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| Saturday, August 13, 2005
| Kristinn
Posted on 08/13/2005 6:55:59 AM PDT by kristinn
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To: Boazo
Gael Murphy is the spitting image of Robert Redford.
To: kristinn
Yahoo - Texas FReepers and guests. God Bless America and our troops and President Bush!
posted on
08/13/2005 9:14:33 AM PDT
(Liberals: Too stupid to realize Dick Cheney is the real Dark Lord.)
To: kristinn; The Sailor; txradioguy; Jet Jaguar; Defender2; Blue Scourge; Cool Multiservice Soldier; ..
To All the FReepers who wish they could be in Crawford
to support President Bush and the Troops.
You do not have to be in Texas to show support for the Troops.
Visit your local military base today and at least once a week.
Or a military or veteran hospital.
Learn to play offense, not defense,
and quit giving free publicity to those who mock our troops.
To: All
Spineless US Senate would rather protect Hanoi Kerry
than deal with the anti war crowd.
Anyone who thinks Hanoi Kerry isn't behind the anti war crowd needs to get a clue.
It's time to support our troops and ignore the jelly fish in the US Senate!
There is no need to impeach Hanoi Kerry from the US Senate
He is there illegally!
For those who "forgot" what Hanoi Kerry
did in the past read on and learn the truth.
Hanoi Kerry was still a USNR officer while he:
gave false hearsay testimony to Congress
negotiated with the enemy
helped the US lose a war
abetted in the deaths of millions
created a hostile environment for all servicemen
Why is Kerry still in the US Senate?
This is in violation of
U.S. Constitution Amendment 14 Sec 3
And the FBI has proof of his treason.
Hanoi Kerry Timeline of a traitor
includes FBI files
May 1970
Kerry and Julia traveled to Paris, France and met with Madame Nguyen Thi Binh, the Foreign Minister of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of Vietnam (PRG), the political wing of the Vietcong, and other Viet Cong and Communist Vietnamese representatives to the Paris peace talks, a trip he now calls a "fact-finding" mission.
(U.S. code 18 U.S.C. 953, declares it illegal for a U.S. citizen to go abroad and negotiate with a foreign power.)
a) A person charged with absence without leave or missing movement in time of war,
or with any offense punishable by death,
may be tried at any time without limitation.*%20843.%20ART.%2043.%20STATUTE%20OF%20LIMITATIONS
Distribute these url's!
Links to Anti Kerry sites
News reports,
Viper's Vietnam Veterans Page
Full details on these url's!
There is a backup site
if the 1st url is unavailable.
Did you see this...?
(The 'Kerry's Promise Counter') even tells you how to install it on your own page!
To: Jeff Head; All
Code Pinko-- the Cindy Sheehan affair ( click the picture )
posted on
08/13/2005 9:19:45 AM PDT
(The 1990's? The Decade of Fraud(s)™...)
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
Dang----I am just hating having to miss this...
granddaughters Birthday today!!!
BUT, I am following along on here until I have to leave for party...
I wish Tony Snow was on Fox today...I know he would make a point of having some live coverage of the Freepers!!!
posted on
08/13/2005 9:21:28 AM PDT
(Germaine Brousard: She deserves a medal for what she does for the troops!)
To: Jeff Head
I was one of about 50 on the bus and another additional half dozen cars that went down there yesterday with Mike Gallagher of KRLD radio here in Dallas..he put it together yesterday in about 2-3 hours. Got a donated bus and food and a bunch of great folks went down and put on a show supporting our President and our troops. We met some folks in Crawford who had driven from the surrounding area and went out to where the goofies were congregated. There seemed to be more press than goofies there until we arrived and then the press came running over to our side of the road.....pretty amazing. The goofies just stood there and guessed it...goofy.
The ones I observed seemed like the fools that were making one last protest effort before they take a dirt nap. Probably got there start in the 60's..pretty pathetic lot at best....
I was going to drive down today to be with the Freepers...but the bus was too tempting. Side note...a lady who has a resturant in Bellmeade brought over two giant pans of fried chicken and rolls and donated them to us....she had heard we were coming and wanted to make a statement....Made me proud to be a Texan....and of course an American, good folks that they are..
posted on
08/13/2005 9:24:35 AM PDT
RVN Airplane Driver
(Thanks America for not slapping us in the face again.)
To: Jeff Head
Me & the Prez drive the same truck 'cept his is a little newer.
posted on
08/13/2005 9:25:29 AM PDT
To: All
GREAT NEWS ALL!!! Keep us updated and send pics!!
posted on
08/13/2005 9:26:32 AM PDT
To: freema
".these folks have been down there all week? Are they taking vacation or sick days?"
They probably don't have jobs - they're professional protesters, brought in by bus from San Francisco.
posted on
08/13/2005 9:27:56 AM PDT
To: tiredoflaundry
I think I just hurt myself laughing!
posted on
08/13/2005 9:28:02 AM PDT
(The right to do something does not mean that doing it is right.)
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
HeHeHeHe....I get to do that everyday as do spiff, hijinx, the FR banished Jackelopebreeder and many others we work with that just lurk; we work directly supporting the new soldiers coming out of AIT, OBC & OAC with new software to do their job, as instructors, as field support techs (and a good number of those have been in theater several times right with the frontline troops at BN level) and that's just duty hours.
Kidding aside Tonk you left off an easy one to recommend.
Be a Boy Scout Leader or a Girl Scout Leader and a friend to the spouse left behind to help raise up a strong healthy service member's child and instill the values we so cherish in them.
posted on
08/13/2005 9:28:47 AM PDT
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
I think it is great that so many freepers are supporting this rally.
To: All
And now a word from our Sponsors of Free Speech
Click on a service emblem to send an online
Thank You to a service man or woman in any branch.
Army |
Navy |
Marines |
Air Force |
Coast Guard |
"This is from me to those that have not written yet, please write, use it,
tell about your family, your hobbies, how the weather is, what are you planning for the weekend.
Tell a funny thing that happened, send a joke anything. Tell about your pets and kids.
We miss home and it means a lot to hear from everyone."
From a US Marine's e-mail
Will You help keep the Candle Lit for our service men and women?
Can you spare a few moments today to either
e-mail them or learn about sending packages to them?
Many of them are away from home for the 1st time.
PLEASE Click on the graphic and help cheer them up.
You will stay right where you are on this thread while you write them.
To: roses of sharon
Yep...they support our troops while they compare them to the Nazis
posted on
08/13/2005 9:31:29 AM PDT
(“This country is not worth dying for" .....Cindy Sheehan)
To: kristinn
There were military wives on the local news in Houston last night saying that they were going to Crawford to support the Pres. I was wondering if they were FReepers and would just about have bet on it. Now I know that answer to that!
I didn't create a thread because I assumed that one of them would have already done so.
I couldn't make it today.
posted on
08/13/2005 9:31:34 AM PDT
El Gran Salseron
(Dear LUV W, Please don't pick on me today! :-))
To: RVN Airplane Driver
Great report and a Big THANK YOU, FRiend!
I'm also making a mental note: Stop by that wonderful lady's restaurant next time I'm in the area!
posted on
08/13/2005 9:31:38 AM PDT
(No Racial Profiles = Proof liberalism is a mental disorder)
To: kristinn
posted on
08/13/2005 9:33:44 AM PDT
Zacs Mom
(Proud wife of a Marine! ... and purveyor of "rampant, unedited dialogue")
To: All; kristinn
AS I take off my hazmat suit, the report from DU is they are not happy being FReeped. I would post some of what they are saying, but......all it would look like is,,BLEEP BLEEP BLEEPITY BLEEP!
My Goodness! a nerve has been struck!
posted on
08/13/2005 9:33:51 AM PDT
(Tampa Bay, Fl. The lightning capital of the world!)
To: Diva Betsy Ross
"I think it is great that so many freepers are supporting this rally."
Yes, today's rally is great.
It would be even better to have more support nationwide.
I'm sick of the free publicity these anti war nuts in Crawford get.
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