Posted on 08/13/2005 6:55:59 AM PDT by kristinn
Nothing wrong about "Guilt by Association" if the association is voluntary and the folks associated with were notorius before the association took place. Both conditions are satisfied in the case of Cindy S. and Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, etc..
How? Surely someone would like the 10 percent "finders fee" on this.
One lady asked me, 'Is this the we support Bush rally? She was also misdirected.
Major issue there.
That land is either right of way...or that man's private property. Either way.....there is an issue of law violation by the hippies.
Awsome post, bitt.
How? Surely someone would like the 10 percent "finders fee" on this.
Apparently she is open about it. Has bragged about it recently. In fact, I assume she is delinquent longer that that as she has had tax liens on her property since 1996. I guess the liens mean the cat is out of the bag so no bounty to pay.
That wasn't a picture of us that they posted. We didn't have a bus there.
Most were where they have always been - in a ditch on the side of the road of life.
Shotgun. In the air, is generally how they are fired, since they are used mostly for aerial targets, such as clay pidgeons, real pigeons, crows, dove, quail and pheasants.
Probably just getting tuned up for dove season. In fact there's a wav file with an interview of the old boy who fired the shotgun, and that's what he said he was doing, getting ready for dove season. :)
Listen to the audio! That old boy is PO'd, Big Time. (and not just at the Cindyites, although primarily them.) The local sheriff needs to read the riot act and clear that road, before somebody gets hurt.
On a lighter note, the guy has a good sense of humor too. He called the concentration between the Cindyites and the counter demonstrators "The War of the Porta-Potties". (Wave file)
Sorry, I didn't catch her name. Maybe someone else who was there did?
What post number is the black woman you are asking about on? I was there. There were a couple of black women who came.
"She is Catholic
Just Like
Uh huh. Aaaaaaaaand, I'm Catholic and I'm not in the least bit like Kennedy, Kerry, Durbin, Biden, Lahey, or any other leftist et cetera types.
Kindly don't write things that lump all Catholics together on the political trash heap. It's incorrect and truly unfair.
You are correct. Someone should call the ACLU!
Many were directed to many different rallies. In fairness to the locals and "helpful" types, they couldn't know which support the troop rally was which.
Although it was disappointing to not get to meet all of the HOT FReepers, I really felt that the spread of counter protests hemmed in the hippies. They could not leave their love fest without passing many "We love President Bush" and "Support our Troops" signs, no matter which escape route they attempted to use.
Hmmm.... That was the most fun I had all day!
That's dead on! The left vehemently denies the insidious role played by their "fellow traveller" strategy in undermining our way of life. The volume of their disingenous denials says it all!
They have a Communist mentality; there is no "ownership". They see themselves as the elite; they believe that they, as leaders of the anti-American movement, are the entitled ones who have the right of first refusal regarding public land usage and public money allocation.
BOW to their wisdom, peon! (They really think that way.)
I read that the neighbors are taking a petition to the McClennan county meeting on Tuesday night to get them removed.
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