Posted on 08/13/2005 6:55:59 AM PDT by kristinn
I read a story earlier about the ceremony in Iraq for Casey Sheehan and the others killed in that mission. They call their names three times and, of course, there is no answer. I thought to myself, though, that Casey and the others answered when it really mattered. God bless them.
"Also if you live near a VA hospital, or Vets home....."
FReepers need to think offense, not defense! BRAVO!
It's about supporting our troops 1st,
not "defending" President Bush.
He knows how to lead, by example.
Stalking would be appropriate. Notice how she calls the President "George," and assumes a familiarity that she does not have. She talks about the President in the same way that serial killers think about their "prey." And in the same way that a serial killer finds the actual killing anticlimactic and dull following the excitement of the planning of the act, I don't believe that she wants for the President to acquiesce to her demands. She needs an object for her hatred, and she doesn't want for that object to be taken away.
If found it interesting how she stated that she and her "family" had worked so hard to "re-defeat" the President. She has admitted that she has essentially abandoned her family in order to pursue this cause. Unless she now considers her family the terrorist symphathizers with which she now associates. Or maybe she considers her family to now be the demons of conscience which are now stalking her and driving her closer to the edge of sanity.
Thanks. We are still waiting. Someone will have to have a camera phone and cell coverage out of there to get them to us. Otherwise, we'll see them later when they get home.
Good point! lol
Greetings Tonk, thanks for the ping to this thread.
The same company Ms. Sheehan keeps took a DUmp upon Cleveland's fallen hero remembrance ceremony earlier this week.
She's a fruitcake. Isn't she the one who was insulted that he called her "mom"?
goodboy (1000+ posts)
4. One of those f**** called Cindy "anti semetic and america-hating"
Yet, her son died fighting for that f*****'s freedom.
Apparently even the DUmmies know it's not about oil.
This is going to sound uninformed, but what does that flag with the single blue star signify? I've seen car window stickers like that in the PX where my husband is stationed, but I've no idea what it means.
What happen to STALKING LAWS?????
Thank You for your service to our country.
I think FOX should show that photo, it is great. Totally debunks her recanted statement that he is cold hearted or whatever she said after she said "he seems like a man of faith"... blah blah blah.
Th blue star means they have someone fighting in the war. The gold stars means they have someone who was killed in action.
That DUmmie is actually talking about me and a post I made earlier. I think it's hilarious that the fool is pontificating about people dying to protect my freedom, when I'm the one with a husband who's been to Iraq twice to protect that fool's right to hate America and the military. I know a few soldiers who have died, and none of their mothers are making such a mockery of their memory. But it all goes back to my earlier statement that the leftists only love dead soldiers, and they only love the families of soldiers that piss on their loved one's grave.
Oh. I need to go and get one of those window stickers, then!
Yup! and God Bless You both!
That's a "Blue Star" flag. It means you have a family member servicing in the armed forces.
Two blue stars on the flag, two family members. A "Gold Star" flag means you've lost a family member in the service of our country.
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