Posted on 08/15/2005 6:17:17 PM PDT by Graybeard58
PHOENIX - Gov. Janet Napolitano may declare border counties a disaster area, following the lead of her New Mexico counterpart.
Napolitano press aide Jeanine L'Ecuyer said Monday the governor's staff is exploring whether an emergency could be declared based not on a natural disaster but because of the problems of crime, human smuggling and property destruction caused by people crossing the international border.
L'Ecuyer said the basic question involves reviewing the legal grounds for making such a declaration. State law permits the governor to declare an emergency in various instances, including cases of "invasions, hostile attacks, riots or insurrections.''
On Friday, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson used similar authorization to declare a disaster in four border counties. That move freed up $750,000 from that state's emergency fund to help pay overtime for state police and sheriff's deputies, with Richardson also promising to provide another $1 million in discretionary dollars.
Cam Hunter, spokeswoman for the Arizona Department of Homeland Security, said this state has $4 million in the fund.
L'Ecuyer said there are a variety of differences between Arizona and New Mexico that might make a disaster declaration here inappropriate. She also said part of the question is whether such a declaration by Napolitano would free up any federal funds.
Pahl Shipley, press aide to Richardson, said his boss is hoping for some federal aid. But Tim Manning, that state's Mexico's homeland security chief, said that would require the state to meet some very specific requirements in federal law.
"It essentially comes down to all available resources at the local and state level have been used,'' he said. Manning said there also is a formula to determine the relative burden of an emergency on the state, computed on a per capita basis.
But Shipley said there also is a political component behind the governor's declaration.
"He is frustrating by the inaction on the federal level and felt like he needed to take action to protect New Mexicans and their property,'' Shipley said. He said Richardson wanted to "send a clear message the governor thought it was an urgent situation.''
The move has had at least some impact: U.S. Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., said Richardson's declaration is more evidence that Congress needs to act soon to enact a comprehensive temporary worker program along with increased sanctions against employers who hired undocumented workers.
"As Arizonans well know, the federal government's inability to control the border has been a crisis for some time,'' Flake said in a prepared statement. "We cannot afford to wait any longer.''
Flake is a co-sponsor of legislation being pushed by Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., to set up a new temporary worker program for jobs that require few or no skills. It also seeks unspecified increases in funding for border security.
Manning acknowledged there always has been crime along the border, it appears to have become more frequent - and more violent recently. He said some of that may be due to increased Border Patrol activity in Arizona which is moving some of the problem to the east.
"It's about criminal activity and it's about potential terrorism,'' Manning said. "Our concern right now is for the people down there.''
"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,
1. The act of invading; the act of encroaching upon the rights or possessions of another; encroachment; trespass.
Good point. I'm too tired from driving for 3 days to get back from Texas.
Good cartoon. We all tend to agree with people that have the same ideas. Now, explain why you sent that to us and not other people.
"And I get hammered for bringing those lies out. "
I'm not hammering you for that. I'm hammering you for kinda being a dick.
I took it as a slam at the person on this thread who is being obnoxious.
Don't sit around bitching! You CAN move... Look at the want-ads for other places, then decide who's got a better deal! MOVING is ALWAYS an option...
Ok, this is pissing me off. I'll be @%&&$# before I see freepers giving LAWFUL CITIZENS of this nation the advice to MOVE. Why not just say it? Why not just say RETREAT! Why not just say SURRENDER!
Americans do not move. Americans stand and fight. Americans didn't MOVE at the Alamo or at the Battle of San Antonio. Americans stood and fought their. They were victorious (for the Alamo was a Pyrhic Victory) and we are here today because of their sacrifice.
But now you want Americans to MOVE. Why don't you MOVE, to FRANCE with the rest of the Cowards!!!
Freepers unite and demand that their will be no peace until all the illegals have MOVED back to MEXICO!!!
courtesy of
The boys pure dag-nasty evil! the Obi Wan Kenobi look-alike proclaims.
Uh-huh. Ya think? a Mace Windu look-alike retorts sarcastically.
Warned you we tried. Listened, you did not. Now %&^$#% we all shall be! a Yoda look-alike exclaims.
This exchange, while innocent enough, reminds me always of issues the people have concerns over that their politicians ignore. Most recently, it is an example of the Republican Party and their dissolving support amongst voters. Some moron wrote a piece in the LA times proclaiming that the rising Hispanic voter population threw out republicans from California office for their support of Proposition 187 and all the Red Staters ran for the hills, proclaiming moderate stances on immigration. Sadly, the piece ignored the facts of the issues, and greatly distorted the facts, much to the conservative voters dismay.
The wisdom of Pete Wilson, not that Ill proclaim that ever again, was to isolate and destroy a major California problem: illegal immigrants using state funded programs. Not only do they accelerate the demise of welfare programs by vastly increasing their use, but they also demolish the capability of public education. I oppose all of these programs anyways, and I think illegal immigrants merely accelerate the obvious resolution of these programs, by decreasing the period of time required to show how these programs fail. Nevertheless, their presence within the state was rapidly draining coffers for services such as Medical, Hospital Emergency Rooms, and Public Education. Knowing that this would force illegals out of the state, and thus, out of Californias hair, Pete Wilson supported this proposition and it passed by an overwhelming margin.
Then came the march of liberal rights groups. Proving that they would support communist invaders, the ACLU took the proposition to court where they found some weed-smoking idiot (no doubt a Clinton appointee) to call the proposition unconstitutional for targeting people who are not citizens.
Fast-forwarding to today, we find California bankrupt, with the lowest bond rating in the nation, without a solution to the problem of exponentially rising costs, and with no welcome solution to these problems. People throw boulders at the Governator for not working with a Legislature that only wants to raise taxes. People ignore the elephant in the room that is the education budget. People ignore the elephant in the room that is wall-to-wall labor union commercials. People ignore the elephant in the room that Wilson already solved this problem. People ignore that the Minutemen have been enormously successful in not just discouraging illegal immigration, but in providing intelligence about drug trafficking along the California-Mexico border.
So two neighboring governors have declared the border situation a disaster area, thus getting their hands on emergency funds to assist in the border counties needs. It will doubtless be only days (hours) before California follows suit. However, throwing money at this problem is not a solution, at least, not a solution for 20 years. Why cant we just challenge the courts ruling on prop 187? Why cant we just kick these NON-citizens out of this country? Why cant employers just hire felons? I mean, its not like the criminals in this nation wouldnt work as hard as illegals do. Plus, they speak ENGLISH!!! I mean, these employers are ALREADY rewarding lawbreakers, why not give some second chances to our own lawless citizens?
So call me racist.
Call me ignorant.
Call me cruel.
Just know, that in the end, I am correct. The invasion of illegals will continue unless we do something to stop it. The invasion of illegals will continue until the rewards for emigrating are removed. The invasion will continue until their employers are severely reprimanded.
But what will they do? Where will they go?
Perhaps, just maybe, we could give them all shotguns as they return to Mexico, and then they can establish a lawful, constitutional Democracy in their own nation. Hell, I dont care if they establish a flower-sniffing left-wing nut-job commune-living Socialist nation. Just stay the hell out of my country! While we welcome the dirty, poor, sick, and undesired into our country, there must be a process to their entrance. We must ensure for our own safety that those that emigrate here do not do harm to our people or society.
Illegal immigration is pure dag-nasty evil! The left-wing governor proclaimed.
Uh huh. Ya think! The long-suffering population replied sarcastically.
Warned you we tried. Listened, you did not. Now &$*&%@ we all are. The right-wing blogger informed.
Please dont sue me credits located here
Obi Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, and Yoda all belong to George Lucas and are trademarks of his multiple organizations.
The quotes are from a parody of the Star Wars Episode III movie located at:
She has seen her internal polling and knows she will lose big time in the next election. This is why she is coming out swinging now.
However, people can't be that dumb to fall for her antics. Then again, they voted for her once.
Don't you know that Constitution is a living document?
There's no understanding why people will reelect the likes of the traitor john kerry and the murderer ted kennedy either but they do.
But then, B-1 Bob, AKA one of the world's most boring white men, was faked out of his once-secure seat by Loretta Sanchez. Defrauded,(and redistricted, too) actually. THEN, B-1 Bob alla sudden, got interested. Speaking of vote fraud, Richardson and Napolitano say they're going to kick ass on the border, and the RNC begins to wake from its slumber. Wonders will never cease.
Of course, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. Except that our friends on the Left will pick up enormous credibility. Maybe they can't get back the WH on this one issue alone ... but hey, it can't hurt in state races.
GW and Karl Rove may even be forced to modify their "Mexicans: The Republicans of the Future" theory!
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