Posted on 08/13/2005 6:55:59 AM PDT by kristinn
Thanks...I'm not near there right now physically either...but in spirit and in my heart I've been there all day.
I hope you made some serious greenies from the Dragon's Fury series.
One American (and FReeper to another), thank you very much.
Congressman Billybob
Interesting that you should say that. I have had the same thought. It seems to me that there were naturally lots of people showing sympathy and support over Casey's death. However, people move on with their lives, rightly, and we don't expect the bereaved to make a career out of it. Cindy craved the attention, which is not the sign of a healthy mind.
You ought to post that as a seperate thread. Document it well and it may get some play...all the way to Fox news, Hannity, O'Reilly, Drudge...who knows where?
I love that photo. My Dad is a WWII vet and will be 82 this November. I thank him all the time for the freedom his sacrifice has afforded me.
Wish I could be there, but we are there in spirit
Thanks for all the updates Jeff
A Dose Ping!!
For a group that talks about the how important the voices of "real people are" liberals sure spend a lot of time hanging out with Communications experts. And the msm either falls for it, or worse, takes the easy road and just pretends that these are "real people."
I still wish the DFS could get a larger play and audience...but that is all in God's hands and I am grateful for the audience it has gotten.
FNC just had OTHER gold star parents who object to sheehan's lunacy!
Sheehan is a NUT!
sakabatou (1000+ posts) Sat Aug-13-05 03:51 PM Response to Original message 94. I don't mean any harm on anybody But I sure wish they get heat stroke "I am a wanderer, that I am."
That's the difference from the DU'ers & the Good Guys!
Yep, that pretty well sums it up!
Because she hates America, and any fool knows that if you hate America you must be special
I'm pretty sure that, if you wish that someone will develop a life-threatening illness, then you wish them harm.
He/she has used far too much acid for this early in the day.
I saw the film of the motorcade. They were not going fast enough to kick up dust. She was lying yet again. (I bet in urban areas with all of the sniper site possibilities they book.)
Cindy Sheehan's Pitched Battle (Free Republic Rally Mentioned)
However, I'll save the original WP page for posterity.
There is an air show going on about a mile from our house. The Blue Angels have been practicing over our house since Thur. Very cool. I just came down off the roof to check this thread :-)
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