Posted on 08/13/2005 6:55:59 AM PDT by kristinn
I am trying to confirm this is the Protest Warriors. Not 100% certain yet.
Saturday, Aug. 13, 2005
(Reverse Time Order More Recent Entries Toward Top)
12:25 p.m.
Update from the Iconoclast's Nathan Diebenow:
I drove into Crawford Texas off 317. The first thing I see is a Carter Blood Drive going on at the Masonic Lodge, people with motorcycles and flashy sports cars lingering outside.
I drive a block or two farther and bikers are on the corner of Spanos' Coffee Station. Signs on the corner say, "Stay the course."
I drive through town. Kids are on bikes riding around. One is driving a riding lawn mower on the street going downtown. There's a lot of activity at the Peace House, cars parked.
I turn into the parking lot area to the park. There are some flags by Pirate Field, military style, counter-protestors. Driving farther, there's a red Chevy truck coming toward me with a sign saying, "Texas Is Bush Country," playing hard rock music.
I park, and from the looks of it, there are a lot of Texas license plates, anti-Bush bumper stickers, Texas Democrat stickers, Howard Dean stickers. A couple of windows have shoe polish print that say, "Talk to Cindy." In all, there are about 200 cars around, and 300 people.
I hear a loud "Welcome to Crawford from people at the Cindy Sheehan rally."
The rallyers "boo" for the President. There are a lot of children in attendance, elementary-school-age and up.
I just talked with a college student, Ansel Herz, who is passing around a petition on the Sudan genocide. The organizers here talked about not petitioning and keeping the message on Cindy.
"I think Sudan is serious enough to gather signatures," said Herz. "I am definitely behind Cindy all the way". He said he watched the interview on Democracy Now. From that, he said it is obvious she is speaking from her heart.
I talked to Dawn Farrell, 35, of Grapvine, who works an accounting firm. She was holding a sign that had Bush giving the middle finger (an outstake from TV that was not aired at the time he did it) and below the image the sign says "Warmonger." She said that she thinks Cindy is going to stay and Bush will not meet with her.
Other posters I'm seeing say: "War's not the answer." "Real Texans don't hide." "Why aren't your daughters fighting in Iraq?" "Denver Moms for Peace."
I spoke with the woman holdilng that poster. DeAnn Major, has one child, and is an advocate for people with disabilities. She drove down here from Denver alone, noting that it took 15 hours. She said she tried to get some friends to come, too, but one of them said "no" becasue her car didn't have any air conditioning. She said there was a lot rain and traffic during the trip, but that she is hoping to come down next weekend for another rally. She said, "I think it's going to gain momentum. I don't care if it takes 15 hours. If this is the beginning of the end of the war, then I have to be here. I can't wait for my friends to come with me. I'm on my own."
There's a Veterans for Peace guy handing out T-shirts.
Before the rally people were conversing. It was a pleasant atmosphere.
At 12:09, a helicopter circled overhead. Some think it might have been a Secret Service helicopter.
11:05 a.m.
Coordinator Ann Wright said, There are about 50 Republicans here walking the mile and a half up the road from the Broken Spoke Ranch to Camp Casey. They get to walk on the road. They put us in the ditch, but those who support Bush get the road. I dont understand that. It is so hot and these people are planning to walk all the way. Were here at the Peace House now getting ready for the rally in the park at noon.
now that is funny and makes my day a little brighter.
1:00 PM Texas Time
CntTxan indicates over 100 people now there and growing. They are about to start up. Apparently the media is there.
They have some shade and a cool breeze...not too hot at the moment.
Let's make sure we give these guys our full support. I will be making updates every half hour unless they call into me with something in between. He is going to try and find someone with a camera cell phone who can email me pictures directly from the sitre if possib;e. Otherwise we will have to depend on media pictures or wait until some of these guys get hom tonight.
God bless these guys for their support of our troops today. CntTxan has 12 of 13 people there with him who all have served, many of them in Iraq.
Next update at 1:30 PM
bumpity bump!
You have made my day if I made you smile! :-)
WOW.The left has a small handful of hate America firsties and a few anti-Jews. You guys are showing them the real U.S.A. I Love it! Good job!
FNC is reporting on chemical lab/chemicals found in Iraq.. I keep hoping for some coverage of our guys.
I would like to be there also to lend support.
However, I might not make it passed the border check point East of here.
The irony of the left... They think they can make nice with Al Qaeda types and keep them at bay.
Little do they know the Islamofascists will destroy them as well as the rest of us if they ever get a foothold!
And, of course, the best way to take us down is to divide and conquer via the left/pacifists/commies/progressives/socialists!
I always suspected this about you, but now I know. You're evil!! ;-)
Amen Pegita.
We do thank God daily for this great country, the troops that protect us and others as well and we pray He will indeed assist us in letting the world know of our love and and patriotism to this nation.
"TT", Beth & Nana
God bless our freepin' freepers today!
God bless our troops!
God bless America!
Ooohh, I missed that site in all my web scouring. Thanks for the link. I'm gonna have to check it out, and may link it to HAT.
We're about 40 minutes away--would it still be worthwhile to head down there? Are they still near the civic center?
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