster that is New Orleans. What would a real public watch dog have done. And if the media is not really a watch dog.. what kind of of animal is it.
Click here for the 'tator take on the blame game
To: DollyCali; Billie; Mama_Bear; dutchess; Aquamarine; The Mayor; JohnHuang2; ST.LOUIE1; Diver Dave; ..
{{{ Compassionate Hugs }}} for you, Miss Dolly, knowing your computer(s) troubles/struggles, needs of your Mom and many other demands on your time.
We thank you (and all hostesses and hosts) profusely for opening
The Finest Room Doors for us, no matter what the hour!!
We would be so, so LOST without these threads. I know everyone who comes here feels the same way.
(Am a little busy today doing necessary banking/bill paying/shopping,
but will return as soon as I can.)
posted on
09/02/2005 11:47:36 AM PDT
((( He Is The Lord, above all things )))
To: LadyX
posted on
09/02/2005 11:54:23 AM PDT
(There is a Possum in the works.)
To: DollyCali
...a very appropriate photo for the (that) pledge in these days...
posted on
09/02/2005 12:08:55 PM PDT
(...where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:16-18)
To: DollyCali; All
I work in sales and am responsible for shipping my company's products all over the world. So I get to talk to some interesting people from every possible part of the globe this week alone I have been in contact with Poland, Iran, USA, Russia, Egypt, Belgium, China, Chile and Tunisia to name but a few. I have worked at the company for 24 years joining a typist in the buying department and within 3 months being transferred to the Sales Department as clerk and have now progressed to a Product Manager.
The front of the company where I work
At the front of the building the window on the right is my office.
posted on
09/02/2005 12:20:42 PM PDT
(An English Cheney Chick - BIG TIME)
To: DollyCali
Thank you. Prayers for all the victims and their families.
posted on
09/02/2005 12:21:40 PM PDT
To: DollyCali
Good afternoon, all. Nice post, Dolly. I can't take a picture where I work. No cameras allowed. On the 27th of this month I will celebrate 34 years with the same company. Come to think of it, I get 6 weeks vacation a year. Have been for the last 14 years. Ya think the dems will tell me I have no right to this???
News still trickling in from family members. All OK, one with no house left but they still consider themselves lucky. God Bless President Bush and all working to help in the aftermath of Katrina.
posted on
09/02/2005 12:34:09 PM PDT
("I am too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed!")
To: DollyCali
Well, it's late morning SOMEWHERE in the world!
LOL Dolly I like that!!!!
Great weekend thread sistah! I guess I never truly understood the whole Labor Day background. BTW, YOU deserve a great big Labor Day break having done double (triple) duty this week.
Need to get back to work but will try to get back here after work and bump the thread. ((((dolly)))))
Continued prayers for our Katrina victims and relief workers!
posted on
09/02/2005 12:45:29 PM PDT
To: DollyCali
What a wonderful job you did on this, Dolly - the opening, the pledge, the welcome - all so well-coordinated and informative, and pretty, too! Your attention to detail does not go unnoticed! 'Preciate you, Sistah Dolly - don't know how you find the time to put these together so thoroughly (and Wednesday/Thursday thread in such a short time!), but
Thank You!!!
posted on
09/02/2005 1:24:13 PM PDT
To: DollyCali; JustAmy; Billie; tuliptree76; OESY; Conspiracy Guy; Laura Earl; Diver Dave; The Mayor; ..
You can add my little (early 20's) brother to the prayer list, he just got notice from the National Guard that he may be deployed to Louisiana. His needs won't be the same as the hurricane victims of course, except for God's protection from the criminal element in the city and from disease and fatigue. I heard they will probably have them working 18 to 20 hour days from a recruiter on the radio the other day.
posted on
09/02/2005 1:34:33 PM PDT
(...where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:16-18)
To: PreviouslyA-Lurker
Prayers sent for your brother.
posted on
09/02/2005 1:36:00 PM PDT
(I'm sailing on the wide accountancy.)
To: tuliptree76
posted on
09/02/2005 1:40:52 PM PDT
(...where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:16-18)
To: PreviouslyA-Lurker
Prayers for your brother and all the guardsmen (and women) deployed to LA. May they stay out of harms way.
posted on
09/02/2005 2:25:47 PM PDT
To: tuliptree76
Hi tulip! Have a great labor day weekend? BTW...any employment history you care to share??? (creating beautiful tables doesn't count :o) )
posted on
09/02/2005 2:26:59 PM PDT
To: DollyCali; JustAmy; OESY; Victoria Delsoul; PreviouslyA-Lurker; NicknamedBob; Jack Deth; snugs; ...
In addition to Labor Day on Monday, here are the holidays for the weekend.
Sept. 2
V-J Day - Japan signed formal surrender, 1945
Sept. 3
Football Day
Sept. 4
Father's Day (Australia)
Newspaper Carrier Day
Sept. 5
Labor Day
Be Late For Something Day
Teachers' Day (India)
Cheese Pizza Day
posted on
09/02/2005 2:29:08 PM PDT
(I'm sailing on the wide accountancy.)
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