Posted on 08/13/2005 6:55:59 AM PDT by kristinn
Thanks to both of you!
"Gorelick and Sandy Burgler may have an orange wordrobe
in their future. :)"
A prolonged stay at Club Gitmo with their buds? :)
I'm there with the kleenex! Right now it's not too bad. God, these guys are so wonderful and brave and fearless! How could anyone ever doubt them!
Remarkable lady!!!
typical Delegate Texans, they LOVE stirring it up, especially North of Houston, well anywhere north, just ask them, they'll go there
Finally a Representative of the people with some BACKBONE
And he could also be on vacation.
It is hard for a show to be heartbreaking and heartlifting at the same time...but that show manages it.
Now at over 42,500 views!
LOL!!!!! This is good! I sure wish I knew "who" was all looking, now THAT would be fun!
Nice job out there today. Hope you all take a well-deserved rest on Sunday.
Me and my wife (texjan)got there a little late....
Afterwords..Had a great time driving my pickup by Camp Cindy to jeer the Dummies and holler support to the 1st Cav soldiers there..
We stole some media thunder today, which got their panties all up in a wad since assuredly they have been interneting all week to plan their big splash which freepers, gallagher, and others spoiled to an extent
Next time I want to be in a line of conservatives right across the street, throwing verbal bombs.
We need a base of operations....I know some locals, but I hate to impose....
The locals HATE the leftonazis..
A VERY wise choice!!! Did you get to talk to him?
Is there talk about returning to Crawford to FReep again for the troops and the President?
I think anything concerning our troops is that way. God bless them!
Welcome to FR, fahraint!!! THANK YOU for the support!!!
"A grieving mother,"
"The grieving mother protesting,"
Why is it that every article, radio and TV news report and photo caption always uses this in its copy?
Does the MSM think we don't already know that this woman's son (God Bless him) died in Iraq?
What she is now doing has nothing at all to do with grief. It's all anger now, fed by the Leftist Moonbats who have surrounded her for the past year-plus.
Much like any other predatory animal, the womyn of Code Pink, Leftists of MFSO and their misleadingly named offshoot Gold Star Families for Peace, and various other America-hating groups saw in Cindy Sheehan an "easy mark." She was already a liberal koolaid drinker, and it probably didn't take too much "love bomb" effort to turn a grieving liberal mother into their poster child.
I am so very sick of the MSM's fawning coverage of Sheehan. I wish that there was just one MSM reporter with the balls to ask Cindy Sheehan the type of questions a real reporter would ask, and not all the Oprahfied marshmallow crap they've been poofing her way.
I honestly don't know!!!
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