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To: ThirstyMan

"Riddle me that Batman."

America had its dark times as well, and some of them not that long ago. Lets hope that in time it changes if the worst happens. Look at how far America has come in a short amount of time. The may need a civil rights movement of their own there to truly change the culture and society. Free press is a big part of that. They must argue and choose these things themselves. As we did. We can only encourage and point the way. Ultimately we want a country that will not harbor and nurture/produce terrorists. Everything else is gravy. Cultural change on the level we we would consider ideal obviously has a way to go. Some things may take decades. We must wait and see how history unfolds. Women in Iraq will have our support as many other nations will add thier voice as well. Lets hope for the best, be prepared for the worst. A nation that demeans women cannot endure. Change will be inevitable in a free society. As it was here.

12 posted on 08/15/2005 11:36:52 PM PDT by Names Ash Housewares
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To: Names Ash Housewares
So do we pull out, having helped the Iraqis create another Iranian style mullah dictatorship and hope that time will evolve them? I have to say that'd be very unsatisfying and hard to sell as worth the sacrifice of so many American lives.

If these people are incapable of dreaming of a democracy and want Sharia law, then what choice do we have? How do we affect the desired change? Seems they'll drift backwards as we pull out and become another Iranian pain in the neck.

13 posted on 08/15/2005 11:55:42 PM PDT by ThirstyMan
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To: Names Ash Housewares

A nation that demeans women cannot endure.

It would seem that the 1.2 billion nation of Islam has been demeaning women for over a thousand years - thats pretty enduring.

I'd say we can put an end to it, right now, this week, if our President takes a stand and tells these Iraqi politicians in Baghdad that if there is no freedom of religion, there will be no more U.S. help. As the author said, our troops can't be dying to "..create another Iran, where mullahs will rule and women will be thrust back to the Dark Ages."

15 posted on 08/16/2005 12:07:29 AM PDT by TomasUSMC (FIGHT LIKE WW2, FINISH LIKE WW2. FIGHT LIKE NAM, FINISH LIKE NAM.)
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