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| Saturday, August 13, 2005
| Kristinn
Posted on 08/13/2005 6:55:59 AM PDT by kristinn
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To: Jeff Head; Brad's Gramma; Ernest_at_the_Beach; mhking; nutmeg
Pinging and bumping a great thread.
posted on
08/13/2005 1:33:51 PM PDT
Grampa Dave
(The civilized world must win WW IV/the Final Crusade and destroy Jihadism!)
To: 2nd amendment mama
Wow! The stuff you see on FR that you don't (and probably won't) see in the MSM...
To: Sam Hill
That picture of Cindy Bin Ladin says "Who profits?"
She does. She's raking in allot of cash for her favorite left wing groups. She even has hired PR handlers. Her sons body is making her rich and famous, and she's using it to the max. She could by a mansion next to John Kerry's if she uses that money wisely! They could have cocktail parties together.
posted on
08/13/2005 1:34:24 PM PDT
concerned about politics
("A people without a heritage are easily persuaded (deceived)" - Karl Marx)
To: longtermmemmory
As that WP article noted (amazingly) Cindy has been working with the Soros/MoveOn front Fenton Communications for some time.
All three of her Gold Star Family Co-Members were propped up as "real voices" of the American people in last year's campaign against Bush:
Cindy Sheehan & Friends -- Paid George Soros Stooges?
To: ohioWfan
She and her husband are separated, affected by the stress of losing their son.
My guess is he hit the road because of her incessant media dance on the grave of his son. Michael Moore and the crew at Al Jazeera cut in on his time of grieving.
posted on
08/13/2005 1:36:00 PM PDT
(Not all who wander are lost)
To: Grampa Dave
Lots of great and very important info sprinkled throughout this thread my friend...along with reorts of a really great rally.
posted on
08/13/2005 1:36:08 PM PDT
Jeff Head
To: Humidston
My last post was meant to be to you. Don't know what happened.
To: Jeff Head
I have scanned most of the messages.
Like you said, it reminds me of Your Great Klamath Falls/Lake adventure.
posted on
08/13/2005 1:37:51 PM PDT
Grampa Dave
(The civilized world must win WW IV/the Final Crusade and destroy Jihadism!)
To: kristinn
Great job. Thanks to all who made it down to Crawford.
posted on
08/13/2005 1:37:59 PM PDT
(E Pluribus Funk --- (Latin taglines are sooooo cool! Don't ya think?))
To: Grampa Dave
I hope we can sustain some presence there for however meany weeks it takes...just like at Klamath. When you do, and it is a just cause (and this is), the momentum builds and builds...just like it did there.
posted on
08/13/2005 1:39:20 PM PDT
Jeff Head
To: Sam Hill
Just watched an interview with Bill Press the former idiot of CNN.
I was somewhat ticked that the MSM including Fox didn't give more attention to the many supporters of Bush that showed up to day in Crawford.
I responded to Fox with this letter.
Dear Fox News
Your interview with Bill Press is so one sided. Press is spinning so much BS. Sheehan is a sick woman who has major psychological problems. I didn't like Bills BS on CNN and don't like it on Fox. Want to see your ratings plunge just keep up bringing on these turds out of the radical left sewer.
So the president meets with her and say she spits or hits at him. This is a no win thing and the liberal MSM is eating up every bit of the Michael Moore anti-American production.
Also, why didn't you put a more favorable spin on the supporters who showed up today at the Bush ranch. More supporters of Bush than have been there for this disturbed woman. This woman actually supports giving aid to the insurgents who are killing brave soldiers like her son. Shame on you media, you've shown a biased liberal anti-American side one more time.
Truth is I don't trust any one in media.
posted on
08/13/2005 1:39:44 PM PDT
(There's nothing like hearing someone say thank you for your help.)
To: Jeff Head
Thanks for the updates, Jeff, and thanks to all who attended the rally!
posted on
08/13/2005 1:40:25 PM PDT
Miss Marple
(Karl Rove is Plame-proof.)
Ohhh,Woe is me...!!!

why's everybody always pickin on me???
posted on
08/13/2005 1:40:32 PM PDT
(American Hedonist ©®)
To: longtermmemmory
Every time I see a picture with the Twin Towers in it, I get a pit in my stomach. It still seems unbelievable that 9/11 ever happened, but, it did.
To: afraidfortherepublic
I have thought the same thing for days. I have even said that the SS people need to be on their guard because there is no telling what she will do and those surrounding her. They hate this country and President Bush.
posted on
08/13/2005 1:41:11 PM PDT
(mom to an angel)
To: Mo1
Thanks for the ping. I've been following this off and on all day wishing I could have been there. I'm so proud of all the ones who were able to go there and show the contrast. You folks are awesome.
To: Red Chevy
posted on
08/13/2005 1:42:02 PM PDT
(I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.)
To: octobersky
That's why FR is so important. Thanks Jim Rob! The info I have learned on here has given me the tools necessary to fight liberal/socialist scum on a daily basis. If I need reinforcement all I have to do is come here for more ammo....LOL
posted on
08/13/2005 1:42:09 PM PDT
2nd amendment mama
( • Self defense is a basic human right!)
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