Posted on 08/13/2005 6:55:59 AM PDT by kristinn
Is that the Freepers?
When she was spoken of, which was not much, it was "more in sorrow than in anger" that she was being used by the America hating, Commie and Jihadie loving left wing radicals, many of them the same folks who brought us the "reeducation camps of Vietnam, and the Killing Fields of Cambodia".
Thanks for the post!
Hugs, love, and thanks to all! The red state folks appreciate you!
Those are the support our troops folks pictured on Fox News. Dunno if they're FReepers. Anybody recognize anyone? :o)
Was that Dr. Raoul just shown on the Fox news break?
"But whats a million times worse than a mother who has gone nuts with grief is the whole political movement thats congealing around her like shes the patron saint of crazy and they all want to be pilgrims."
Well put.
I made it home!! Sunburned and tired, but I'm getting pictures ready to post....
FANTASTIC! Thanks to everyone who supported the FReep in Crawford. Great looking group of well-behaved, smart people. Each one of you really makes me feel proud.
I don't have cable...
Dao;y Kos I think it was.
"Who knew that the beginning of the end of the occupation in Iraq was going to start last Saturday in Crawford, Texas? said Cindy Sheehan of Vacaville, Calif..."
I was under the impression that the end of the OCCUPATION occurred over a year ago when a free and independent Iraq was given sovereignty over its own affairs and requested that the US stay to assist in the reconstruction. I was sure I saw Bremmer wave and get on a plane out of the country! Wasn't that just about at the same time as she was having her one and ONLY meeting with President Bush?!!
Not me..I dubbed her Sindee..someone else called her Sindbad Sindy after that.
No real mother would say she wants to run over her son with a car for any reason...unless of course she is insane, and then we might be able to call her the mother from h&ll.
Who knew that the beginning of the end of the occupation in Iraq was going to start last Saturday in Crawford, Texas? said Cindy Sheehan of Vacaville, Calif., who started the protest Aug. 6 in memory of her 24-year-old son Casey, killed in Iraq last year. We're here to change the world.
How very nice I'm sure. And on behalf of us the great unwashed I like to say thank you thank you thank you for changing the world. I was wondering when you get done changing the world will there still be Hostess Twinkies? Cause I'd really miss them. I know it's a small price to pay for peace love and understanding but still...I'd really miss them, so if you could see your way clear to keep them I'd appreciate it.
No, it didn't become hate, it became psychosis. IMO, the President probably would have talked to here, but the secret service made the wise decision not to let her near him!
Right side of the crowd (listening to Doctor Raoul
Great sign from a non-Freeper!
My family and I attended the rally this afternoon and I have some pics; however, I am somewhat challenged at posting pics...if someone would kindly let me know how to post them, I will be happy to share. It was a great opportunity to attend and thanks to the Freepers who made it happen so quickly!
The Pro-Bush ~ Support The Troops rally barely got a mention at the end of the story as a mere after thought, not significant enough to warrant more than a mention.
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