Posted on 08/13/2005 6:55:59 AM PDT by kristinn
Thanks for posting those! My 9 year old yelled to me from the other room a bit ago saying, "Mama, it's on! It's on!"
By the time I got into the room, all I saw was the FOX guy in front of the hay.
I'm keeping up Jeff, you are doing a great job reporting from where you are.
I looked through the thread on DU. First time I've even peeked into that place in months. What a sad lot. Whatever the left does, the hypocrisy always shines through. They're all love and peace, yet anytime a few of them gather together, the result is a seething amalgam of fury, frustration, vulgarity, and hatred, fueled by willful ignorance.
They're to be pitied and prayed for. It's hard. I have a tough time with it myself, but it's what we're supposed to do and I need to work on it.
Some guy from FR is mentioned in this one. ;)
Love your tagline but I would have to say that up here in Myrtle Beach we're probably running a close 2nd..LOL In fact, I think your storm is approaching....ugh!
I talked to them in Crawford and let them know the great news about the FOX News picturees. They were charged to hear it. Also let them know about the disgusting news of an Iraqi insurgent/occupation site promoting Cindy Sheehan's activities that Brad's Gramma found. Sadkly, and sickenly, it says it all.
CNTTXAN indicated a small group broke off from the anti people and came over and was flipping them off and messing a little with their signs, but our people politiely, but firmly, let them know that would not be tolerated and the left. Hoepfully the local LEOs will keep that kind of thing under control.
The crowd has gotten bigger, the media is still there as least four crews. CNTTXAN was talking to the Waco news as we spoke.
Maybe over 150 freepers and soldier supporters there now and growing. We have some Freepers still en route. Heat is not too bad...they have shade, a breeze and water. Can't ask for to much more in the Texas summer. Okay folks, that's it for now. BUMP the thread often. Post comments and pictures (like any more from FOX) you may find.
God bless these guys for their support of our troops today.
Next update at 2:30 PM, Texas time.
Very true, she is too unstable right now. If she really wanted to meet with the president AGAIN, she should have quietly contacted her senator or congressmen, and they would have helped her set it up I'm sure. All this nonsense she's involved in now is just for her ego.
Most excellent!
ThX!!! I'll print out the news articles to go along with the pics to take back over to the recruiters.
From your link. No one has ever denied her the right to spit out her anti-semitic, anti-American junk. "If they are true Americans..." It is a good thing that this woman and I are not ever likely to cross paths.
I just fired off an angry e-mail to my senator, George Allen. I included a dozen hateful, profanity-laced quotes from Cindy Sheehan to show him why this woman should not be allowed near the President.
Here is the text of my e-mail to him:
Honorable Senator Allen,
I usually write to thank you, but today I have to chastise you. I have read that you urged the President to meet with Cindy Sheehan, head of an organization urging us to surrender in Iraq and allied with groups calling for the President's impeachment.
I can only guess that you have no clue who this woman is, and think she is just a typical mother grieving over her son. I would agree with you in that case.
But this woman is an outspoken public opponent of the President, the administration, and our military involvement. She "testified" at the fake "Downing Streem Memos" committee meeting that Rep. Conyers ran.
She has called the president a Liar, a killer, a terrorist.
She says that no war is just, that our country is not worth dying for, and that we are the terrorists.
She has every right to say these things, but she should not be rewarded by a meeting with the President.
Here are a list of quotes from Cindy Sheehan. After you read them I hope that you will agree this is not a woman who should be trusted anywhere near the President. This includes comments on what she would say if he DID come out to see her, which includes profanity. I apologize, it is hard to get quotes from this woman that don't include profanity.
Could my son be dead because of an evil-neo con Pax Americana agenda? Wake up dude. This government has always been in the business of killing people. What is even better is if we kill people who are a different color or not Christian.
We began the killing as soon as we stepped foot on these shores and the killing has gone on unabated for over 200 years. There has always been excuses for wars, but NONE of them have been good or valid.
We need to get our troops out of Iraq. The only reason Bush wants to stay there is because his buddies are getting rich and feasting off the blood of our children
George Bush and his neo-conservatives killed my son, she said tearing up a bit. America has been killing people on this continent since it was started. This country is not worth dying for.
Theyre not waging a War on Terror but a War of Terror, she said. The biggest terrorist is George W. Bush.
Our country has been overtaken by murderous thugs....gangsters who lust after fortunes and power; never caring that their addictions are at the expense of our loved ones, and the blood of innocent people near and far.
this is just one more staggering piece of evidence that the US government is now ruled by murderous hypocrites...criminals who should be arrested, charged appropriately, confined behind bars, and then tried in a court of law...not only here in our own country, but also in all the other countries which have suffered their incomprehensible greed.
"And Im glad to hear everybody elses words, because somebodys gotta stop those lying bastards. Somebody has to stop them
My vacation probably - -this is really sad because I have a really cute dress I was going to wear to the banquet tomorrow night, but Im either gonna be in jail or in a tent in Crawford, waiting until that jerk comes out and tells me why my son died.
So anyway that filth-spewer and warmonger, George Bush was speaking after the tragedy of the marines in Ohio, he said a couple things that outraged me. Seriously outraged me. And I know I dont look like Im outraged, Im always so calm and everything, thats because if I started hitting something, I wouldnt stop til it was dead.
Im gonna tell them, You get that evil maniac out here, cuz a Gold Star Mother, somebody whos blood is on his hands, has some questions for him.
And if you think I wont say bullshit to the President, I say move on, cuz Ill say whats on my mind
"And the other thing I want him to tell me is 'just what was the noble cause Casey died for?' Was it freedom and democracy? Bullshit! He died for oil. He died to make your friends richer. He died to expand American imperialism in the Middle East. We're not freer here, thanks to your PATRIOT Act. Iraq is not free. You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism."
During the Clinton regime the US-UN led sanctions against Iraq and the weekly bombing raids killed tens of thousands of innocent people in Iraq. Many of them were children, but since one of her children didnt have to be sacrificed to the homicidal war machine, Madeline Albright thinks the slaughter during the halcyon Clinton years was worth it. More lies.
Thank you Jeff!
Not to mention that she is now "in bed" with the iraqi insurgents.
Thunderstorm -- off line catch up with you guys later!!
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