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Unwelcome Truths (Able Danger, OKC, 9/11)
california republic dot org ^
| 8-15-05
| Cuculu
Posted on 08/15/2005 12:57:02 PM PDT by doug from upland
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To: doug from upland
posted on
08/15/2005 1:02:13 PM PDT
(Mr and Mrs WilsonIII were both working UNDERtheCOVERS!)
To: doug from upland
Former Defense Secretary Cohen yesterday talking to Wolf Blitzer...I think he qualifies as a "Know nothing".
BLITZER: Did you know about this unit called Able Danger, these special operations forces that the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Hugh Shelton, had created?
COHEN: I'm not -- I don't have a recollection specifically of that.
I certainly know that there were a number of special forces that were set up to gather information. I don't recall receiving that particular report, though.
posted on
08/15/2005 1:04:30 PM PDT
Liberty Valance
(Why? Ask Jamie Gorelick)
To: doug from upland
This is an excellent piece that says it like it is.
Of course it will be heavily criticized and discounted as inaccurate by those that the real facts incriminate.
This matter goes to the very heart of the Washington government and the corruption, deception, lies and deadly incompetence that MUST BE EXPOSED AND ELIMINATED from our government.
How Washington handles this, will tell you all you need to know about Washington and the major housecleaning that needs to take place there...
posted on
08/15/2005 1:05:02 PM PDT
To: doug from upland
I think TWA-800 needs to be re examined. Micheal Leeden makes the point that all bureaucracies tend to accept the explanation that they are most comfortable with. The FAA, FBI and CIA did not want to believe that a missile brought down an aircraft near the coast of the United States.
posted on
08/15/2005 1:06:30 PM PDT
Lonesome in Massachussets
(Lonesome's First Law: Whenever anyone says it's not about the money, it's about the money.)
To: Liberty Valance
I don't recall....
WHEN YOU HEAR THIS LEAD-IN, YOU KNOW YOU ARE BEING LIED TO. A standard tool of the left in any testimony --- how is Hitlery by the way? I wonder if she knows where Billy is hiding from the revelations of ABLE DANGER ???
posted on
08/15/2005 1:06:48 PM PDT
To: doug from upland
Unfortunately I think there are "Know nothings" inhabiting both sides of the aisle. However I think the greatest damage was done by the left leaning know nothings.
posted on
08/15/2005 1:06:55 PM PDT
(If you must obey your party, may your chains rest lightly upon your shoulders.)
To: doug from upland
"There the Iraqi transferred a large amount of cash to Atta, sufficient to fund the completion of the September 11 attack"
Say what??????
posted on
08/15/2005 1:07:42 PM PDT
To: doug from upland
posted on
08/15/2005 1:10:48 PM PDT
Travis McGee
(--- ---)
To: doug from upland
posted on
08/15/2005 1:11:22 PM PDT
(Dead terrorists smell like victory)
To: doug from upland
argh this is driving me crazy!! My OKC/911 connection ping list is on another hard drive that I can't get to right now.
Suffice it to say that all these divergent disasters, formerly the domain of us 'conspiracy freaks', are starting to gel and gain a foothold in the psyche of the blogosphere.
posted on
08/15/2005 1:11:41 PM PDT
(Logic test: Pearl Harbor is to 911 as Harry Truman is to .....)
To: doug from upland
Continued investigation by Davis showed that the top Iraqi in question was a former senior Iraqi Republican Guard officer with close Saddam regime ties. Further some of the members of the Iraqi group that fled Oklahoma City when the bombing of the Murrah Building took place moved to the Northeast. One later took a job at Logan International Airport in Boston, the location of two September 11 hijackings. He disappeared after that attack.That would be Hussein Al Husseini. He was working at Logan on 911.
posted on
08/15/2005 1:16:10 PM PDT
(Logic test: Pearl Harbor is to 911 as Harry Truman is to .....)
To: doug from upland; All
Crosslinking to:
Able Danger, 9-11 Report, Gorelick, and so much more...
Click the picture...
posted on
08/15/2005 1:17:27 PM PDT
To: doug from upland
posted on
08/15/2005 1:19:12 PM PDT
To: doug from upland
The former Czech deputy foreign minister, later ambassador to the UN, gave statements that he personally expelled a high raking Iraqi embassy official in Prague for being a covert foreign intelligence agent after the latter was discovered having met with Atta in the international lounge at the Prague airport in August 2001. There the Iraqi transferred a large amount of cash to Atta, sufficient to fund the completion of the September 11 attack.
posted on
08/15/2005 1:19:17 PM PDT
T. Buzzard Trueblood
("...there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda." - Thomas Kean, chairman, 9/11 Commission)
To: brivette
"There the Iraqi transferred a large amount of cash to Atta, sufficient to fund the completion of the September 11 attack" When it comes to whether or not that meeting took place, I've always believed the Czech Republic over our own government. The Czechs have no reason to just make this stuff up out of the blue.
I've also always believed that, in addition to cash changing hands at that meeting, so did some weapons-grade anthrax. But that's just me.
To: doug from upland
This gets deeper by the minute - we had a president Clintoon - and a Sandy Burglar asleep on the job. They should be casterated and feed to the hogs.
posted on
08/15/2005 1:22:59 PM PDT
(Less government is best government!)
To: Nita Nupress
posted on
08/15/2005 1:24:01 PM PDT
To: All
Gordon and Jayna Davis will be on my Right Talk show on Wednesday. He personally knows a member of Able Danger. Hold onto your FReeper hats!
posted on
08/15/2005 1:29:04 PM PDT
doug from upland
(The Hillary documentary is coming -- INDICTING HILLARY)
To: All
posted on
08/15/2005 1:29:38 PM PDT
doug from upland
(The Hillary documentary is coming -- INDICTING HILLARY)
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