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| Saturday, August 13, 2005
| Kristinn
Posted on 08/13/2005 6:55:59 AM PDT by kristinn
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To: DJ MacWoW
LOL the DU conspirazoids always have trouble during one of their faux "love" of soldiers their families and country scripts! Their hate seeps out eventually.
What's even more hilarious is that bitch hangs with MM, whos "minutemen" killed her son.
The commie-vampires suck the lifes blood out of everything good, they shrink from the flag and the cross, and love death and victimhood.
Their pretense is in plain site.
To: freema
Excellent point...and another interesting one- someone earlier asked if Casey's (life insurance) was funding this and I think it should be reiterated...these folks have been down there all week? Are they taking vacation or sick days?I read an article on FR a few days ago that said Cindy was indeed using the funds from Casey's life insurance to pay for her living expenses while she cavorted with groups who support the terrorists that killed her son.
As for the leftists that have joined her down there, I doubt they every have any sick days or vacation days to take off from work. They are likely "professional protestors," meaning they are unemployed.
To: All
Heavenly Father, we return to thank You for the deep love of God and country You have given to our Freeper family ... may this love be manifested today in Crawford for all the world to see. Hinder every attempt to shield the public from seeing or hearing about patriotic support of our troops and their mission ... use every means to bring this day to the hearts and minds of Americans, that we might see and understand that the enemy of our country is formidable, but greater are You, O God. Grant journey mercies to all who are traveling ... grant success to their efforts ... turn hearts and minds back to the foundation on which our beloved United States has been established ... love of God and love of country. In the Name of Jesus, may it be thus, O Lord, may it be thus ... Amen ...
posted on
08/13/2005 8:49:52 AM PDT
('Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His Word ...)
To: The Phantom FReeper
They have thought that for a very long time.
posted on
08/13/2005 8:50:12 AM PDT
(mom to an angel)
To: Jeff Head
"that things go well for our people there."
Yes, the others in the anti-everything good and honorable group can be very aggressive,hateful & profane.
Praying that the freepers will stay calm & strong.
posted on
08/13/2005 8:50:33 AM PDT
To: MamaB
God bless you too...I'm in Idaho wishing I could be down there myself.
posted on
08/13/2005 8:50:39 AM PDT
Jeff Head
To: MaineVoter2002
Ankarlo of KLIF 570 AM in DFW was going down this morning to rally for the troops at 9:00 a.m. There were meeting at a guy's house that is located next door to the Peace House. From the website: "Join Darrell as he walks to Prairie Chapel Rd. in Crawford Texas to show support for our Troops and our President."
posted on
08/13/2005 8:50:48 AM PDT
To: kristinn
Do any of the Freepers at the rally have picture phones? That would be cool if they could send us photos...
To: Jeff Head
I love the sight of REAL Americans!
To: Pegita
posted on
08/13/2005 8:52:31 AM PDT
(mom to an angel)
So ..... the folks at Free Republic are FReepers and we FReep. I guess it could be said that the afflicted at DU are DUmpers and they DUmp? Sort of gives new meaning to the term 'potty mouth', doesn't it?
God Speed all of you FReepers in Crawford and bless you for your efforts to support our troops and our CIC. Safe travels to all!
posted on
08/13/2005 8:54:07 AM PDT
(You can't act like a skunk without someone getting wind of it.)
To: roses of sharon
From yesterday...

Conservative radio talk show host Mike Gallagher uses a bullhorn to talk to his followers across the street from the camp of Cindy Sheehan near Crawford, Texas
posted on
08/13/2005 8:54:39 AM PDT
Jeff Head
To: The Phantom FReeper
They are deluded and powerless. Their unrestrained barking moonbat ravings are a gift for our side in that Americans are seeing them as they really are.
Sorry that you have to be the personal target of their vitriol. Thanks to you and your husband for your service to our country.
posted on
08/13/2005 8:55:05 AM PDT
(I've got a hole in my head too, but that's beside the point.)
To: Pegita
Amen and Amen Pegita!
From Northern Virginia, my heart is in Crawford Texas today.
God Bless the Freepers! God Bless our Country! God Bless our President! GOD BLESS OUR WONDERFUL TROOPS!
posted on
08/13/2005 8:55:59 AM PDT
( If you let a smile be your umbrella, then most likely your butt will get soaking wet.)
To: MissMagnolia
I guess it could be said that the afflicted at DU are DUmpers and they DUmp?Laughed hard enough to almost hurt myself.
posted on
08/13/2005 8:56:38 AM PDT
(Air America: kids-for-kilowatts)
To: kristinn
posted on
08/13/2005 8:56:59 AM PDT
To: Pegita
God. Grant journey mercies to all who are traveling ... grant success to their efforts ... turn hearts and minds back to the foundation on which our beloved United States has been established ... love of God and love of country. In the Name of Jesus, may it be thus, O Lord, may it be thus ... Amen ... From your lips and heart to God's ear...Amen!
posted on
08/13/2005 8:57:59 AM PDT
Jeff Head
To: All
Update three: Just spoke with Basil. The Sarce has arrived with the sound system. About a dozen freepers are there to help with the set up. So far, so good.
To: kristinn
With you all in spirit today...and with the troops, the President and his team....AND the Iraqi's that deserve a shot at freedom as much as we do.
Prayers are with you.
Now, make us proud! (and have fun, too!)
DUmmies can read our thread and weep because FREEPERS ARE GOING TO SUPPORT OUR PRESIDENT DESPITE THAT WACKY LITTLE "GENERAL" SHEEHAN - who thinks she knows best how to win the war against Al Qaeda!
posted on
08/13/2005 9:01:12 AM PDT
(No Racial Profiles = Proof liberalism is a mental disorder)
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